Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 920: The beginning of the chaos

Because of Tyrion, the mood of the people in the car became very depressed. Everyone didn't want to talk, just communicated some simple emotions with their eyes.

"The·Che" is driving in the black space-time passage to the earth. Outside the window is the Milky Way composed of bright stars, connecting two different worlds. Every time you can see a different scenery in the passage, the mood will be different because of this, but this time...

A jolt came from under the buttocks, the car shook three times, and the frame of the car groaned unwillingly. Xiao Hua immediately grabbed Zhao Mai's sleeve, and the reserve grain also raised her head to guard. Everything outside the car window looked normal, with the black sky curtain and dazzling stars, nothing unusual at all.

The car shook a few more times, but luckily it had already passed through the tunnel at this time. They are appearing above Wakanda Palace, where they left. Looking down, the palace is still peaceful and peaceful, whether it is a rebellion or the hiring of adventurers, there is still a way to go.

When the car stopped steadily, someone would welcome it. "Your Majesty," the guards saluted respectfully when seeing Dojian. Duojian naturally took out the queen's style, and swaggered towards his palace with a group of women. Zhao Mai and Reserve Food followed behind, and both guys looked up at the sky.

"Strange, why can't you feel any fluctuations in the will of the world? It's not like this when you leave!"

Indeed, the surrounding atmosphere made Zhao Mai tense, inexplicably tense. It seems that this planet is like a surprised rabbit, hiding carefully among the crevices of rocks, grass and bushes, breathing lightly, lowering himself, and observing the surrounding situation. , Looking for the source of danger. Contrary to it, many powerful energy disturbances are reflected in the sky. In Zhao Mai's eyes, they are like aurora, like a rainbow, like the sword of Damocles that gathers destructive power. Fortunately, none of these forces can match their own domain.

When getting out of the car, there were indeed a few peeping powers and gazes, but Zhao Mai had already ruthlessly forced them back. I hope those people can learn the lesson, otherwise Zhao Mai wouldn't mind teaching them. Taking advantage of no one's attention for the time being, Zhao Mai turned back to the car and opened the trunk.

The storage space of the car is full of Z-worm cell-derived matter, all in a dormant state. Since the Z bug is Zhao Mai and Zhao Mai is the Z bug, these sources are not "passengers", but can only be regarded as "spare bodies" for drivers. Of course, Zhao Mai has also experimented with Gardener Dragon and Bursting Tooth Orcs. Although they are also a Z-worm race, they are considered to have independent intelligence, and they need to pay for crossing.

But Zhao Mai can easily create Gardener Dragon and Exploded Tooth Goblin with his source quality. What about that? Anyway, it's good for him, so Zhao Mai doesn't want to go into it. The Earth currently feels very bad for him. At this time, he has to manage the corners and protect himself in the Central Plains.

The source quality flowed out and began to deform in Zhao Mai's hands. The surrounding soil, trees, steel, and water in the garden fountain all gathered in Zhao Mai's hands and added to the source quality. The powerful natural force is surging, and energy fluctuations continue to spread outward. However, Zhao Mai didn't want others to pay too much attention to the situation here, so he absorbed them in his own field.

About ten minutes later, a new Chimera spacecraft stopped on the square in front of the palace. It is also constantly absorbing the source material and getting nutrients from the surrounding soil. Legionnaires scattered throughout many places in Wakanda began to wither, and nutrients gathered in the spacecraft along with the soil. Zhao Mai took advantage of its "fueling" time and used the source quality to create the basic unit of the new generation of Z insects.

This is not the first batch of him to launch Z-worms into space. There have been explorer spacecraft with soil, workers, and jumping dogs as the core before. Now there are Gardener Dragons, Carrier Insects, Hydralisks and Flying Dragons, and more importantly, there are Fangfang Goblin and Orcs. Therefore, the Z bug is more adaptable: when talking about peace and development, there is a gardener dragon, when talking about war and conquest, there are explosive teeth.

In addition to being uneducated and unintelligent, Z bugs now have no obvious shortcomings.

The new generation of Chimera spacecraft has one more capability. Thanks to the help of Xiaohua and the sacred tree, as well as many Atas scholars' research on the Tower of Purity, coupled with the use of energy transfer and resistance by the magic dragon transformation, the Chimera spacecraft has been able to use solar energy to proliferate itself. It can be quite close to the sun, capturing particles and energy for use. This method is much faster and safer than expanding the base, collecting materials and then burning the cells. Under normal circumstances, there are no living things around a star. You can expand your base and expand your strength before landing on the planet. Start with an unmanned planet and avoid conflict. First occupy the general trend, and then seek tangible benefits.

This spacecraft will not stay in the solar system, and will go directly to the depths of space after taking off. It may encounter those spacecraft that have set off before, or even the planets that have already laid ground. But this is not important. Near the first star, it will begin to proliferate, rebuild an exploration spacecraft, and then move on to the next luminous body in the universe.

As Zhao Mai looked up at the stars, many people's eyes remained on the ground. The blue-skinned apocalypse constantly suppresses Serena with a powerful force, and limits the opponent's magic with its ability to control molecules. But magic is magic after all, and changing reality is the essence of magic. Serena was beaten up and down, and her body was aging, but she still stubbornly maintained her spells.

"En Sabah Nur, you are willing to be a running dog, it's really shameful!" Serena bit her lip, her thumb was stained with blood ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ engraved magic runes in the air with firm movements , Slow and powerful. Her other hand was waving quickly, and she kept throwing spells one after another to hinder, interfere with and destroy the power of the apocalypse. She and her opponent are connected by a blue light belt. Every time the Apocalypse approaches, she will be ejected by the light belt to maintain a safe distance. But Apocalypse is also a knowledgeable and powerful man. He will definitely penetrate the secrets of the light zone. Being close to Apocalypse means that his own material is manipulated by him, which is the end of death.

"Selena, Old Antique, you are just too long behind this era, and you don't know how to cooperate." Tianqi suddenly stopped, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He opened his arms and slowly raised his palms upwards. Mud and sand rose from the ground and turned into sculptures of himself. Apocalypse really found the weakness of the blue belt, because every statue was in motion, and their bodies were connected to Serena with blue light belts.

From all directions, the blue ribbon trapped Serena in the center, just as a spider trapped its prey in the center of the web. The Apocalypse slowly approached the middle, but Serena was bound by the blue ribbon and had nowhere to dodge. The blue face of Tianqi gradually approached, and the grim and wretched smile hung on his face, which made it uncomfortable to look at. Selena finally completed the composition of the spell, and the black smoke exploded, and she disappeared from the face of Apocalypse, leaving him without a trace.

"Where can you hide? On this continent, where can you hide?" Tianqi said with a smile.

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