Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 919: Do not understand

The clock slowly moved forward, one second one minute and one hour. From afternoon to night, until moonlight and starlight shrouded "The·Che", almost the entire city was sleeping peacefully. When a gust of wind blew, the soldier who was napping because of fatigue was awakened, and then fell asleep again under the influence of psychic powers. . Zhao Mai with the golden flame candle head and Xiaohua with the silver moonlight fluffy head finally came back using Apparition, and they also took a third person.

Tyrion's heart raised his throat.

It was obviously a woman, wrapped in a gray burlap cloak, with a black gauze covering her face, revealing only her eyes and slender fingers. The only decoration on her body is on her chest, which is the emblem of the "moker" in the Faith of the Seven Gods, and she must be the "silent sister" serving this death god.

The members of the Silent Sisters vowed to abstain from **** and remain silent forever. They mainly deal with the dead body for the funeral. Sometimes they also appear on the battlefield, or arrange for death, or let some wounded live-it depends entirely on the arrangement of the stranger. The woman looked at the Red Fort not far away in a little panic, and immediately understood that she had come to Junlin City, and she couldn't help shaking.

Tyrion was trembling too, his fingers grasping the door of the car even slid away from the handle, and he tried a second time before pulling the door. Seeing Tyrion, the woman hurriedly hid behind Xiao Hua, squatted down hurriedly, as if she could feel a sense of security behind this little girl.

"Tessa...?" Tyrion's legs were not the same length. At this time, he had forgotten to cover up the defect, and staggered and walked over. With the light of Xiaohua's hair, he saw the blue eyes of the other party. The original pure azure blue has been stained with gray, and the tears in it are mixed with fear and surprise, and they flow silently.

"I know the whole story, you are not a prostitute, I was wrong... I killed you... I'm sorry." Tyrion exhausted his strength when he said this, and fell on the ground with his legs soft.

"After leaving Lannister's barracks, she was seriously injured and seriously ill, almost dead. With the help of the Silent Sisters who followed the army, she barely survived, and then joined the Silent Sisters for three years." Zhao Mai said: "Stand up, Tyrion. She is still standing, you are not qualified to fall."

"Yes." Tyrion got up. He looked at Tessa and said: "My mistake is not to believe in my heart, not to believe in you. I remember your love, I also remember my love for you, but it collapsed because of a lie. After that, I didn't protect you. , I hate myself while hating you at the same time, making you suffer."

Tessa reached out and touched the holy emblem on her chest. The cold emblem of Mo Ke was the source of her strength for so many years. It's not a relative or lover, let alone oneself. Tyrion looked at Zhao Mai and said, "I want to ask him why he is doing this to me."

"Go." Zhao Mai said, "Do you need me to help you?"

"No, I want to borrow some food reserves. I need its nose and transmission capabilities. I also want a gunpowder gun."

"No gunpowder gun. People here don't understand the threat represented by the gunpowder gun. It's better to have a crossbow, especially when you want others to speak." Zhao Mai raised his hand, and the stone bricks on the ground flew into a distortion. Later it became a crossbow with five crossbow arrows. "Tyrion, I can hold it when the sky falls. The true god, the true dragon, and the true devil can't be presumptuous. Go and do what you want."

Tyrion's mouth trembled, and he took the crossbow with psionic powers. He took two steps away, then turned around and asked, "Zhao Mai, in your book, did I kill him?"

"Yes, you found him in the toilet of the Prime Minister's Tower. A crossbow arrow hit him in the stomach and killed him."

"Then what is my final ending?" Tyrion asked in a trembling voice.

"I don't know." Zhao Mai shook his head: "I only know that your destiny is in your hands, and I will have the opportunity to witness. There is actually only one way to reach the end, and that is to find a way to get there."

"I know you changed Satiri's destiny so that she didn't have to follow the script to become a dark sun mage, and finally gained freedom. Can I do that too?"

"Yes." Zhao Mai said affirmatively.

Tyrion took the crossbow on his back, placed one hand on the back of the grain reserve, and the other finger pointed the direction, and the two of them directly sent it over. The true magic of Westeros has fallen, and it can't stop these people at all. Moreover, Tyrion once lived in the Prime Minister's Tower and is very familiar with the terrain there.

After Zhao Mai watched him tiptoe and disappear into the corner of the castle, the soldiers standing guard there had fallen into uncontrollable sleep. Tyrion's psychic powers are used very steadily and skillfully, which shows that his heart has gradually calmed down-even if the dark tide is surging, even if it is just the calm before the tsunami, he has spells by his side, there will be no big problem .

Tessa saw Zhao Mai transforming a crossbow out of the stone bricks, so she knelt to the ground. Zhao Mai thought she would regard her as a god, but she just held Mo Ke's emblem in both hands, her lips moved slightly but kept praying silently.

"Moker does not exist," Zhao Mai said, "This world has only the divine power of the will of the world but no god."

Tessa remained unmoved, still praying. As a truly powerful man, Zhao Mai was able to "intercept" Tessa's prayer. She did not pray for peace and safety, but only for a quick, painless, and peaceful death, so that she would never have to suffer pain after death.

"Death is not liberation. After death, there is nothing. If there is liberation, why is there no pain as well? Does death filter certain feelings and events?" Zhao Mai said, "Why don't you find the soul while you are alive? Be calm, and then really face death safely?"

Tessa didn't pause at all, still praying. Since Zhao Mai helped Bran locate her in time, and then brought her from the camp of Silent Sisters, she was like this. The Silent Sisters vowed never to speak, or even communicate with Zhao Mai in psychic powers. Zhao Mai didn’t have any good solutions, so she could only be brought out by the rogue method of "if you don’t say objection, I’ll pretend to be your default"~www.ltnovel.com~ About twenty minutes later, Tyrion and reserve The food is back. The little devil had no crossbow in his hand, and his face was very lonely. He looked at Zhao Mai, then stayed on Tessa for a long time, and finally said: "Tessa, would you like to go with me? I will take good care of you, because you are my wife and I still miss you."

Tessa finally glanced at Tyrion, then slowly shook her head. Tyrion habitually wanted to find some money from her body, but then thought of the gold coin that he paid back then, slapped himself and returned to the car.

"I'll send you back." Zhao Mai took Tessa to use Apparition, and came back after a while. He returned to the driver's seat and threw a stranger's emblem to Tyrion.

"This is from Tessa," Zhao Mai said. "She found her home in Sister Silence and didn't want to leave."

Tyrion put the emblem on his neck with a rope, and after a long time he said: "He is dead, I only used an arrow on the toilet. Is this fate?"

"I don't understand either." Zhao Mai said to Tyrion as well as himself: "I don't understand either..."

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