Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 937: Really not human

The mountain can leave Zhao Mai with less than one hectare of vacant land, and it is impossible to build a manor-like structure, but it is more than enough to build a "small" house. Moreover, Zhao Mai also mastered the engineering-level large-scale non-extendable curse. By compressing the space, a small box can become a world, not to mention that he still has a land area close to one hectare.

Zhao Mai has never relaxed his requirements. He seized every opportunity to hone his various skills. He would not show his timidity when needed, so the house was built quickly. That is, Barbara took the "Encyclopedia of Curses" from her home to Zhao Mai's residence in just ten minutes, and everything was done. It was a beautiful blue double-storey small building, with at most seven or eight rooms from the outside, but it was very open inside, and even a 100,000-ton colossal spacecraft could fit in it.

Here, the soil is planted as usual, and it extends to the Alps behind, expanding the area while spreading to the depths. Z Worm will place its own incubation room, refining room, and various cultivation warehouses in places that are not easy to find underground, and extract various raw materials for Zhao Mai to continue to improve the interstellar spacecraft. The dwelling on the ground is just a transition, the real ideal dwelling place is still in space orbit.

"Thank you for the spell book, now I can set up a mailbox." Zhao Mai took over "The Encyclopedia of Curses" and said to Barbara: "By the way, do you have anyone familiar with your family? You can open ordinary post and telecommunications. , It’s better to have a phone or something. It would be great if Dogian can handle the LEX Group's affairs here."

"You can buy the best banking services in Switzerland, not only in financial aspects, but in all aspects of daily life." Barbara said: "Sometimes, I think finance is the magic of Muggles, at least they At this point, it is far more than a fairy (goblin) with magic. I will call you later, I believe the important customer department of UBS will be very happy to serve an important customer like you. Oh, yes, don’t use it They will find out by making gold in an alchemical way to save."

"In other words, they know that they are receiving wizards and superpowers?"

"Yes. The Continental Hotel provides food, clothing, housing, transportation, and job opportunities, but the ability to transform wealth is not as good as that of banks. There is Gringotts in the magical world of England, and naturally there will be them in the European continent." Barbara said: "I know your ability. It’s very strong, so I don’t want to give you things on my own terms. Along the highway to the east or west, there are villages and towns within ten kilometers, and general daily necessities are available. For large quantities of things, the bank can help you introduce special trade Company. I didn't know until I got home how convenient the world would become when wizards and Muggles unite."

"Yes! It's a pity that the Englishman can't figure it out."

"The same goes for the Americans. Their isolation system is stricter. I can't stand it once I go there." When it comes to things in the magic world, Barbara will be more lively than usual, with a feeling of ecstasy. "Or our French magical world is more free and pays more attention to learning and communication. Oh, yes, if the British magical world asks about Addo, you just don't know it. It has been so many years, it has already expired, and Nor does the British Ministry of Magic have the right to enforce the law in Switzerland."

As soon as the chattering box opened, Barbara said a lot. She graduated from Hogwarts by herself "alone", and then maintained the Potions Store on her own. The formula was lost due to omissions, resulting in specialty products becoming popular. "The market in the magic world is too small. There are only a few people, and a few hundred bottles of potions can meet the needs. It's meaningless. I'm now thinking about the magic potions to be promoted to ordinary people. It is best to use the materials commonly used by Muggles. Grandpa especially supports me because of this idea, and I am the only person in my generation who can come here. And you are the only foreigner who is allowed to come."

Barbara lowered her head and said suddenly: "Actually, when I was in school, I admired you, but you suddenly disappeared for many years, which is really a headache. Now, I... Grandpa said I too It’s time to marry, let me try to chase you. But I don’t like that. I may continue to worship you, and even measure the boyfriend who may or may not appear according to your standards, but I think I should not chase you."

Zhao Mai opened his mouth and finally suffocated a sentence: "Barbara, I really don't know how to follow your words. You are a very good girl, except for being a little too lively and easily excited. , Looks pretty good... Let me put it straight, I am not a human being."

"You're not a human? What does that mean, the person who can't continue talking becomes me, is this some kind of game?"

"Don't stare, just understand it literally. After many strange experiences, I am no longer a human. I am not even a creature like an orc, a vampire, a werewolf, or a goblin, but completely...not a human anymore. The way I am now can only be regarded as a disguise, or a commemoration of my past appearance."

Barbara looked at Zhao Mai and didn't turn around for a long time. She slowly stretched out her finger and stabbed Zhao Mai in the face, then smiled and shook her head: "Hahaha, are you lying to me! I still know the difference between human skin and the skin of alchemy creatures and golems, you Obviously still human!"

Zhao Mai sighed, and with his eyelids shaking, his entire body was covered with scales, and his teeth and nails became sharp and prominent. Shaking his eyelids again, his eyes turned into snake-like vertical pupils, and two wings grew behind his back~www.ltnovel.com~ A tail also grew out, swinging around behind his ass.

"This is not a transformation spell, but pure physical strength." Zhao Mai quickly changed back and said, "Do you remember Diana? She is a human **** and will only be with humans. Self is not a queen, We are already separated."

"I understand." Barbara waved her hand, said nothing, turned her head and left.

"I just want to explain the facts..." Zhao Mai called out, but Barbara did not respond. He looked back at Dogian and Satiri not far away, and then asked, "I behaved badly, didn't I?"

"It should be said that it is quite bad." Satiri said. Duojian also blended in and continued to attack Zhao Mai: "I think it's normal. As a creature with infinite life span and capable of multiplying on its own, this ability is useless and should be completely degraded. Therefore, I am not at all. accident."

Satili touched her belly and said: "Little baby, don't follow your father at this point!"

"You two... I will do what I am good at, like creating a monster spaceship or something! These things are left to you to deal with, and I won't help save it! Alas..."

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