Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 962: prayer

Diana frowned and looked at Zhao Mai, then Jack, then Zhao Mai. It seems that the problem Zhao Mai said does exist, and the road ahead is really foggy. But she couldn't confirm that Zhao Mai was more wise, and she just found a temporary reason to prevaricate herself. "You didn't know in advance that I would find Venus and come up?"

Zhao Mai shook his head: "My hunch is not omnipotent, sometimes and sometimes-but every time I feel it, I am accurate."

"Can your ability predict the observer? We need help now."

"It's a pity not. That planet is quite weird. I was thinking about Venus, but I couldn't come to any useful conclusions. But I have fought with the mages under the observer before, and he has a kind of hiding in space. The spells that cannot be hit, I believe that the methods currently used by the observer should be the same."

"Can you describe it to me. No, describe it to her... after she wakes up." Diana pointed to Hecatena who was still on the ground in a semi-comatose state: "Hecatena is Darkmoon, Choice, and Night. The descendants of the goddess Hecate, the blood of magic flows in her body. She is also one of the few people who can reach the moon with teleportation. But compared to the moon, Venus is too far away... Forget it, she is one The witch, also because of the blood of the gods, retains more magic power, and is one of the most knowledgeable among us."

"Even if she wakes up, I have nothing to tell her." Zhao Mai said to Diana: "I can pass the memory of my battle to you. You are equivalent to experiencing the process of a battle personally. It is absolutely safe and harmless. , Is also the most intuitive. But you have to open your mind to me."

"Good!" Diana agreed without hesitation. "What exactly do I need to do?"

"It's nothing specific, just don't suddenly become very excited and nervous, relax as much as possible, and don't suddenly punch me or something." Zhao Mai put his hand on Diana's forehead, the touch of the familiar skin changed from From the palm of his hand, there was still a little tension. "Relax, this is my previous battle, not yours, don't be fascinated..."

Zhao Mai began to show that when he met Jack, what he saw, heard and smelled all passed into Diana's mind. There is also a reconstructed part, which is full of blurred backgrounds and various noises. Zhao Mai cannot remember everything clearly, but many things will never be forgotten.

Soon it was the battle scene, and Diana was completely immersed in it. Her spirit is connected with Zhao Mai's, Zhao Mai can see her memory with just a glance. ‘I don’t know how she’s doing this time? Zhao Mai's hand trembled with this thought, but then it stabilized. ‘There’s nothing wrong with curiosity, but you still have to be disciplined with respect. ’

So his psychic powers did not take even a small step into Diana's ocean of memories.

Soon, Diana's head oozes sweat, her muscles begin to tense, and her teeth are clenched. When Zhao Mai saw this, she knew that she was immersed in it and substituting herself into the battle. "Relax, you are just watching a movie, but it's more realistic, with smell and touch. This is an illusion, always remember this."

Diana grumbled, trying to adjust her breathing. I have to say that her mental quality is still very good, and she can implement it immediately after she has a clear goal. "Wow, Xiao Hua is amazing!" She suddenly exclaimed: "There is still food reserves, haha, you are really good at biting!"

The scene of the battle ended when Zhao Mai grabbed the mage's body. Zhao Mai took his hand off Diana's forehead. He didn't want to vomit himself and completely digest the opponent's scene for Diana to experience. "He didn't cooperate and didn't say anything. After that, I killed him. The process was a bit bloody, so I won't show it to you." Zhao Mai said, "The whole process is like this. Xiaohua is able to kill the mage Forced into the corner, but it is impossible to achieve the same record on the observer."

"I understand what you mean. That mage is moving around in various spaces, and the observer may be the same, or even stronger." Diana looked at Zhao Mai, "I have a question. It's such a big thing. , If you don’t stop walking around in various spaces, wouldn’t it be quite a consumption of mana—assuming he uses magic. Hecatena’s simply teleporting in the same space already consumes much energy. The superpowers on the earth have been there. Attempt to attack the Observer Planet, but they were all hidden away, just like his mage. For such a long time, where did it have such a powerful force to maintain its own state?"

"I don't know, not everything can be reversed by knowing the result." Zhao Mai said.

"Then what do you think we should do and wait to die?"

"There is no good way, just like other things, try and try more, learn from the failures, discover more useful information~www.ltnovel.com~ and approach success step by step." Zhao Mai said to Diana: " It is also because of this that I will not let Jack take you there. It is too dangerous. You should also find a way to collect information and know as much as possible, instead of throwing in the most important combat power in the dark. "

"I am a warrior, so I should charge forward! But I understand your idea. You are a druid. Planting, breeding, and healing are your duties. You can't just because you happen to have a strong combat power. Treat you as a soldier."

"What you said is correct, and what I said is correct. The only difference is that Jack owes me the favor instead of yours." Zhao Mai smiled slightly and said: "And, isn't the God of War on the earth? I think you can find him, and first fool him-persuade and persuade-to join the attacker's ranks. Now there is no good way for everyone to let a reckless man go recklessly, maybe work hard to miracles."

"Ha! Kratos never listens to other people's advice."

"Could it be more difficult than defeating the observer?" Zhao Mai said to Diana: "You are the messenger sent by God to the world, and Kratos is the God of War. You find a way to gather more talents, and everyone can do their own things. It is used, so that there is the greatest chance of victory. Observers are not omnipotent. They will also have things they can't think of, can't take care of, they don't understand, and there will be Achilles' heels."

"But I can't recruit you to the team..." Diana pouted and blinked at Zhao Mai.

"It's useless to be cute. I will try to do what I promised, so I will stay here. But I can open a gap in the field to allow your message to pass."

"But how can I give you information?"

"Pray," Zhao Mai said to Diana with a smile: "You can pray to me and I will hear it."

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