Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 970: Knowing the inevitable

"I have to say, your vision is really good. Chen ↖ Yuan ↗ Wen √ Xue? Net" Demeter looked at Diana and guessed the reason for her blushing slightly, so he said: "What you think is right. In addition to your matters, if anyone can solve the observer’s problem, he is most likely."

"Why do you say that, aunt?"

"You said that he was a complete human before. With your demi-god's observation and judgment, it must be correct. In other words, he has completed the leap from mortal to god, which is hard enough. On earth At present, this kind of thing is no longer possible. All the gods have moved to the attached world, and at most they can only be the projections summoned by human beings and demigods like you."

Demeter is an ancient being and knows many things in history like Serena. However, her divine identity can access higher-level secrets. "There are many kinds of gods. At the top are the gods with creative power, such as the God of Creation, the God of Creation, and the God of Creation Rules. Next are the gods who use rules, then the gods who use power, and finally the gods who use A **** with a **** name. Mike Dragon's Roar is a racial god, and he immediately became one of the strongest kind of gods."

She glanced at Zhao Mai with style, and then said, "Can you see what kind of race you created?"

"It's me." Zhao Mai said: "In order to get out of trouble, I had to reform myself."

"Can you still do this?" Demeter shook his head: "No, this is not in compliance with the rules, all of this is contradictory. You are a Chinese, and the rules of becoming a **** are different from ours, but you can't be like you. The real body cannot come, the kingdom of God cannot be developed, it is necessary to collect beliefs, not to mention the various restrictions of race gods. The specific restrictions are only known to the race gods, and I don’t know, but I am sure there are restrictions, not like him free."

"I'm not a god." Zhao Mai smiled.

"I understand why you said that now." Demeter nodded: "In your case, it is true that the rules of the gods cannot be applied. Is this the old man's plan? Is it because he left this time? Push you out?"

"Wait! The old man left? Where did he go?"

"You don’t know? Oh, you’re not a god. It’s normal if you don’t know. Of course, we don’t know. In fact, there are not many gods who are qualified to know about it just by leaving this matter. There is no more than one hand in the department that is qualified to know." Demeter glanced at Zhao Mai, then at Diana, and slowly said: "This is for Diana's sake. of."

"The detached people continue to open up their own fields, and the old man is no exception. His thoughts reflect a kind of beauty. Many of our gods also interact with him and feel very admired. He stays on the earth for a long time, but not always Here. When he left, he used two things to occupy the position of the detached person and suppress the rules he left behind-don't ask me what it is, I don't understand."

"Every detached person in that position can formulate rules, and then everyone forms a set of orders under mutual compromise. For example, gods cannot develop the kingdom of God in the main world, and the strong of higher classes cannot actively oppress the weak, etc. These are not plain texts, but everyone knows that if you do this, you will be rejected by the world, greatly affecting development and survival. And everyone who can do these things will also be affected by the world before doing these things. Warning. So you say that you don’t know that you can’t expand the kingdom of God, so you are either lying to me, or someone opened up to you. Of course, your situation is very special, the methods are extremely superb, and the rules of the world are not understood. A possibility."

"The current chaos on the earth will surely be cleared up after he returns, but that also means the beginning of a bigger battle-even the old man has a temper. Diana, what you did is actually not very useful. But what you have done is good and correct, so we are left to you. We, that is, Zeus, suspect that this time the chaos may involve the position of the detached person. Some people want to go up and others want to go down. Olympia The one among the Protoss that may succeed is Kratos's brash man — and even if he fails, it will not hurt. Sorry Diana, we still think that the human path is more suitable for you and better for you."

Zhao Mai squeezed his fists, and then said: "So, what about the suffering of the earth human beings? How can we end this chaos?"

"Child, I only know the ending." Demeter's words made Zhao Mai completely stunned: "We are gods, different from human beings. I can see the final result of things, why should I care about the process? What's the use? Just like I wish your child can be born smoothly, the result has been determined, is there anything else you can worry about?"

"No...I don't think this is right." Zhao Mai shook his head, but didn't say anything. "Knowing the end", no one in the room can compare to Zhao Mai who will return here from the future. Although Zhao Mai didn't know what the current situation was, he knew the world he was familiar with.

"I know the result, is there no need to do anything?" Zhao Mai asked himself with this question, and found that he could not answer. He waved his hand, walked away a little lonely, and performed Apparition.

"Where did he go? Reserve grain to keep up!" Xiao Hua's reaction was the fastest, saying before the black shadow disappeared. I saw the reserve of grain rushed up, and then plunged into the shadow formed by Zhao Mai's spell.

"Did I say something wrong? If that's the case, you can blame me, but don't blame Diana." Demeter smiled and said, "However, I think he seems to be at a certain threshold. I want to understand. , If you figure it out, you will make great progress."

"But what if you can't figure it out?" Xiao Hua pinched her waist with her fists and said dissatisfiedly.

"He is already a god, and if you can't figure it out, it won't be him~www.ltnovel.com~ and I think you all seem to have a long life. It doesn't matter to you to wait patiently." Demeter Said: "Even if you haven't figured it out, Zeus is still Zeus, Odin is still Odin, and your Mike is still a Mike, it doesn't matter."

Zhao Mai arrived on the surface of Venus through teleportation, and when he turned around, he saw the food reserve that followed. With his palms open, his spells moved with his heart, and he put a "space suit" on the food reserves. Then he squatted down, held the dog's neck, and rubbed his face on its soft fur. I like the feeling of wagging my tail.

"You're right, I will send them a message first, and then our brothers will walk, you will accompany me." Zhao Mai's fingers slid across the bridge of the food reserve. After sending the message, one person and one dog Walk in the thick fog of Venus. There is always a dark yellow atmosphere, and you can only see a few tens of meters from the farthest line of sight. There are always monotonous hot rocks under your feet, and lightning often flashes above your head.

"Knowing the ending definitely doesn't mean that nothing needs to be done, and... who can guarantee the ending?" Zhao Mai's mind centered on this idea, and various thoughts came in. During this period of time, the old man is no longer on the earth. Zhao Mai could not confirm this news. He didn't dare to believe it or believe it all. In fact, for the "future" you firmly believe in, doesn't it seem the same now that you dare not believe it or believe it all?

He decided to think about it.

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