Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 977: 2 opponents

"What do you think of our Paradise Island?"

After Diana arrived, the Amazons finally converged a little bit and stopped pushing their own tricks forcibly. Not all the tricks of Chen ↖ Yuan ↗ Wen √ Xue? Net are not suitable for Zhao Mai, and not all martial arts can improve him. He is no longer a fledgling adventurer. After forming his own style, what he needs next is to add and strengthen with emphasis, rather than overthrowing.

So Diana actually rescued Zhao Mai from the trouble that he couldn't refuse. The elimination of the competition came to an end, and Zhao Mai did not steal anymore. The Amazon female warrior who will play next is likely to be her opponent tomorrow. It would be unfair to look at it again.

So he asked Diana to take herself around on Paradise Island. The Olympus Protoss is indeed a **** system that pursues beauty. Everywhere here is beautifully decorated, reflecting their patience and meticulousness. The leaves here are always green, the flowers are always open, and the birds can only sing joyous songs.

"It's a good place, I like it very much." Zhao Mai said to Diana: "It's as beautiful as a dream, but it's easy for people to see that it's a dream. You know I'm a druid, I can feel it The natural force around is running. The natural force from heaven is very strong, so the plants here grow very well. But the natural force here is closed by the divine power, staying at the best time."

"So we won't get old when we reach a certain age. Is this the reason?" Diana looked at her hand: "I can always recover to a state of unharmed on earth, let alone aging, too. The role of this divine power?"

"Yes." Zhao Mai nodded: "I remember you said that you have a mission to bring peace to mankind, and the reward for completing the mission is to become a god. From my own experience, I suggest you not to complete that mission. Just keep the current demigod. Becoming a **** is a good and bad thing. For you, this thing definitely does more harm than good."

"It's not ashamed." A voice came from behind the two walkers, and then I saw a black long straight girl chasing up from the trail. "Princess, the queen wants you to go back, saying that there are important things to explain."

"Oh, I'll go back now. But you shouldn't be ashamed. If he said something wrong, you can refute him by reasoning. There is no need to say that you are not ashamed. It is impolite." Diana patted Zhao Mai. Shoulder: "By the way, I will fight you tomorrow, what do you think?"

"That's not good for you." Zhao Mai tells the truth: "If you only use martial arts, I will lose a lot. But if you use divine power, it means that I can use divine power. In this case, you will eat. A big loss will almost certainly fail."

"Really?" Looking at Diana's expression, she was obviously more excited. She was never afraid of challenges. The black long straight girl urged again, and Diana followed her away. However, Zhao Mai suddenly said: "Tomorrow, play well, the half gods and true gods are the same."

Hei Chang looked back at Zhao Mai, his eyes still cold. She hurried to catch up with Diana and walked with her in the direction of the palace. Zhao Mai waited a while before embarking on the return journey. The Hei Changzhi just now was a god. Although he tried to cover it up, he would still feel uncomfortable within Zhao Mai's domain. The state of incompatibility was difficult to restrain, so Zhao Mai found clues. But she was not malicious, and it was true that Hippolyte let Diana go back. Zhao Mai only foresaw that he would fight Diana and the black long straight tomorrow. As for the third opponent, he was not sure who it was.

The Olympus Protoss will definitely intervene in this matter, or that they have intervened, but there may be concerns about the depth of the matter-Zhao Mai and Tyrion have already considered this situation. If Hei Changzhi is a true god, then she has the highest probability of being Athena. Gods can incarnate thousands of people and recognize people with all kinds of faces, but there are still some habits, such as the question of turning into a woman or a girl. The three major goddesses of Olympus, Athena, which is most related to the current event, is the most likely.

Zhao took a few steps towards the palace, then stopped again. Just go straight to it and ask: "Are you Athena? I have a few things to ask you?" If Hei Changzhi doesn't answer, it might be better. I'm afraid that she is Athena, but she says "You admitted wrong ", things are in trouble. From the conversation between Demeter and Diana, it can be known that the Olympus Protoss also has its own set of rules, especially when it comes to offering sacrifices. Even if it was Athena, it was her own business that she ran to Paradise Island. It was the mistake of the questioner to ask her to answer questions without sacrificing.

More haste less speed. Zhao Mai thought for a while and decided not to make extravagances. He found a quiet place to sit down and sorted in his mind what he had learned this day. He is not a genius, how can he master all hundreds of martial arts in such a short time. He knows his strengths and weaknesses. In terms of speed, strength and endurance, he is much better than the Amazons, and the gap in skills is not small. After watching it for so long, he was mainly trying to figure out where the Amazon warrior's limits were.

The same power and speed skill against ~www.ltnovel.com~ This is essentially a false proposition. Zhao Mai has too many ways to solve this problem. His comprehensive strength far exceeds the average Amazon warrior, so he can run a marathon at the best 100-meter speed of the Amazons and defeat the long-distance runners. This is still using Amazonian standards to compete, but it only magnifies their strengths in one aspect and overwhelms their disadvantages in one aspect.

For example, wrist wrapping is a very good force technique. It uses short, rush and changeable lever principles to limit the opponent, which is very suitable for close combat. Cordella is a slender woman who can use this technique to defeat many stronger and taller opponents. However, Zhao Mai can use the strongest power of the Amazons to perform moves under the same movement frequency and norms, to a large extent to make up for his lack of skills.

Even if it can't make up, Zhao Mai can consume it. Relative to his energy level, the Amazonian's battle is not yet warm up, and he has enough stamina to drag the opponent down. Therefore, he is not very worried about the game with the Amazon Islanders, but Diana, who has the same infinite endurance, and the black long straight who is "very suspicious of Athena".

Therefore, Zhao Mai said to Diana, "If she uses divine power, she will fail faster." Zhao Mai's endurance comes from powerful cells, and their resilience comes from divine power, and Zhao Mai does not want to escalate the competition scene too much and turn it into a battle of gods.

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