Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 936: Grandma

Switzerland is a very interesting country, composed of Germans who don't want to be Germans, French people who don't want to be French, and Italians who don't want to be Italians. They live under the Alps and treat the world with a neutral attitude. So when Barbara said that the LeMay family also had a home here, Zhao Mai was not surprised.

"I built this family that has continued to this day with alchemy, magic and Philosopher's Stone, but I don't want to bring the family to annihilation because of these three things." Mr. Nick Lemay waited for Zhao Mai at the door of his house. "Mike, if you see something in our house, just take it. Take as much as possible, even Barbara. All the good things go to you, so that the rest will not I'm thinking about it, there is always something left in this home."

Zhao Mai immediately shed a drop of sweat down his forehead. "I don't even have the idea to ask the teacher for crimes, let alone robbery. No, I won't take anything from your house. You helped me with my doubts and helped me a lot. I am too grateful, right? "

Old Le May was about to smile, but Serena stepped up and said, "You said you can take it whatever you want? I'm sorry for Mike's young age, I don't have that worries. I have been watching Barbara just fine, just from her let's start!"

Nick Lemay’s eyes were round, and he threw away the hand he was shaking with Zhao Mai, and rushed to Serena in a few steps: "Grandma, please spare me. If you accept a disciple, I will immediately take Bara offered them with both hands, but don't eat her!"

"This is how you are a French old man. You know that you are so stupid? You can also do it with a language run? Mike looks very young, but his age is not necessarily younger than you, and his strength is even better. Some time ago, En Sabah Noor came to harass me, but luckily I found him."

"Apocalypse? I haven't heard from him for a while, it turns out that's the case. Please come in, and welcome everyone to come to my house."

The old man walked in first, and Zhao Mai and others followed Barbara. The residence of the Le May family is much lower-key than the residence in France. At best, it is just a larger villa, not a castle. Simplicity and comfort are reflected everywhere here, and the decoration is as simple as possible. According to Serena, "It's obviously a villa, but it feels like I'm poor and don't grab me. It's really awkward."

"At present, there are only me, my wife and Barbara, plus a few students and some servants who live here. Now that you can come here, you can finally have fun." Nick LeMay knew Serena was sitting in Zhao Stepping behind, it doesn’t make much sense to go around. It’s better to just open the door and say: "The world has become very chaotic. Some things have happened strangely, and I can’t help it. However, a promise is a promise, and Wakanda’s things not only hurt In order to benefit your interests, it also damages the reputation of the Le May family as the introducer and guarantor. According to the commonly agreed method, the Le May family will pay compensation first, and then seek compensation from the parties together."

"I give up." Zhao Mai said to Mr. Le May according to the results of discussions with Tyrion, Dogian, and Xiao Hua: "We have every reason to believe that this matter is not the responsibility of the Le May family, so we both There is only the problem of seeking compensation from others, and there is no trouble of mutual compensation. Leaving Wakanda is mainly due to the arrival of troubled times. We have already benefited a lot from the rule of Wakanda, and the potential future benefits cannot be offset at all. Potential risks, that’s why we gave up. When we break, we don’t have to be chaotic!"

"Okay!" Nick LeMay slapped the chair and said excitedly: "You have this kind of mind, which is the guarantee that you can survive the troubled times and protect a family. The kind of muddy people will be dragged to death by mud and water. , It has always been like this."

Zhao Mai was quite embarrassed about this compliment. Wasn't he very entangled in the matter of not returning to China not long ago? It can be seen that whether to make a decisive decision, apart from the character, there is also something to divide.

"The whole family of children, plus relatives, are more than 100 numbers, but I allow only 17 Le Mays to come here, and the others are spread out as much as possible to make a living. I feel that this time The crisis is no less than the world war. In fact, in the last war, ordinary people already had the power to destroy us so-called superpowers, and what they lacked was just an opportunity."

Zhao Mai was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Do you think this time it will be ordinary people fighting with super powers, not super powers fighting with super powers?"

"Of course the latter will happen, but I clearly smelled something similar to the witch trial." Nick looked at Serena and sighed: "As a witch who has survived the Stone Age, you should always have Feel it?"

"Ha, your kid is not old and confused, not bad, not bad." Serena said: "I can use my mental ability to remotely fly objects. Although ordinary people can't do this, it doesn't mean they have no mental power. Human desire Divine power is generated. Therefore, when humans want to eliminate the existence that threatens them, such as superhumans or witches, the divine power will become a pusher and produce various... how to say it, can be simply summarized as temptation."

"So leaving Wakanda is a very good choice. It shows that you feel the threat and can relieve yourself of the burden." Nick Lemay said: "Stay with me, stay away from the right and wrong, and study magic and alchemy. The technique is great. You can live here, and if you find it inconvenient, you can also build your own house on the mountain behind~www.ltnovel.com~It shouldn’t be difficult for you.”

"It's really not difficult." Zhao Mai glanced at Tyrion, who blinked at him, seeming to have something to say. "I'm not welcome. Just build a house next to your house. Let's be neighbors for a while. There must be a quiet place to see the situation. By the way, if you need help, don't forget to call me. "

Maybe Nick Lemay was waiting for this sentence. When he heard that Zhao Mai's own defensive magic interfered with Owl's positioning ability, the old man smiled and said, "Did you not learn the'I'm here" spell at Hogwarts?"

"That spell has been banned in the UK because some people have set up many mailing addresses for themselves in pranks, and they are also used to trap mail owls." Barbara said.

"That should also arrest people, what does it have to do with magic spells?" As a Frenchman, Nick Le May also has the French habit of laughing at the British from time to time. "Mike, you use hair... well, body hair is fine. Cast a spell and the owl will locate that location and deliver the letter to you. But you have to arrange for someone to pick it up, otherwise it's easy to lose. I'll ask Barbara to take France The version of "The Encyclopedia of Curses" will be brought to you."

"Oh, thank you."

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