Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 929: Dense Dread Spaceship

As a result, Zhao Mai has two large projects on hand, namely a giant spaceship and a perfect biological cultivation chamber, and the latter requires enough soil to provide energy, but it is too difficult to find a piece of pure land on the earth.

It was like stabbing a hornet’s nest. With a buzzing sound, many strange organizations appeared on the earth. Superpowers gathered in various organizations, each of them was expressing their own thoughts and opinions, and they were competing for each other. . Even the African continent, which has always been regarded as a place far away from civilized society and troubles, also has people with abilities that have never appeared in the record.

Although these people are very good at paying attention to the ground under their feet, and when Xi Yang decides to hide himself, it looks ordinary on the surface. But when the war changes the ground, a small shell crater can expose the soil. If you follow the soil to find a training warehouse...The current earth is suitable for fighting, for learning, for evolution, and for cultivating a sense of compassion, but it is not suitable for occupying a territory.

Since the incubation room is not built, it means that separation surgery cannot be performed. Sadili suffers from endless headaches and morning sickness every day, and needs to endure uncomfortable eating non-stop. The strong mother clenched her teeth for the sake of her children, and even mobilized magical energy for a longer time, so as to avoid the energy interruption after falling asleep for too long. After practicing, she cut her daily sleep into twelve parts. Twenty minutes of "skills". A mage always needs eight consecutive hours of adequate sleep to regain his energy before he can prepare magic. And she broke this convention abruptly.

This is of course harmful to her body, but as long as the damage does not fall on the child, the mother will accept it calmly. Zhao Mai foresaw this, so no matter what "excellent design in biology", he first used silly to solve the problem of existence. If the take-off weight is not enough, use more engines! Stacking dozens of subspace flying organs and hyperspace transport organs of the Chimera spacecraft together, relying on the powerful compatibility of Z-worm cells, and retrieving the soil in Wakanda, Zhao Mai finally completed "Colossus" class spacecraft.

In order to complete this spacecraft, Zhao Mai hollowed out the underground near the palace, so that there was a place to house this big guy weighing about 100,000 tons. "It looks like an irregular flying piece of meat, and the surface is still hairy..." Sadili looked at the monster in front of her, and a burst of nausea came up, and she vomited. The faces of other people are also ugly, and the image in front of them always gives them an ominous premonition. Although no one has seen anything like this before, the image of the giant spaceship is generally a nightmare created by twisted demons, unclean freaks, and mentally abnormal people.

That is an irregular spherical meat block, and you can see that the Z insect core used to provide energy is densely packed like sesame seeds on a bun. In order to obtain the ability to move in all directions, the flesh ball stretched out in all directions with thousands of full-vector sprinkler irrigation that can be twisted and turned, which is what Shadiri calls "growth".

There are countless organs stacked inside the meat ball, most of which are to provide energy and power. This is a very inefficient design. The idea can be compared to Wuling Hongguang installing two Emei engines and then letting it cruise at supersonic speed. "However, this thing can indeed be deployed far away from the earth, directly absorb solar energy, and then expand and grow." Zhao Mai said: "This time I went to Venus and found that it is better to build a base there than on Mars or the moon. ."

"Do you want our kids to go to Venus? Are you crazy? Dogian said there..."

"The environment there is very bad, that's right." Zhao Mai continued with Sadili's words: "The human part cannot grow there, but there is nothing wrong with the part of the perfect creature. And don't forget that the soil will transform the environment. The ability is very strong."

"But that's space!"

"I am the father of the child, and I am not going to harm him, don't get excited." Zhao Mai explained patiently to Satiri. For more than a year, everyone has become accustomed to the fact that Satiri is prone to mood swings due to pregnancy. Even if she is an excellent mage and has a very logical thinking, she cannot control it at this time. Everyone can understand. "This meat ball will unfold on the surface of Venus, use the material there to expand, and at the same time transform the surrounding environment. There are acid rain, thunderstorms and volcanic eruptions, strong solar radiation and high temperature, and the spacecraft has the Dragon Emperor level of protection. I I've been to that star in person, I know the situation there, and I believe everything will be fine."

"Why not choose the moon?"

"It's too close, and it's possible to find it with a telescope. On the contrary, the atmosphere of Venus is too thick to be invisible to the naked eye. It is much safer." Zhao Mai said: "In order to maintain the harmony of the two children's souls, I must Put it in the same world. The earth is not very peaceful. Apart from Venus, you can only choose to drift in space. Wouldn't it be worse? At least you can get material more conveniently on Venus."

"Are you sure?" Satiri bit her lip. She knew what was going to happen next, and her face naturally turned pale.

Zhao Mai nodded, and then began the separation work. "It's not a powerful druid. It's too difficult to break through reproductive isolation. The trouble I caused has caused you to endure such a long period of pain. I'm so sorry." Zhao Mai turned himself blue~ www.ltnovel.com~ Concentrate all your power to do this.

Fortunately, this time does not involve the division of the soul. On the one hand, Zhao Mai is the **** of Z Worm, and on the other hand is the father of the child. Therefore, using his own abilities as a transition, the two parts of the body can always maintain communication and coordination. Mutually exclusive. When he gently placed his thumb on the center of Shadi's eyebrows, the powerful mage fell asleep without resistance, and fell into Zhao Mai's psychic powers.

"It will take about a whole day, and then the spacecraft will take off." Zhao Mai said to others: "I know you are very concerned and a little curious, but I need quiet and absolute concentration. You don't bother me. "

"Okay, we will leave now." Doujian said: "Xiaohua, you are patrolling nearby with the grain reserves. Anyone who tries to approach here must be careful. I will let Tyrion start the abdication process as soon as possible. Her gaze will also be attracted. As for Shilia, let her stay here. She is very well-behaved and doesn't talk much, so she can beat her hands."

"Well, that's okay. Silia and Sadiri have exactly the same natural force characteristics, and may be able to have an emergency rescue effect and let the world will help."

When everyone left, Zhao Mai completely wrapped Satiri with his own source, only exposing his face to breathe, forming the state of Dragon Emperor Amber again. The waves caused by the powerful natural force and psychic powers were all felt by those close to the palace, and many people thought that the queen of Wakanda had raised a dragon. Later, Zhao Mai used the power of alchemy material transformation and magic spells, which intensified this understanding of the people around him.

When Zhao Mai unfolded the domain and released the majesty no less than Dragon Emperor, all prying eyes disappeared. Using this short time, the giant spaceship quickly flew into the sky and left the earth.

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