Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 946: Sun Fist

Zhao Mai reached out and grabbed the tricycle and pulled it to a stop. Icarus turned his head and looked back, and immediately yelled, "Oh!" The two wings flapped up and down in front of Zhao Mai, not only a gust of wind, but also a variety of spatial forces.

The tricycle tried hard to move forward, but Zhao Mai fixed it firmly in place, unable to move at all. "I am a ferryman, I am neutral, I have a job now, you can't move me!"

"I told you, don't send it directly to my house, stay a little farther and then come back." Zhao Mai pulled the car with one hand and put one on Icarus's shoulder. From the fingertips, the unique "indestructible" shield of the shuttle bus creaked. For this kind of power, Zhao Mai has not studied much, and even has several destructive experiments. He did not directly confront, but used soft power to pull Icarus from his seat and put it on the ground.

"You can't say that space is yours and others can't go. I am a ferryman, I have freedom of navigation! I am neutral!"

"You don't call freedom of navigation, what you call the back of the ear, the brain is stupid, and the mind is not right." Zhao Mai said: "If you are neutral, you should listen to it. Uh...I wasted time teaching you what to do, you are not me relative."

He raised his fist and said, "Now, my fist will pass through the area in front of me freely. Please do not obstruct my freedom. Your clothes, front chest, flesh and blood, bones and back, do not obstruct My freedom!"

"Don't kill me!" Icarus struggled to break free, and he finally realized what Yi was like at the time. Zhao Mai didn't simply use huge power to restrain him. There were divine powers, psychic powers, and domain rules. If you want to break free, you must either form an overwhelming advantage in one aspect, or you will not be far behind in every aspect. Icarus does not belong to either of these two now, he has seen his end in his eyes.

"Don't kill him!" Alfonso said hurriedly, "He is a ferryman, useful and useful!"

"Then you hold him!" Zhao Mai hit Icarus's forehead with a punch, and the psychic explosion penetrated through the fist, stunned him completely. He raised his head to look at the mage, but saw a scene that made him frightened!

The stored grain was transported into the air with small flowers, and the two people suspended in the air with the help of natural force. The reserve food stretched out his tongue to lick his teeth, looking eager to try. Xiao Hua glowed red all over her body, like a rising sun piercing the darkness.

"You hit him with a small hammer, you just can't!" Xiao Hua raised her hands and exclaimed in a cute childlike voice: "Sun Fist!"

The sky suddenly darkened, or that all the rays of the sun in this area were absorbed by the floret, and the floret became the only output channel for this energy. There is no solar plane in the earth's environment. The sun is an actual planet. It is not a projection of plane energy like Artas, but Xiaohua uses her own power to create a solar plane!

This plane will not exist for too long, but it directly occupies the position of other spaces! Xiao Hua is the troublemaker in the chess game, holding the red paint and smearing on the board: "This is mine, this is mine, this is still mine, you can't use it!" The influence of her unfolded solar plane is not large. , Compared to the earth, it is only a small corner, but it is enough to cannibalize most of the hiding space available to the mage!

"Chong Ah Liang, go and bite him!"

As soon as the vicious dog's figure flashed, it began its teleportation pursuit process. The transmission of stored grain has always followed a principle: it can only be transmitted to a place where you can see it. It cannot be teleported to the designated location like the Phantom, so it cannot teleport beyond the visual range. However, he doesn't need to determine the specific spatial location of the target, as long as he sees it, he will chase that place, nothing more.

Therefore, the food reserves shuttled back and forth where the old mage was, constantly passing through his figure, just like Zhao Mai before, except that the old mage became a little panicked. His gaze kept looking around, as if he saw the figure of the grain reserves constantly chasing. He gritted his teeth, raised his hand to grab the Titan Thunder, and suddenly threw it at Xiao Hua. As long as he destroys the unreasonable and unreasonable solar plane that is still expanding, he will still have enough dodge space.

Zhao Mai stood in front of the Titan God Thunder, reached out his hand to grab it, and restrained it with psychic powers. This extremely destructive energy is still trying to slip through Zhao Mai's fingers, like a slippery loach.

"Where to run!" Zhao Mai opened his mouth, almost at a straight angle, filled the energy in his hand directly into his mouth, and then snapped off his wrists and closed his mouth directly. It only took two seconds for his novice to regenerate on his broken wrist. At this time, the Titan God Thunder spell had been attached to his fist and was swallowed directly by him. "There is nowhere to run out this time."

Zhao Mai's stomach flashed a few times, trembled, and then he returned to calm. Zhao Mai chirped and said to Xiaohua: "I protect you, so you can bully this old man with peace of mind!"

"Can you help me, I need the force of nature!" Xiaohua's teeth gurgled together and her words were ambiguous: "I'm going to drive him to a corner!"

"Of course it's okay." Zhao Mai thought for a while, it seemed that it was not good to put it anywhere, so he pinched Xiao Hua's ear. There is not much difference between the natural forces of the two people, and Zhao Mai's power Xiaohua can also use it. In an instant, the blue fire on Zhao Mai's body and the red fire on Xiaohua's body radiated light at the same time, and everything around was filled with light.

"My God..." Alfonso almost knelt down: "This is a TMD miracle!"

In the light ~www.ltnovel.com~ the wizard's figure trembled for a while, and then he was bitten by a dog. The magic protection on his body kept attacking the reserve grain, burning its hair, and encountered the...scales below? Tarrasque's shell is not weak in resistance and rebound effects against spells. There is no reserve food that has been dropped by an immortal potion, and his teeth have the absolute destructive power of Bimon's claws.

He bit the arm of the old mage, his teeth were deep enough to reach the bone, and then flames spurted from his throat! The old mage kept shaking his arms, but he couldn't get rid of the food reserves. In addition to increasing his pain, he was scorched by the fire. The food reserve squinted his eyes, and he still had time to make a strange cry of "hehehe, hehehe". He seemed to forget that Zhao Mai was by his side. At this time, it should be just "barking".

The grain reserve saw Zhao Mai with his eyes slanted, and then carried the mage to Zhao Mai, dragging him out of a hiding space. The figure of one person and one dog keeps shaking, just like a TV screen encountering signal interference. The mage used a spell to cut off his bitten arm, and the food reserve immediately changed to biting his thigh, in a stalking posture. Finally, the images of the two people became clear, and they and Zhao Mai were finally in the same space.

Domain immediately imprisoned the rules around him, and he couldn't run away.

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