Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 930: Uncertainty in troubled times

After she woke up, Sadili was depressed for a long time, and she didn't want to pay attention to Zhao Mai at all, until the little baby in her belly heard the familiar psychic power fluctuations, she gradually showed a relaxed smile. Although there were no actual wounds on the body, Satiri still felt that she was quite weak, and this time meant that she needed to eat quickly.

"The expensive part has been given away. Don't eat too much. Now you can't consume so much."

"Got it!" Sadili asked Silia to help her, and the two of them went to the palace kitchen.

Everyone can't eat a few times in the palace, because the royal power transfer ceremony will take place in a week. Tyrion and Dorgian are busy handing over power to the newly formed "transitional council", and the transitional council will transfer power to the chief of the oldest tribe in Wakanda, completing the politics from the centralization of the king to the tribal elders." upgrade". The only trouble at the moment-or on the surface, is the brokers and mercenaries who originally wanted to make war money, plus the arms dealers. How can the sales of weapons used to defend the homeland compare to a civil war? When the weapons used for murder are linked to economic interests, the right to life can be trafficked.

The cultivation warehouse flies to Venus, so the main work place in the future will be Venus, so that you can take care of your children while building the next generation of spacecraft. The Colossus has a full load of 100,000 tons, and can immediately start a planetary base, but it has many weaknesses, and it must be updated. Needless to say, because Zhao Mai could not make a hyperspace jump with Xiao Mai, it would take a month to fly to Venus, which was far below the level of a ghost spacecraft.

There are many things, but they must be done one by one. First of all, we must get rid of the shackles of Wakanda Throne on Dojian. Most of the Zhenjin has been dug away, and this throne has become very tasteless. Obviously, very good policies have been implemented, and the people’s living standards have been steadily improving, but rebel forces will emerge inexplicably. Everyone knows that the driving forces behind these "rebel forces" are nothing more than the few imperialist countries. Zhao Mai was not afraid of their military power, but was nervous about the weirdness of the whole world.

"Now, this is the list of the guys who might be messing up," Tyrion took off his glasses and dropped them on the table, slamming his head into the soft seat back. "I didn't understand why you were struggling to give up a whole country at first, but now I understand, what kind of mess is all this!"

"What's the matter, has anyone offended you?" Zhao Mai asked curiously, looking at the list in his hand.

"Oh, let me give you an example. The sorcerer in it who claims to be able to communicate and summon demons." Tyrion said: "As I found out, he was originally an ordinary person. He met two people in the tavern. The noble girl fell on one of them and was taken home. The three of them had a relationship overnight."

"Wow, Yanfu is not shallow, why didn't this kind of thing happen to me?"

"The kid will be able to summon demons the next day."

"Maybe the two girls are pretending to be demons, and the recruitment process is no different from the vampire-making entourage."

"It would be fine if that were the case. Those two girls are completely human or virgins." Tyrion said, "The thing that worries me the most is that there is no common sense in the whole thing. Those two girls are ranked in the top five hundred. The nobleman, where is the coachman, where is the bodyguard, where is the entourage and the nanny, the two of them split their legs after picking up an unknown drunk on the side of the road? It's irrational! It's just sent up! That kid was so happy that he patted his **** and left. He is still bragging about it everywhere. Zhao Mai, I can analyze strategy and popular feelings, but I really don't understand this kind of chaotic shit."

"Hahaha, do you understand now? If it is a serious war, who do you think I would be afraid of, these rebels in Wakanda? I slapped it and slapped it. All I worry about is this inexplicable." Zhao Mai said : "You can't see the change of the will of the world, I can. Now the will of the world is lurking and no longer maintains order, so these strange things will happen. What is called chaos, this is. The demon warlock you said Actually it’s nothing. I have seen people apologize to the abuser, saying that it will affect the reputation of the abuser."

"Ah! Forgive me!" Tyrion wailed, "Give me a normal thing, these people can't deal with it!"

"I also encountered such a thing when I was in Arda. People's thinking became abnormal, especially extreme and obsessive. It was difficult to communicate with each other from a narrow perspective. Take the recent Apocalypse En Sabah Nu Er, he believes that the individual strong should rule the weak, just like the shark should rule the ants. I feel that the world has just begun to be chaotic, and there will be more chaotic and terrible things to happen later. At this time, predict the future It has become a task that is almost impossible to complete. You can only use soldiers to cover the water and soil and act according to the situation. When common sense is no longer valid, use your fists to build new ones."

"Zhao Mai, help me to recall. Has anyone ever said that you are a thinker?" Tyrion rolled his eyes, then shook his head: "I think what you said is quite reasonable, but no one praised you like that. Those words of yours were actually said by others, and you are just repeating them. I have no other requests. I have to hand over the book and I will take a look."

"When the whole handover ceremony is over, I will find a way to find some for you." Zhao Mai collected the list and said to Tyrion: "I have nothing more important these days. I will be watching the handover ceremony, so in terms of safety, you Don't worry about it. Take the time to talk with Serena and analyze where we will end up next. By the way, the entire East Asia is excluded from the options, and I can't go there."

"You can't go? Can anyone stop you?" Tyrion didn't understand: "To understand the situation~www.ltnovel.com~ I have talked a lot with Serena. She thinks the Himalayas of China The neighborhood is a better place, because it’s sparsely populated and it’s not easy to attract attention. Or go to Siberia in the Soviet Union. It has long been regarded as a place of exile, and exile means staying away from right and wrong.”

"Okay, this is your alternative, what is the final result of the discussion?"

"This turmoil will definitely be global. Neither the Himalayas nor Siberia can guarantee safety. I think that only by restraining each other and causing a rat-catching state can we ensure a momentary safety. If we go directly to the eye of the storm, it is possible to find peace. "

"Then let's go to France." Zhao Mai said: "It just so happens that Santilly is about to start the normal pregnancy process. It is also important to find a place where the chef is better. I can contact the Le May family, and Wakanda suddenly The illegalization caused them, the guarantor and the middleman, to lose a lot of face and owe a lot of favor. I asked them for help. It is a matter of mutual benefit and mutual assistance. They will agree."

"I was going to talk about Germany, but France is also good." Tyrion nodded: "Selena said that France eats better than Germany, and there are high-quality red wines, so go to France."

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