Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 925: 12 shocks

"Where is he?" Serena asked immediately after seeing Zhao Mai.

"Dead on Venus' belly." Zhao Mai replied. The Chinese nickname of Venus is Taibai, and the English nickname is Venus. Taibai's belly is a bit too emotional, not as good as Venus.

"I..." Serena gritted her teeth, seemingly more unacceptable to this ending than Apocalypse. "how did you do that?"

"According to him, I was better than him, so I did it. Okay, now it's time to talk about your business. Although I immediately promised you when you ran over to seek protection, it doesn't mean that I have suffered from you. I'm not curious about what's wrong."

"What has happened to you is what is really worthy of curiosity." Selena finally nodded and accepted Zhao Mai's plan: "Since you can defeat Apocalypse so easily, then I will tell you the whole story. Make a judgment, and then consider whether it was the world that sent me to you."

"How do you know that I won? Did the Alliance of the Rings broadcast this matter?"

"You know the Alliance of the Rings? You were not even familiar with the Continental Hotel at the beginning, so you didn't pretend it?" Serena was also quite surprised, looking left and right, her eyes staying on Zhao Mai's woman for a long time.

"It's okay, just tell me, I absolutely trust them." Zhao Mai said.

"This involves the secret of my ability. You'd better close your mouth tightly. Although I may not be able to beat you, it's okay to bring you endless troubles." Serena paused. , And then said: "I am actually a soul vampire, and the soul is the guarantee of food and immortality to me. I am not a human variant, but first learned magic and then transformed into this state, so Apocalypse said he It’s the first mutant, and it’s not without basis."

"You will not be affected by chicken thinking just because you eat chicken, and I absorb souls, too. This is why I don’t have any problems with my spirit. I can **** people dry, or save him half his life. He is under my control. Many people don’t even know that he is under my control, and I don’t bother them at all. Such people are everywhere in the world."

"This kind of control can be passed down through the bloodline and weakened from generation to generation, but there will always be. In addition, I add some from time to time, so I don't have a specific number of my soul-absorbing derivatives in the world. They are very Dispersion is usually useless, but...when the world changes drastically, there will always be places that the tsunami cannot take care of, and my derivatives will respond. They don’t even know they are derivatives, So the part I control is always retained."

"Since I gave you the **** golden compass, there have been twelve such great changes. I tell you, this kind of thing has never happened before 17,000 years! Do you know what this means? It means that something bigger than the dusk of the Nordic gods, the massacre of the Greek gods of war, the breaking of the tablets of the Ten Commandments, and the death of **** will happen. Perhaps you are more familiar with your own mythology, and the battle of the gods has only shaken three times!"

Serena's emotions were obviously very agitated, and her body was in a state of shadowing under the shock of magic, like a layer of smoke. She took a few breaths, held her hand on her turbulent chest, and calmed down before she said: "Every shock means reality is being rewritten. If it weren't for the hidden derivatives as a reference, I wouldn't notice it. I don't. I know how much of my consciousness is correct, but every time there is a shock, a player of the Golden Compass Tournament appears, and you are the last to appear!"

"What does it mean for the players to reappear? They are all alive?" Zhao Mai didn't understand: "As far as I know, they almost all died in the game, and I killed several by myself. Look, this is Grindelwald's. Old magic wand."

The elderberry wand appeared in Zhao Mai's palm, and the muscles on Serena's face twitched. "Damn it, this magic wand is actually real. The one in Grindelwald's hand is also real. I went to find him after he reappeared! Things like this shouldn’t have two in the same world. The earth is not like this. Working!"

"How should the earth work?" Serena has lived for more than 17,000 years, and has the ability to perceive time retrospect and reality modification, and even resist to a certain extent. If you want to understand the world, Zhao Mai can't find a better way than her.

"Once the sun revolved around, and then revolved around the sun, how can it still work?" Serena said: "When I was born, there was already order on the earth, and it became more stable after turbulence. Gods appear, gods disappear; great men appear, great men disappear. It’s easy to know who wins and who loses. Look at those legends, those myths, which are destined to have the ultimate battle, in fact, they have already happened. Know the ultimate What does it mean? That means the ending is set and there is no other development."

"No development means death."

After hearing these words ~www.ltnovel.com~ Serena looked at Zhao Mai, but she suddenly relaxed. "I can live to this day. I have never relied on strength or caution, but inexplicable good luck. It seems that my luck is not over yet, such as I met you."

"Don't change the topic, the way the earth works." Zhao Mai said, "I sent you the apocalypse. How could it have something to do with the great changes and order of the earth you just mentioned?"

"For 17,000 years, I have never caused anything, especially if I have not actively challenged the order of the earth. The order is actually very simple. People of the same level can fight against each other, and they can challenge the higher ones from the lower level, but the higher ones cannot bully the lower ones. This order is maintained by a group of guys known as transcendents. There are eight of them in total."

"It's not transcendence, it's detachment."

"Asshole, I know you understand everything and you've been pretending to be stupid!" Serena stomped her feet vigorously, and then said: "Let me ask first, did you come to me to kill people?"

"What did I kill you for? Can I give me a reason first. For example, if I kill you, who should I go to to receive the reward, and how much is the reward?"

"Atlantis." Serena said: "After several turbulences, no outsiders know the secret of Atlantis. I should be the last one. This time I didn't expect the golden compass to be involved in this way. I didn’t expect you to win the championship. I thought you went in and found Grindelwald to avenge your personal revenge. The current Atlantis is not the one in the past. They inherited the ancient Atlantis Power, but not bound by the past Atlantis treaties. Those people are too dangerous."

"What restriction?" Zhao Mai asked.

"Atlantis must be destroyed." Serena replied: "This is the ruling of the detached one, seventeen thousand two hundred years ago."

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