Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 947: Primordial exhalation

"You two did a great job. This time I offer a stern compliment!" Zhao Mai gave Xiaohua a thumbs up, and then stepped forward and grabbed the shoulder of the wizard with both hands. In the face of various magical protection effects, he was stronger than reserve food. He stretched out his hand against lightning, flames and the curse of death, and his fingers were directly embedded in the opponent's flesh and blood.

At this moment, a lot of magical confrontations were carried out in areas invisible to the naked eye. The magician's gaze, his breathing and talking, and even the shaking of the tips of his little fingers, are all trying to mobilize energy to perform magic, either to destroy or to escape. On Zhao Mai's side, no matter what the other party wants to do, he only uses one method to deal with it, that is, using psychic powers to form a violent wind, constantly driving all other forms of energy, and blocking the opponent's process of forming a spell. Just a few seconds after Zhao Mai inserted his finger into the flesh and blood of the mage, hundreds of rounds of magic confrontation were completed.

As a result, Zhao Mai grabbed his body and suppressed the channel through which his soul was trying to transfer, making him inevitable and inevitable. "Alright, Aliang, don't chew on him, I can smell the burnt smell."

"You killed my grandson, what else do you want to do? Do you want to start an all-out war?"

"A full-scale war? Your grandson has already provoked it! Why, do you think that a full-scale war can only be done from top to bottom?" Zhao Mai said, "When the mutual trust is still very fragile, once A small friction can ignite the fuse of the beginning of the war, and what happens next is an avalanche. Yi did not expect to lose his life, and you never thought that you would fail and then lose your life."

"Do you really dare to kill me?! I am..."

"I care who you are!" Zhao Mai interrupted him: "I don't need to know your name, gender, orientation and past history. I just need to know that you are an enemy and you need to die."

He took a deep breath, suddenly opened his mouth, and sprayed Z insect source material onto the mage's face. A layer of sticky snot-like substance envelops his head, and then drills inward from the eyes, nostrils, ears, mouth, and all skin pores. These source materials replace normal cells at an extremely fast speed, just like the method of replacing soil with soil, but full of "maliciousness."

The replaced cell will work for a second or two, and then send out a signal "I don't need to exist anymore", quickly dissolve and become a part of the source substance, and continue to advance. The mage watched his own flesh and blood disappear, and kept sending out "regeneration! Healing! Regeneration!" signals. The magic equipment he carried responded to the call and released the stored magic power, but he could not find a target for regeneration.

The regeneration magic will not regenerate the skin debris that fell from the tickle months ago, nor the saliva that flew out with the sneeze. The magician level of the mage is quite superb, but his cell ability is far lower than the Z insect source material, at the bottom of the food chain on the battlefield of this level, so it is eaten up.

A person is digested before his eyes alive, this kind of stimulation is not acceptable to everyone. Alfonso turned his back to Zhao Mai and vomited constantly, almost vomiting out his last life, and the carefully maintained magic disappeared. Fortunately, the entire process of the elemental exhalation did not take long. After a while, the wizard only had clothes and various equipment on his body. His flesh and blood body disappeared, and Zhao Mai was turned into a soil.

"Dust returns to dust," Zhao Mai said, "Then let us look at your relics."

A magic book, a few delicate magic devices, and twelve gold coins of fate. "Xiaohua, please give Satiri both the magic book and magic items to make her safe... Forget it, I will keep the magic book first, and don't give the others to her." Zhao Mai turned to the right. Fang Suo said: "There are twelve gold coins of destiny here, enough for the people I said before to open the identity of the Continental Hotel."

"Mr. Mike..." The half-devil finally slowed down, trying to prevent his eyes from looking at the place where the mage stood just now, lest he recall the scene just now. He looked at Zhao Mai and said respectfully: "Getting a lifetime membership in Continental Hotel is just a simple matter that I can do for you soon. In principle, pets cannot get membership, but this dog is quite smart. I don’t think there is a problem with the ability to act completely autonomously. It’s just that the members of the Continental Hotel do not mean that they are free from fighting. The observer and the Destiny Palace are still there, so you still have to make all kinds of preparations."

"I am always preparing for war and peace. I only hope that the Continental Hotel and your bank will not learn from the useless League of Nations, but can actually build a bridge of communication. As neutrals, your value is the most at this time. Can be reflected, right?"

Alfonso nodded vigorously, pointing his finger at Icarus and said, "I want to get your permission to take Icarus back. Captain Jack is already with you. The second ferryman is meaningless. Use him as a bargaining chip. , Maybe we can bargain with the royal court of Destiny to solve this matter better."

"Wait a minute, I still want to know from his mind what the King of Destiny is doing."

"Mr. Mike Longhou, absorbing knowledge directly from the mind of a ferryman may cause the alliance of the ring to intervene, because there are many ferry destinations in that mind, and the location information is very important for the alliance of the ring. A valued asset.” Alfonso said: “Please consider the other situation carefully. If you want to go to full-scale war with the Destiny Court, of course you should obtain all the intelligence, knowledge and all the secrets of the other party. But if you want to To negotiate with them, perhaps to show that they don’t care about their plans, will be a more friendly action."

"Oh, Alfonso, I did not burn the flames of war now, it is already a kind action. If these battles have not happened, I will do it according to your ideas. And now, my intelligence, knowledge and Any increase in the winning rate is good for me, because the defensive heart is indispensable~www.ltnovel.com~ But one thing you said is right, showing that you don’t care about their plans will really help. So ......" Zhao Mai patted Alfonso on the shoulder with a kind smile: "You will keep this matter secret, right?"

"We are Union Bank of Switzerland, and the secret of depositors is the foundation of our existence."

"This sentence is enough for me." Zhao Mai knelt down, poked his finger into Icarus' temple, and searched for memory and knowledge with psionic probes. "Oh, very interesting, very interesting, it turns out that there is such a world."

"Mr. Longhou, possession of the ferry's destination information will cause the Alliance of the Rings..."

"I'm just kidding you, why would I go to see that kind of thing." Zhao Mai shook his head, leaving a suspicious smile on the half devil. "Like in a library, I'm just searching for things related to the Royal Court of Destiny. Their plan, um... Icarus is really an arrogant idiot, and doesn't know anything."

He quickly withdrew his finger, but secretly left a little Z-worm cell in Icarus's brain. "I can confirm two things now: Destiny King's Court has gathered a large number of ferrymen. Icarus has seen 33. Besides, I know the location of Destiny's Court."

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