Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 960: Can't restrain the heart of adventure

The sky was filled with ashes, like a soft gray snow.

On the earth, such scenes are everywhere. Superpowers and gods, humans and humans, vent the most primitive animal nature to each other. The observer's planet floated in the sky, bringing chaos and death. Even if Zhao Mai didn't name it, people on Earth now call it the "dead star".

The disk of the Death Star continued to emit green light, like the second sun hanging in the sky. Under the light of this green light, magic, elements, natural force, spiritual power, soul power, divine power, all the abilities that need to mobilize the surrounding environment to have an effect are weakened, and all emission-type abilities are also greatly suppressed. Those who rely on these abilities to improve their physical fitness have also been greatly reduced.

Under this light, the difference between superhumans and ordinary people is no longer as obvious as before. A bullet will die, and it will turn to ashes if burned. Fortunately, the earth is round, and even when the sun has to set, the harm of green light in the shadow will be greatly reduced. All superhumans avoid this green "nemesis" like vampires avoiding sunlight.

Whether it is called a "nemesis" or a "death star", almost all superhumans would like to blow it to pieces, but no one can do it. Although it looks like it is in the sky, no aircraft can get there, as if the huge planet is a ghost. The Death Star puts himself in a position where he can attack others, but is not attacked, a peculiar space dedicated to it. It is there, using its own abilities to continuously suppress the superhuman on the earth.

"It won't be so kind to destroy all superhumans for the sake of ordinary humans. Don't forget that it used to be a detached person. There must be a big conspiracy in it!" This has become the consensus of all superhumans, but it is difficult to protect yourself. How to fight back? The green rays are like tarsus maggots. Once irradiated, even if the rays are avoided afterwards, the ability will still decrease to a certain extent, and some people will even continue to decline.

"This is a dead end!" A group of superhumans gathered at the Continental Hotel, at least not broken by humans. Among the various subsidiary planes, the magic world was the first and the most thorough, leaving no place where the "nemesis" light could slip in. Although the Continental Hotel is also a subsidiary plane, it has passages around the world and has long been illuminated by green light. This place can only guard against ordinary people who take the opportunity to eliminate superhumans with weapons, but it can't stop the decline.

"The observer took away all the ferrymen, it must be for this reason! He hides in a space that only the ferrymen can reach, and hits us with a special magic!" A mage with skeletons on his body shouted loudly in the hotel lobby , Attracted everyone's attention: "As far as I know, there is the last ferryman alive, he is Jack. Although he is an unreliable guy, but he is our last hope!"

"But where is he?" The question was naturally asked. The Continental Hotel always knew that Jack was here with Zhao Mai, but their home in Switzerland was already empty.

After paying a considerable price, the news that the Continental Hotel received was nothing but "They left the earth in some kind of biological spacecraft." This result obviously did not satisfy the people who had the "last hope", so a larger search began. . The Continental Hotel has never been able to locate Zhao Mai, who has its own domain, but barely found Jack.

Even in the kingdom of God, you can receive the information requesting to traverse, which is the guarantee of the ring alliance to the ferrymen. In the multiverse, there are many worlds as a whole under the control of the gods. Such a place should never become a trap to trap the ferryman. The ferryman's crossing only involves the payment of fate gold coins, and will not be completely blocked by the gods. Of course, there are many methods—or tricks—that can be used, such as Iluvita's. And this privilege is not in the hands of the solar system, Venus, and Zhao Mai.

He just felt it, knowing that information penetrated the field to find Jack. After a while, the captain leaned over, ran crookedly, and came to the meeting place under the gaze of everyone. "They know I'm here, they want to come to me! They want me to work! Oh my God, I can finally earn some gold coins!"

Zhao Mai lightly tapped his right hand to block the vibration of his voice in the air, avoiding to noisy Sadili who was sleeping.

Tyrion flashed his eyes and immediately said to Zhao Mai: "Selena is not suitable, but Jack is different." He then thought about it, but then said: "But you can't count on his ability to do things too much, especially in special Important things."

Zhao Mai nodded and said to Jack: "Why, do you want to leave here?"

"Although it's safe to be here, um... and comfortable, but I still owe a lot of debts, and I have to make money to pay off debts." Jack grinned, his golden teeth gleaming: "I haven't opened for more than half a year~ www.ltnovel.com~ Debts will accumulate. Sometimes I don’t know which one is more terrifying, interest or naval noose."

"I always think it's more terrifying to be beyond the capacity of the street and to die under your own control." Zhao Mai said to Jack: "The other sentence, do you think you are safe to go outside?"

"Ha, no matter what the observer wants to do, he did it without me. My danger should be relieved... right? At least it's greatly reduced. You admit this?" Jack saw Zhao Mai nodded and continued. : "Nine months have passed since you clashed with the observer, and things are over."

"It's ‘us’ that is in conflict with the observer, not just me." Zhao Mai said, Jack's heart sighed. Seeing the wind, the captain of the rudder immediately said with a smile: "Hey, I was wrong. I, you, have a conflict with the observer over my affairs."

Zhao Mai looked at Jack carefully and found that he really couldn't sit still here. Although he doesn't know what the "high interest" he needs to repay is, since someone can find Jack, he can always find himself. Zhao Mai has already guessed that this should be related to the identity of the ferry, because he has been on Venus for so long, and no one can find him. According to Serena, most of the magic on the earth can only be effective on the earth, like Zhao Mai who can use Apparition to come to Venus, I don't know if it is weird or weird. And interplanetary or cross-world spells generally cannot bypass the alliance of rings, so to a large extent Jack is a loophole in the entire secrecy system.

Thinking of this, Zhao Mai had already determined not to prevent him from leaving. "How do you want to go? Do you need me to send you back in a spaceship?"

"No, someone should have come here. The message I received is like this."

"Oh, I want to see who can fly to Venus."

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