Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 961: No ghosts

"The condition of the earth is very bad. You can take your family and hide to Venus. I don't blame you at all for this." Diana said, "The planet called the observer-we call it the Death Star. ——It weakened everyone's power with a strange green light, and at the same time caused hatred and chaos among ordinary humans. Alas, to put it simply, battles are taking place in all people and everywhere, only in scale. This development Going on, both humans and so-called superhumans will perish."

"Do you have any plans?" Zhao Mai asked directly.

"At present, we still have to deal with the observer first, and then the gods can lower their divine powers, soothe humans and make up for the wounds of the earth. However, the observer hides with his own space ability and uses the ferryman's tools in the past is our only hope. "Diana said: "Jack is with you, would you like to let him go?"

Zhao Mai did not answer this question, but looked at Diana and said, "You must go to the Death Star, are you?"

Diana nodded her head with a very firm expression: "At present, the demigod like me and a few people with special physiques are relatively normal on earth. In fact, Kratos is the **** of war because of the war on earth. The scale and strength are better than before. Unfortunately, he doesn't want to end this battle. What I hope most is that you can help me. I know that your strength is not weaker than anyone. Even observers are very jealous of you, otherwise Will not reach a settlement with you. There are many rumors on this matter on the earth, and even that you and the observer are embarrassed. I guess you are building your own way of retreat, as expected. But the earth has no way to retreat. You must come out."

"Apart from fighting and treating, I don't have a solution to the current problem, and neither of these two aspects is the best on earth." Zhao Mai said: "I can't solve the space magic used by the Death Star. That’s not what I’m good at. And I’ve made a promise that I will stay here and wait for my child to be born.”

"Oh yes, I forgot to congratulate you just now, your kid... is it with Dogian?"

"No, it's Sadili, you haven't met her yet." Zhao Mai introduced everyone to her.

Sadili tilted her head and noticed that there seemed to be an unusual relationship between Zhao Mai and Diana, but at this time, as the protagonist, she only needed to stand up a little to overwhelm the audience.

"It's great, I really envy you to have a baby." Diana put her hand on Sadili's belly and gently stroked, and said with regret: "I am afraid I have nothing to expect in my life."

"You can find Zhao Mai. He is a very good healer. He can even change a person's blood and body. Any kind of defect or disease is not a big problem." Sadili felt Diana's hand shake slightly. Hurriedly said: "I didn't mean you have a problem, I think you are perfect, I mean is there a problem with the other party?"

"I don't know how to answer you, and I don't know where the problem is." Diana lightly pecked Sadili's face: "I just want to bless you, every mother, and every happiness. Newborn."

"Oh, thank you." Satiri replied with a smile. She liked these words best. "Are you a **** on earth? Which aspect do you care about? This is the first time I have seen a god."

"Diana is a demigod, the princess and heir to the throne of the Amazons, the communicator and messenger of gods and humans, and the protector of humans. Humans..." Zhao Mai sighed and said, "I can go to many, many places. , But stayed on the planet closest to the earth. I am definitely going back to the earth, but not now. Diana, I foresee that you will encounter a major failure in the observer’s place, and even a danger that affects life. Don’t Go, it’s better to stay here or stay on earth."

"When did you have the ability to foresee the future?" Diana expressed doubt. "I am definitely going to participate in this mission."

"I will not quarrel with you, because you always make your own decisions, like all gods." Zhao Mai said to Jack: "Captain, although I agree with you to go, you still owe me, not once. But twice. You owe me a return ferry mission, this is one; I help you avoid being taken away by the royal court of Fate, this favor is the second, right?"

Captain Jack opened his mouth slightly. Although he was reluctant, he nodded vigorously: "It is indeed twice. Can you not increase the interest rate?"

"I asked you to change one of them immediately, and I won't charge you interest." Zhao Mai said: "You are not allowed to take Diana anywhere."

"What!" Diana glared at Zhao Mai, her eyebrows frowning tightly together: "You can't do this. Jack, you are not allowed to agree!"

Jack blinked, he smiled, and said, "Refusing to load is bad for business. Can this count as two favors?"

Zhao Mai thought for a while, then nodded: "Yes. If you refuse to carry her, the friendship between you and me will be cleared."

"Mike Dragon Roar~www.ltnovel.com~ It's really inappropriate for you to do this...it's appropriate!" Diana said: "It's all about avoiding danger and responsibility here, at least you haven't harmed the earth. But why did you stop me? We are separated, remember?"

"Even if you didn't separate, I don't seem to be able to interfere with your decision." Zhao Mai said to Diana: "I know you will think of other ways, and I also know you will agree with Jack to take the A group of people go first. Because you will not give up, and you will never be so arrogant that you think you are the only savior of mankind. You will not delay the task of saving mankind and the earth because of your own reasons, which goes against your mission. . I know you very well, Diana, but you don’t understand that I’m just trying to delay you and make you look at the observer more patiently."

"Do you know what kind of ability I have? Do you know how to defeat me? Do you know that the observer and I are at the same level?" Zhao Mai said with piercing eyes, "Even if all superhumans become Ordinary people mean that there should be a melee in the world? Have you ever wondered if there will be other pushers? I didn't want to understand these, but I know a little."

He stretched out his hand and pointed at Jack: "This guy wanted to hide deep underground, but now he wants to leave in high spirits, even if he knows that his mission is to go to the observer. It doesn't matter. There is no ghost in it!"

"Uh...you won't change your mind not to let me go?" Jack asked, pointing to his nose.

"I'll still let you go." Zhao Mai looked at his face with dark circles and said solemnly: "If you know any inside information, you'd better tell me. After all, we have lived together for more than half a year. Favor. Although it's flat, it's okay to leave some friendship."

"I really don't know anything." Jack said.

"I know."

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