Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 923: Please love the earth

"This was not part of our original agreement. You and Logan found me, I will give you the golden compass, gain your favor, and help me when I need it." Serena shook her head slowly: "Mike, you Say you are a person who keeps your promises. Now all my hope lies in your promise. My request is very clear. Send me to a place where you completely control the right of passage, and keep me away from this **** earth."

"Only my family can pass the earth, no one else can go there." Zhao Mai said: "Your back is me. I will ensure your safety. This is the limit I can promise you. Celine Na, when I took you in, I got myself involved in your troubles. Trust me, I won't make fun of my loved ones. You are with them in the safest place in the world."

"Asshole! Men can't be trusted!" Serena flicked, and two black sword eyebrows gathered in the middle. "I don't know where your confidence comes from, this kid, don't overturn the ship in the gutter! The apocalypse is here, you can solve him first-if you can."

After speaking, she took a few steps back and began to draw the magic circle on the ground. Satiri poked her head to watch, carefully understanding the characteristics of Serena's magic system. Only two minutes later, a black spot swooped down from high altitude, accompanied by a weird laughter of "Uhhahaha...".

"Damn! I told you he will come back. This guy never knows what it means to let it go!" Serena shook her hand, and a magic line was drawn wrong, causing the entire circle to become dim and useless. . When she was about to give up, Satiri filled the gap with her own spell, allowing the originally stagnant magical energy to bypass the bypass.

"It's good to do this, but you can't waste the energy of the entire magic with a small mistake. That is not good." Satiri, who is used to the barren environment of the desert, has become accustomed to using spells in the most streamlined way, because "Magic It is extracting precious natural power and life force", this concept has long penetrated into her bones.

"Are you also a mage?" Serena instantly estimated the opponent's magic level from Sadily's method just now. Satiri's ability to control the structure of the spell is much higher than her own, and the accuracy and speed of casting is also very good, but her magic spell is built on a simpler and simple system, and there are many improvements that can be made.

"Aren't you supposed to focus on your teleportation magic? If there are more flaws, your spell will no longer be untraceable." Sadily's words shocked Serena. She really didn't expect to only complete it. After half a magic circle, the opponent had already determined the purpose of the entire magic circle. Looking back, think about it, if a female wizard of this level is not panicking, and everyone cares about eating more than invading enemies, then... it looks like Apocalypse is going to be unlucky?

She shook her hand, removed the entire circle, and said angrily: "Well, I will believe him again!"

Apocalypse slowed down while landing, hovering slowly in front of Zhao Mai. "It's the first time someone can throw me so far at a time. I admire you, join me, how about being my knight? Hungry knight!"

"War, death, plague, and hunger, why do you hungry me? Do you know how many people are full because of me? Apocalypse, you are too joking!" Zhao Mai shook his head: "This is Wakanda's Palace, you are annoying to come uninvited. As the chief templar, I say you are not welcome here, you can leave."

"Oh, territorial consciousness, I understand that this is a quality that predators have." Tianqi said: "Can you understand the meaning behind this? Territory is for survival, for seizing, for gaining yourself in this world A place for you. You need something, you draw out your territory, you get it, you have it, you fight and kill in the name of protecting it, glorious and righteous. But you don’t know that your territory has been seized by a bunch of minions Can you take it by the incompetent and weak?"

"My sense of territory is based on respect, and your statement is nothing but greed." Zhao Mai said to Tianqi, "You can change the statement you can understand. How much is the reward on Selena's body, it is worth your trip to the muddy waters. ?"

"Reward? I don’t want the little money that I’m offering. What I want is her and you. Your surrender will make me stronger, and the world can return to the right order. The survival of the fittest can only survive in the competition for survival. The world can develop."

"Speaking of the competition for survival, do you mean war and the strong ruling the weak?" Zhao Mai shook his head: "Survival of the fittest is just one of the thousands of concepts in biology. It is pure nonsense when used in sociology. Even if I am a mathematics student, I understand it. You just learned the principle that 1 is equal to 1, and you think you understand the world."

"No matter what you say, the winner will win in the end."

"This is the problem. The winner wins, but it has nothing to do with the so-called." Zhao Mai walked into Tianqi. His body is already burly, but it is still a bit shorter than Apocalypse. "The height of two meters and ten, the body fat percentage does not exceed 7%, these measurements... I miscalculated your weight and did not fly out of the earth."

"What do you mean?"

"The earth is precious, how about let's fight in another place?" Zhao Maigang raised his hand ~www.ltnovel.com~ A smile appeared at the corner of Tianqi's mouth, and his fingers opened slightly, turning the land under Zhao Mai's feet into empty quicksand. He wanted to trap Zhao Mai in, but Zhao Mai did not fall because of this. He hovered in the air and put his hand firmly on Tianqi: "Apparition".

When the two people came to an extremely bright environment, under the air pressure more than ninety times the earth, Tianqi staggered and fell to the ground. The temperature here exceeds five hundred degrees, and about 97% of the air is carbon dioxide. The strong greenhouse effect locks the heat of the sun, and the air temperature is higher than the ground temperature.

The skin of the apocalypse was burning, and at the same time it was regenerating at an extremely fast rate. He opened his mouth and couldn't breathe, but quickly used the ability to control substances to decompose carbon dioxide and collect oxygen. Although ninety atmospheres of pressure were acting on his body and all his organs were under tremendous pressure, Tian Qi still clenched his fists and slowly stood up.

Then he saw Zhao Mai, who was safe and sound, still picking his teeth with one finger. "Selena's craftsmanship is not good, the lamb is a bit stuffy, sorry for affecting the image." He said, "Oh, yes, welcome to Venus. As long as you have good eyesight, it is the easiest planet to find in the sky. "

"This is... Venus? You came here directly with Apparition?" Apocalypse has not yet fully adapted to the high atmospheric pressure, let alone the law of sound propagation under this pressure. Zhao Mai used psychic powers to communicate, but the words of Apocalypse coming out of his mouth and throat were difficult to recognize, and he could only be understood by reading his lips. "No, Apparition is not so strong, it can't even spread all over the earth!"

"Really, I never know!" Zhao Mai shrugged his shoulders: "I don't know how to get here, and I don't even tell you. I only know that fighting here will not affect the earth. That's enough. Come on, Mr. Survival of the Fittest."

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