Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 955: Starfish Mothership

What happened to Xilia was purely unintentional. After all, Blue Fire Starfish was not designed for her. Zhao Mai just thought that the transformation she completed could withstand the power of Blue Fire Starfish, but she overestimated her body's adaptability. Zhao Mai has been busy speeding up the evolution and adaptability of the Z-worm to create the blue fire starfish, but he failed to change his habit for a while and failed to stop the car.

In any case, the emergence of the blue fire starfish solves the problem of spacecraft efficiency. Whether it is miniaturization or building large ships, Zhao Mai has handy tools here. Having a strong and more efficient heart is one aspect, opening a new evolutionary path, and there will be many new applications that take root and blossom on this path.

Zhao Mai is responsible for providing tools, and others are responsible for providing imagination. Together, everyone is connected by Zhao Mai's psychic powers in the space created by the inextensible spell, and together with hundreds of gardener dragons, they deduced the structure of the spaceship. Everyone's ideas are different, which are mainly related to their own living habits. Xiaohua likes the flowerpot-shaped spaceship, and her favorite food reserve looks like a T-bone steak. Satiri prefers a perfect spherical shape. She is the only one who has redesigned the look of the Colossus. Satiri and Tyrion preferred to choose the shape of the sword, while Siliya designed the shape of a starfish based on the blue fire starfish.

When the results were shown to everyone, everyone unanimously decided to use the starfish. Siliya was surprised, her face flushed, and she said at a loss: "Is this really possible? I didn't design it but just thought about it. Can this look work?"

"This spacecraft mainly flies in space and does not need to consider the aerodynamic shape. The arms and legs have many advantages, such as being hollow and forming a cylindrical structure. I can let the soil provide adhesion, so that I can stand firmly. Everywhere..."

Zhao Mai thinks more and more, and thinks more and more carefully. The starfish is open when it landed on the ground. When flying into the air, the feet can move closer to the center. Each foot can also rotate, just like a single finger draws a circle in the air, providing centrifugal force to the outer wall to simulate gravity. The entire starfish rotates on its central axis, providing another simulated gravity for the core area. However, everyone seems to be able to fly, and Z insects can also evolve wings, and the problem of how to move is easy to handle.

Calculated in this way, the sea-star spacecraft is more like a fortress mothership. If there is a fleet, it must be the core, used to provide the entire ecosystem environment and make a source of reserves for the Z insect. It will have the most complete ability and can recreate the entire Z insect race from scratch. However, there should be relatively small spacecrafts that do some professional work. For example, engineering ships dominated by workers and insects. Its biggest use is to collect matter from the planet, then fly to the sun, absorb energy as much as possible, and then transform the matter. And deal with it and hand it over to the sea-star spacecraft.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that I copied the existing Z-worm ecological structure, expanded it and moved it to space. Zhao Mai slapped his head and immediately understood all the questions. "Existing things are considered to have been tested for a long time, before you encounter new problems, first apply them, at least solve the problem of feasible level."

Just do what you say, do it while discovering the problem, relying on the evolution and adaptability of the Z bug to make changes in the middle without delay. Zhao Mai fully tapped the potential of the Alps, digging all the way down with the cover of mountains. This is basically the hardest part of the Big 6 in Europe. They are all rocks that have been squeezed for many years. Their supporting ability is very good. Moreover, there is continuous follow-up soil that has been doing reinforcement work.

Z insects are greedy in nature and can seize everything around them and strengthen themselves in various environments. It is only that Zhao Mai writes the Druid's attitude of observation, learning, imitation, and integration into the character of the Z bug, and then closely combines the plant character of the flower with the soil to ensure that the Z bug will not overflow. —Although it has always had this ability.

Only Zhao Mai can activate this ability, and it is most efficient when activated by him. Zhao Mai expands the domain. The ability of material transformation allows him to effortlessly obtain the nutrients needed by the Z insect source. The natural force transformed from psychic powers continuously gives life power, and immeasurable life grows in front of Zhao Mai. Evolve, merge with each other and become new forms. Life comes from the soil, life comes from the water, and life is born in mysterious power. Zhao Mai didn't stingy with his own power, just like a **** squeezing life out of mud, he squeezed a huge starfish.

The distance between the two furthest tentacles is one hundred meters, which is still in the state of larvae and still needs to continue to grow. Essentially, the Starfish Mothership is just a shell, a living shell in which the Z insect lives. Naturally evolved creatures will never provide more than 90% of their own space and energy to parasites. Only mechanical tools can be so selfless~www.ltnovel.com~ The juvenile starfish mothership will be in Zworm Growing up with the help of his organs, he will mature his organs and form a complete internal ecological structure. After a week, his body size will quadruple, and even if it has entered the maturity period, he can leave the cave and try to go to space. Zhao Mai will let it go directly Venus, taking the Z-worm base that has been laid there as a transition, carries enough nutrients and begins to bask in the sun.

Sufficient energy and material can allow the starfish mothership to continue to grow until it becomes a complete body, a giant with a single touch of more than ten kilometers in length, a flying city. In theory, it can continue to grow, but it will eventually be affected by its structural strength and stop growing at a certain stage. Zhao Mai doesn't know what its limit is now, just as he doesn't know how much volume he can change with the help of source energy.

The entire construction process takes close to half a year, during which Zhao Mai needs constant assistance. If the Z bug builds a starfish mothership on a certain planet by itself, it will be impossible without five or six years-unless it encounters a planet that is already vibrant and rich in natural resources. Since the surface of the mature starfish mother ship already has the energy absorbing skin of the Dragon Transformation, plus the Tarasque, the dragon and the ghost spaceship hull stored by the Z insect, and the terrible regeneration ability, its defense power Very outstanding, it is said that the fortress has no problems at all. This is also the feature that Zhao Mai values ​​most.

Compared with this, his offensive ability is lackluster. The battle in nature is mainly for food. As a creature that eats soil and suns, which species will have minions for hunting? Zhao Mai put this question back, after all, the entire ship will be full of Z Worm units, which is enough for ordinary battles. Besides, I will also be on board, so I don’t need to make the design of the spacecraft comprehensive.

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