Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 926: Stay?

"All living things want to live, and of course people want to live. The only difference is that people want to live unusually. Happy, great, glorious, heroic, memorable, and eternal—live. "Selina said: "The basic desire to live produces planetary will, and those modifiers produce gods, and it has always been the case. But what does God's desire produce? Scramble. I have witnessed many battles between gods and spirits. Many gods have died out, leaving only the memories of the past and the prayers that will never be answered. Those man-made miracles are not as magical as my magic. If I move a movie projector back to the two thousand years Before, I can also become a god."

"The gods died in the battle, offsetting the energy generated by the turmoil of the world, as if they were a protective shield. But dying, there will never be enough gods to deal with the power of twelve consecutive turbulences. Guess the next death Who will it be? Anyway, it will not be ordinary humans, but only strong ones. Magicians, superpowers, warlocks, demons, angels and my soul vampire. I am not a detached person, let alone the only one. For such precious resources, I have lived long enough and owe too much life to this world. I am definitely on the top of the list of'hurry up and die', otherwise Atlantis will come to me for And this is just the beginning of the turmoil. The only way I want to live is to show actions that I don’t want to cause trouble, such as hiding in the world you have obtained. As long as I don’t come back there, I can escape right and wrong. Survive this most dangerous moment."

After Serena finished speaking, spread her hands: "Mike, do you think you can handle such a crisis? Even if you can, can these people you fully trust and love can handle it?"

"I need to think about it." Zhao Mai said to Serena: "If this crisis will lead to the death of God, then I will reassess its threat and then decide how to act."

"It’s better to be faster. Apocalypse is very powerful, but his mode of action is always confrontational, not the most troublesome one. Atlantis still has many people in his pocket, and they are looking for me for the golden compass, I will definitely look for you for the same thing. Losing a world makes them very angry."

"Lost a world? Did they buy the right of passage for that world? Why didn't I receive the money?" Zhao Mai snorted, "I have a feeling that Atlantis continues to dominate like this. It will first become a sacrificed force to alleviate conflicts in the world."

"That's right," Serena said.

After speaking, Zhao Mai took everyone back to the palace and called Tyrion. Since the Tessa incident, Tyrion has inevitably been somewhat lost. He became more like being alone and reading books, and even drinking less. Zhao Mai is very concerned about his mental state, Tyrion said that he just needs time to calm his mood. "Anyway, Tessa has finally come to an end, and now it's just aftermath."

Even the aftermath will linger for a long time and will not be easily eliminated. Except for Siliya, Zhao Mai gathered everyone together to discuss what should be done.

The detached person, time retrospective, unique, modified reality, each concept represents a powerful and mysterious power. When Zhao Mai finished his analysis of the current situation, Tyrion threw the paper he had used to record and said, holding his head, "Your Majesty Dragon King, I am waiting for a mortal. It is also a luxury to understand the human heart. How can I be able to see God’s mind? I have only one plan: let's get away quickly!"

"I want to stay and have a look. Didn't the twelve time retrospectives have not affected Dogian? And that kind of pain will be greatly reduced in your field, right?" Sadili said: "If there is no resistance, then Retreat, it will only lead to enslavement, right? It's rare to see so many interesting and strange abilities. If you don't take a good look, there may be no chance."

"I will stay, not for Wakanda, nor for the LEX Group, just because I know you will not leave." Dojian looked at Zhao Mai, and said firmly: "No matter what happens on earth , Will you stay here to the end? What you consider is actually whether to send us away. To you clearly: I will not leave. You need my help."

"Oh, that's the case! I won't go, you also need me. Because I'm the only mage here!" Satiri said, "Without me, you can't make up for this shortcoming. There are so many Atlantis The mage, right? I can definitely help. For example, setting up a protective magic circle or something."

Zhao Mai looked at Dojian and rubbed his nose, not knowing what to say. "You can't think that you should go on your own when you encounter problems, and treat our group of girls as your vassals. We also have our own specialties and abilities, and more importantly, we are also independent and strong individuals." Said: "If you can't face the wind and rain together, how can you call it family?"

"Well, I am moved, and I will stay." Tyrion said: "You are all emotional guys, you have to be watched by a reasonable person like me. This is also your shortcoming, without me. No way!"

"My body is not here. It's okay if this body is exploded. I definitely want to keep it." Xiaohua pointed to the reserve grain: "Zhao Mai, you are not allowed to send the dog back~www.ltnovel.com~Can't we Fight here to be lazy, and it must stay."

The reserve grain stuck out his tongue and lay down on the ground with a whimper.

"Are you sure?" Zhao Mai saw the firm attitude of everyone-except that the food reserve kept the expression of "indifferent"-so he also made up his mind. "It's okay to stay and see what is going on. Only in this way can we be prepared. If we all have only one hundred years of life, then we will definitely not be wasted here. But after all, we have to live a long time... Including you, Tyrion."

"At last I heard good news." Tyrion curled his lips: "Can you count Tessa?"

"If she still voluntarily stays with you without knowing eternal life, then she will be treated like you. But you'd better consider eternal life when you have children, just like Satiri. I'm almost caught by this. It's exhausting patience."

"Actually, it's not all your problem, what does it have to do with me!" Sadiri flushed, and then patted the table hard: "Get back to business, don't get involved with me!"

Tyrion looked at Zhao Mai and noticed that there was still a look of worry in his touched eyes. So the little devil said: "Before we talk about specific things, as the shortest, weakest, but smartest person in the entire team, I think we must first set a policy. To prevent the world from turmoil, we should To adopt the strategy of the lowest contact, we would rather do something to lose face, and we must first protect the interests. And the highest interest is the safety of us people. Zhao Mai, what is my proposal?"

"Let's do it." Zhao Mai said smoothly, "Everyone is together, so peace and safety is the most important thing. If I am alone, I will definitely do things."

A group of people all squinted at Zhao Mai, and said in unison: "Don't want to make trouble!"

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