Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 954: Not fit

The reason why the blue fire starfish produces, stores and outputs energy can be compared with the huge incubator room, mainly because it applies halfling psychic transformation and non-extendable spells. Through the transformation of the dragon and the research of the halfling technology, Zhao Mai found a way to activate the psychic abilities of the Z Worm cell, and attached the psychic ability to carry space and non-extendable spells to the starfish.

Energy will not be generated out of thin air, and energy will not be stored out of thin air. The difference between the blue fire starfish and the incubator is actually the difference between integrated circuits and electron tubes. The blue fire starfish is much weaker than the incubator's ability to adapt to the environment, and it can't be used to make Z insects, but it focuses on absorbing substances and producing energy, which is far beyond the incubator's level.

"In fact, apart from the two spatial capabilities, there are not many new technologies it uses. It is nothing more than enhancing the efficiency of cells, increasing the number of cells in a unit space, and solving the problems of energy transfer and heat dissipation at the same time." Zhao Mai said After speaking, I was a little boastful, so he laughed twice and stopped continuing, but said to Shilia: "Try your physical feelings, such as punching me."

This time Xilia didn't shirk any more, because she believed that Zhao Mai would definitely be able to follow her with a punch. It's just that things were a little different from what she thought. When she punched hard, she only heard a click of her collarbone. Not only did her shoulders dislocate directly, but even the muscles were torn, and the whole arm seemed to be broken.

Zhao Mai immediately rushed forward, placing a hand on the back of her neck, cutting off the severe pain. The other hand supported the tearing arm, absorbed the remaining impact, and then returned it to its original position.

Xilia's body fell limply to the ground, and Zhao Mai supported her with psychic powers. "It's okay, it's my psychic power that temporarily blocked your feeling, otherwise it's too painful. It only takes a while for your arm to regenerate on its own. I have confidence. Look, it's okay."

Hiliya looked at her arm with lingering fear, and slowly felt her body return to mastery. The pain still faintly came, but disappeared quickly as the body recovered. She felt that she was lying in Zhao Mai's arms, while Dojian was watching, and she was about to stand up quickly. I never thought that my legs were too hard and my knees dislocated again.

Two big tears flowed out, and her nerves were blocked by Zhao Mai again, this time losing consciousness in the lower body. Reflexively, she reached out and hugged Zhao Mai so as not to let herself fall to the ground. But Siliya immediately thought that she was still under the protection of psychic powers, and this action seemed unnecessary, so she blushed again.

"Don't move, don't move anything, my fault." Zhao Mai flattened Siliya on the bed, and then said: "It seems that the blue fire starfish is not the same when it gives functions to all parts of the body. Your regeneration Ability is the Z-worm technology, so the adaptability is the best, and the muscle fiber is second. At present, the strengthening of the bones is not in place. It may be related to the vibrating component inside, and some repel energy. You rest for a while, lie on your side, and wait until When the blue fire starfish has completed its energy supply, it will fall off by itself."

"Can't take it down now?" Doujian asked.

"It's okay, but it's not necessary. The process has already started, so don't stop. You have to treat yourself as if you have had another operation. You have just been able to walk, and everything has to be careful." Zhao Mai scratched his head and became too excited about himself. The resulting recklessness is rather embarrassing. "Okay, Duojian and Xiaohua, you two look at her, I will continue to work."

"Wait!" Doujian hurriedly stopped him: "The Big 6 Hotel wants to hire Jack for several crossings. It is customary to ask for your consent. After all, you are now Jack's protector. What do you think?"

"Look at Jack's meaning. Tell him that as long as he leaves here, then the rebirth has nothing to do with me, and whether there is any risk in it for him to judge by himself." Zhao Mai said after thinking about it: "My personal suggestion Don't go out, if someone really needs to cross, you can let them come here. Dojian, do you understand what I mean?"

Duojian nodded. Zhao Mai's mobile phone can **** other people's orders and record destination information, which only she, Xiaohua and Reserve Grain know. This ability is limited in scope, but it can certainly record traversal requests that are very close to itself. Moreover, let the travellers come to the house to find Jack. In fact, Zhao Mai's residence has the taste of a big 6 hotel, which can increase his influence. After all, Jack and Serena did not choose to let the Big 6 Hotel asylum, but believed in Zhao Mai more. This has been very telling.

The Big 6 Hotel only recognizes money fairly fairly, and even their honor and pride are based on a whole set of value calculation system. This is Serena’s original words. It's not that Serena never thought of entering the Big 6 Hotel to provide protection, but the fact is that it does not work. The Big 6 Hotel prohibits fighting. The implementation of this rule is actually conditional. The most deceptive thing is that it can only be held accountable after the fact, and precautions require additional fees. If Serena died, Grand 6 Hotel’s subsequent accountability was actually only an account of the hotel, Serena could no longer see the account. And the trouble she got into, the cost of hiring a big 6 hotel bodyguard was seventy gold coins, and she couldn't pay it.

For 17,000 years, she will hide in danger and avoid the turmoil of various fate. Therefore, Serena's wealth is not rich in fate gold coins, just reaching double digits. Only people like Zhao Mai who either have nothing to look for~www.ltnovel.com~ or who look for things will have more chances of getting fate gold coins.

By looking at Icarus's memory, Zhao Mai roughly understood the difference between "official" ferrymen and his "part-time". The treatment of regular employees is better, they have an official way to purchase address books to enrich destination information, and they can take orders across the world. As long as a fixed amount of work is completed every year, they can exchange the internal points of the Circle Alliance, and go to some special worlds to play or training.

They can use a safer way than Zhao Mai to accumulate fate gold coins faster, but their own abilities are limited. The first step for regular employees is to tie their own destiny to the Alliance of the Rings, and the Alliance of the Rings absorbs a lot of fate disturbances through this connection. In this way, the ferryman enters the new world and always leaves peacefully, and will not strongly touch the local world will and spiritual system like Zhao Mai, and cause all kinds of strange events.

Therefore, the traversers rarely let the ferrymen follow their own adventures, because doing so is not an adventure at all, it is completely a "spring outing". This is also the reason why Captain Jack took Zhao Mai to Arda without staying to have a look, and turned away. There is no fun, the only thing left is to watch the scenery, which seems to be boring.

Knowing this, Zhao Mai no longer has any interest in becoming a regular employee. All part-timers who have survived the initial stage will not choose to become a regular employee, because no one wants to be "boring." However, other part-timers do not have the ability to grab orders, nor can they cross the world to receive orders and purchase address sets like regular employees. Basically, they only travel through one or two worlds, and they need to try their luck to find new customers.

That's why Zhao Mai had a horrible idea: "Get an order from Captain Jack, he won't mind, hehe..."

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