Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 969: Good vision

"This is Mike Dragon's Roar? How can I say... it is really unique. Chen ↙ Yuan ↘ Wen? Xue ↘ Net" Demeter raised his eyebrows to Diana slightly, and then raised his head slightly. With a steady gaze and a dignified expression, he walked over with graceful steps.

"Mike, this is my aunt, Olympus Protoss, Demeter, goddess of fertility." Diana hurriedly introduced: "Goddess Demeter has the ability to bless pregnant women and give birth safely, so I invited her to come. Up."

Zhao Mai is not familiar with the goddess of fertility in the Olympus Protoss. Most of the stories he knows are the romantic history of Zeus (barely counted as lace), Athena's five bronze small strong and twelve golden saints (big mistake). But he understood the phrase "safe birth", this turned out to be a god-level midwife! He hurriedly greeted him, showing great enthusiasm: "You have missed a long way to welcome your sins and sins; the humble house is simple, and I am sorry for the lack of hospitality."

"This person is interesting, he first confessed two sins when he saw the gods." Demeter smiled slightly. She saw Zhao Mai stretch out her hand, as if to shake hands with her or give her a kiss. These two etiquettes were not correct, but Demeter didn’t care. After all, this was not at the festival. Mind is more important than how to act. But she didn't say, anyway, she was a projection incorporeal, and the other party could not actually touch her.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Maizhen grabbed her hand and shook it. "Diana, your aunt is really the most gracious and approachable **** I have ever seen. Welcome, but you are welcome. What do you like to eat, how about tea and snacks?"

Demeter pulled out his hand and asked in a surprised tone: "Are you also a god?"

"Yes or not, I can exert my supernatural powers, but it's only that. I don't have temples and believers, so I'm not really a god." Zhao Mai looked at Demeter and looked up and down. The goddess of fertility didn't feel offended either, she smiled for him to see, and her body trembled. The gods of Olympus pursue beauty and show beauty. In this respect, they do not know how to be modest and restrained.

"You are really a god, not a demigod like Diana." Zhao Mai said, "Thank you again for coming. I really need your help. None of us have experience in delivering babies, and I..."

"Don't tell me, can you show me your supernatural power?" Demeter stretched out his hand and patted Zhao Mai's chest. Diana wanted to rush up to grab her aunt, but her hand was once again Penetrated the phantom. "Your face should be Chinese, you haven't seen the gods over there for a long time."

"I'm Chinese, but I'm really not the **** over there. Besides, why should I show my strength?"

"I have to estimate the difficulty of giving birth to a **** child." Demeter said: "Among all gods, our Olympus has a very high number of children. I know the difficulties. "

"It turned out to be so, that's okay." Zhao Mai blinked, and his whole body was enveloped in blue flames. This flame has no temperature and no dazzling feeling, but it still makes people feel turbulent and cannot help but worship. Diana couldn't help but take a step back. She found that Zhao Mai's blue flame was stronger this time than at Atlantis, and it was not so violent, but became more stable and solid. This is because he has completely mastered his own power. Performance.

Demeter's eyes flickered, and she couldn't help but exclaimed: "So strong! It's a racial god!" Then she frowned and shook her head in confusion: "No, why don't the racial gods have believers? The racial gods without believers will be lost. Is it supernatural? This is very contradictory!"

Even if she came to help deliver the baby, Zhao Mai would not answer this question. "How about, are you willing to help me?"

"Of course I do. Diana has already begged me, and she also offered tribute according to the rules. Of course I will help you for my most beloved niece." The goddess said with a smile. As for the fact that Diana owed the tribute temporarily, Demeter deliberately did not say it for some reason. "She doesn't ask for help easily. This time I was lucky enough to be asked by her. Why should I help out, right?"

"Ah...um...yes!" Zhao Mai could only answer like that.

"Okay, you can rest assured. When Athena split Zeus' head with an axe, I was beside me when he was born. Dionysus' mother, the **** of Bacchus, died in less than a month and was sewn in her thigh by Zeus. I was born. Zeus also came to me in secret. Dionysus would not be safe if it were not for my blessing. Don’t worry, the powerful dragon roar, I still have shortcomings in some areas, but in pregnant women, newborns In this field, some of the skills of Artemis, the **** of birth, also learned from me."

After speaking, Demeter took out the wheat ears from his arms, rubbed it with his hands, grabbed a few wheat grains and lifted them into the air, saying, "The birth of new life is smooth." Afterwards, she drew out the sickle, waved it in the air a few times in a dance-like motion, and said "birth and harvest peace and joy."

The language and movements are very simple, but Zhao Mai can see the flow of divine power and combine with the will of the world around him. They are divided into three groups and fly towards Satiri, Kiki and Ball respectively. These three forces contain the "inevitability of destiny", that is, "inevitably smooth, inevitable security and inevitable joy." Only the gods combined with the will of the world can use their divine power to make such an impact. So Zhao Mai bowed slightly and withdrew his own domain, letting this destiny fall, and taking care of his mother and daughter.

Demeter also felt his movement. She was a **** who only walked between the fields and did not go to the battlefield, and only then found out that she had been standing in the opponent's domain. "How did you spread the kingdom of God? No one can expand the kingdom of God in the main world. This is an iron rule. How did you break through?"

"No~www.ltnovel.com~ I am not a god, and this is not a god, it's just a domain."

"You won't be the **** of deception, you can deceive the rules of the Origin World." Demeter looked around, feeling lingering. Although it is only a phantom projection, her body currently consumes a lot of strength, but she can't abandon it in vain. In the kingdom of another god, the power of this projection incarnation will be completely suppressed, and there will be no resistance at all. Besides, she just felt Zhao Mai's "superior power", which was already stronger than her, and she had no chance of winning.

Fortunately, Zhao Mai is not hostile. He has a lot of knowledge and does not understand, but the respect shown is not pretending. "Mike Longhou, as a god, I also have to consider my own safety." Demeter said sternly: "You promise not to hurt me and my niece, is that okay?"

"Of course! Diana is a good friend of mine, and you are here to help me a lot. I am grateful that it is too late. How can I hurt you?"

"Aunt?" Diana hurried forward to approach the goddess: "What's wrong, is there anything wrong?"

"Quite wrong." Demeter said, "But one thing is perfectly fine. Diana, my dear, your eyes are so good!"

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