Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 922: 1st universe speed

Caliban's prying eyes couldn't penetrate Zhao Mai's domain at all, but he decided to conceal the news, after all, his neck was sorely pinched just now. After Tian Qi raised his hand, Caliban sighed with a satisfied and relaxed expression, then lowered his head to avoid Tian Qi seeing the deceit in his eyes, and then said: "The most important news, Caliban got Yes. Serena exchanged a golden compass through her relationship and gave this Mike Dragon Roar. So, he is very likely..."

"Probably the winner of that **** game!" Tianqi's eyes suddenly brightened, and he rubbed his hands excitedly. "Understood. After Atlantis was blocked, it took a lot of effort to win, but the end result was only anger. Based on the information you said before, this Mike Dragon Roar and Atlantis have Certainly, but not so harmonious, so he...haha, I understand, it must be him! His strength is just right, higher than Grindelwald, and he is half an insider, the most convenient to start."

"This time, Atlantis offered Serena a reward because she knew that she had given Mike the golden compass, and kept it secret for a long time, until Atlantis took a lot of effort to figure it out. This matter. Oh, everything is connected. It's good to catch Serena, but Mike is the more valuable target."

"Mike Dragon Roar is the chief templar of Wakanda, the defender who guards Zhenjin, and he has been deprived of the title of wizard rather than ability. Master Apocalypse, you must be careful!"

"The mouse trembles in front of the cat, and it doesn't understand which elephant and lion are stronger." Tianqi waved his hand, and Caliban respectfully and hurriedly left.

It is the instinct of all creatures to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and Caliban decided to leave Wakanda as far as possible. This is a paradise for adventurers, but it is estimated that it will soon become a battlefield. He has never seen a guy who can completely avoid his own detection. The kind of person is either very powerful or extremely clever, but the most terrifying thing is the ability specially created by his Caliban. The last situation means the threat of death, and he must stay away immediately.

Apocalypse is indeed a powerful guy, but his arrogance is more than powerful. After thinking he had the information of Serena and Zhao Mai, he sent it towards the palace. A purple-red light curtain wrapped him, and in the next second he appeared in the square where the feast was being held.

Zhao Mai took off the chef's white hat, took off his apron, patted the residue of Legionnaires in his hand, and walked slowly in front of Tianqi. "En Sabah Nur, also known as Apocalypse," Zhao Mai said: "Selena is now under my protection. This is my promise to her. There was no intersection between me and you. Now because of her It happened, so I allowed you to come in and explain a few words. You can't take her away unless you convince me."

Tianqi squinted his eyes and looked up and down Zhao Mai, and the dark blue lines on his face came into focus. On the hair that was burning with golden flames, his eyes stayed for a long time. "Mike Longhou, Easterner, surrender!"

"No." Zhao Mai flatly refused. "I guess you didn't understand, Serena is now in..."

"——Under your protection, I know." Apocalypse said: "So what? Where is your wand, take it out and let me see. I will give you a chance to let you feel what is called the power level gap!"

"Not on the same channel at all..." Zhao Mai looked at Tianqi, and then asked: "You look quite strong, how much weight do you have?"

"What does this have to do with?"

"Avoid you from flying away from the earth beyond the first cosmic speed!" Zhao Mai put his hand on Tianqi's chest and pushed it suddenly. The simple mechanics principle worked, and the blue body of Tianqi was launched directly to the sky. The handover of the land.

In just a moment, the huge palace shrank into a small spot in the distance, the clouds and the ground kept moving away, the air quickly became thin and cold, and the skin of Apocalypse was covered with ice. He exerted strength on his shoulders and slowed himself down until he stopped using the remote control of his mind. At this time, he could already see the dark cosmic background and the graceful arc of the earth.

Reached out and touched his chest, there was no hurt or pain. He didn't understand how he was suddenly accelerated. It stands to reason that such a short-term speed change is generally caused by a huge impact. "Magic, some kind of magic!" He thought about it, but he did not feel any fluctuations in magical power.

Thinking about it carefully, he didn't seem to feel any energy fluctuations in Mike Longhou just now, which was very unusual. "Illusory? Or space magic?" Apocalypse is indeed well-informed, but there are so many possible options that he has no choice. "Interesting person, suitable to be my knight! I decided it was you!"

When Zhao Mai pushed out the Apocalypse with a palm, everyone was continuing to banquet and didn't take this matter to heart. Only Serena stood up, with the power of magic in her hand, ready to attack and defend herself. Satili let out a "Huh", looked at the spell in her hand curiously, feeling the different energy structure, and asked sincerely: "Can you teach me your spell? We can exchange it."

"You... why don't you worry..." Serena just finished asking the question and saw the apocalypse disappear in the sky. She rubbed her eyes, as if she didn't believe everything she saw, she faltered and asked, "How did he do it?"

"To be honest, we don't know." Dojian motioned her to sit down, and then said: "Your golden compass has helped us a lot. If there is no experience in exchange for a compass, we will not be able to reunite as a family. So, Zhao Mai said that he will protect you, so don’t worry."

"What I need is not protection, but to get out of here quickly." Serena said: "This world is in chaos, and at present, only a world where Mike has complete control of access can guarantee safety ~www.ltnovel.com~My place There are gold coins of fate saved, but there is no coordinates and right of way. I don’t want anything else, I just want to take refuge in that place! I advise you to take refuge too, the earth has become too dangerous!"

"What you want is the security guarantee. Just give you this. As for the world you said. I'm sorry, I can't let you pass, and there is really no help for evacuation." Zhao Mai walked over and spread out. He said with both hands: "Unless I encounter a problem that I can't solve, I will be able to let you go to my world. But in my opinion, En Shabanur is not a problem that can't be solved."

"That's because you don't know that guy!" Serena said: "He is the first mutant, one of the most powerful."

"Didn't you live longer than him, why are you not the first?"

"He was born, I..." Serena hesitated, but it seemed that she still didn't want to mention her past. She just wanted to warn Zhao Mai of Tianqi's strength: "He is a paranoid lunatic. He will give up! He will definitely come back to find you!"

"Already on the way back, but this time the teleportation is useless, he has to fly back. Why not take advantage of this time, you tell me how you found something wrong with the earth?"

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