Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 978: The dumbest to pass

Every tournament held on Paradise Island is equivalent to a grand gathering. Countless confident and beautiful female fighters gather around an arena the size of a football field to cheer for their favorite players. Dust √ Yuan×Wen?Xue×Wusna, who played on behalf of Amazon, has been one of the strongest players on the island for a long time. She often wins competitions. This time she did not disappoint everyone in the competition arena. But there are very few people cheering for her, and most of them are cheering for Zhao Mai.

"This shows that you have won too many times before, and they want to see relatively fresh performances." Zhao Mai went into battle lightly, just wearing a light short shirt and trousers, with an eight-eye sword in his hand. He stuck his sword on the ground and reached out to his opponent: "It's nice to compete with you, Warrior Vesna."

Vesna took off the helmet and put it in her arms, with a bright smile on her face, shook hands with Zhao Mai firmly. She is a very fit woman, of that type with long legs and arms. She wore a lightweight breastplate with shoulder guards, from the waist down there was a circle of vertical iron pieces that could play a blocking role, like a short skirt, and then she was equipped with wrist guards and shin guards on her forearms and calves. Her weapon is two short swords at the waist, which is why Zhao Mai uses the eight-eye sword.

He is here to win, not to practice. This must be clear. You can't hang around just because your opponent is a girl, that's the biggest disrespect for them. "Be careful with my weapon. It's very sharp and the material is vibrating, so it's also very strong."

"You have to be careful, after all, Diana is still watching, don't lose too badly." Vesna was not to be outdone.

There is no red tape. After the two sides have introduced themselves, they can compete at any time. All the people present were fighters—except Tyrion—the eyes of the crowd were sharp. If one party cheated or violated the rules, it would be impossible to escape the attention of so many referees. Moreover, the upright person would never want to violate the rules in the battle of honor and could not afford to lose that person.

"You can attack first, because I need to judge your speed and strength to control the extent of the martial arts." Zhao Mai did not use the eight-eye sword first, but used psychic powers to pull a shield from the weapon rack at the edge of the field. . The weapons on the island are quite complete. Zhao Mai even saw Fang Tian’s painted halberd and Zhangba’s snake spear. He didn’t know if they had seen them from novels and then imitated them, or whether there are women practicing these weapons on the island. Zhao Mai, a martial artist who is too technical, can't, but blocking with a shield is one of his earliest and most skilled techniques.

"Okay, I'll just knock it. It's about this speed and strength." Weisina walked closer, applying force with both hands at the same time, smashing the two daggers on the shield at the same time, there was no order at all. Zhao Mai didn't release his strength, so he heard a muffled sound, the shield was cracked, and the overall structure was destroyed, making it useless.

Zhao Mai looked at the shield and nodded. "Okay, I'm going to start next." He tossed his shield aside, then stepped back and drew the eight-eye sword from the ground. "The next scene may not be too beautiful."

As soon as the voice fell, the two began to charge. Visina swiftly accelerated, and then kept three points of strength to change moves at any time, but Zhao Mai directly used all his strength, so it appeared more ferocious. Diana was watching the game from the sidelines. After seeing this scene, she covered her forehead with her hand and sighed: "I lost. I didn't expect that he made this idea! Everyone was cheated by him, thinking he was learning techniques to make up for it. insufficient."

Hippolyte raised his eyebrows, and just wanted to ask his daughter what he meant, but his attention was immediately attracted by the changes on the field. She saw Zhao Mai raise the long sword and slash it down like a warhammer, with the same speed and strength as the Visina double dagger just now. But it was a very simple action, but Visina didn't choose to avoid it or change her move, but greeted it "stupidly".

There was only a crisp sound of "clang", and then the call of "Ouch, hey", Vesna rolled back three times on the ground, and then squatted to stabilize her figure. She looked at the daggers in her hand. Each sword had a "serration", even the depth and size were the same. "Why is your weapon so heavy?"

"Because a lot of good materials are used and the density is very high, so you can use it as a heavy hammer or even a siege hammer." Zhao Mai looked at Weisina and said, "Is your arm okay? "

"Fortunately, I reacted quickly, and quickly unloaded my strength, otherwise the two daggers and my arm would break." Vesna stood up, moved her arms, and felt the state of her arms. She recalled what she had just done, and finally found something wrong. Why did I compete with him stupidly? Shouldn't I have a technical duel and then defeat him?

With this doubt, she approached Zhao Mai cautiously. This move basically left all the strength to deal with emergencies. The Amazonians on the side of the venue couldn't help but talk about this scene. They had never seen Vesna so cautious. At that moment, Zhao Mai did not move faster than an Amazonian, and didn't make any small movements. Why did Visina be the enemy?

Zhao Mai smiled slightly, and rushed forward. He can instantly bring the speed to the limit of the Amazon, and then it is the simplest slash. This diagonal cut is very defensive, the best way is to block with two swords and then strangle. But there was only another "clang" sound, there was a block, and the strangulation couldn't come out, and Vesna was beaten away again.

"Wow..." The audience was in an uproar. This time everyone understood that Zhao Mai was actually "feeding", just like a textbook. The posture he used is the "fool tactic" that Amazons are most used to dealing with in battle. He has already found the best way to deal with it in countless summaries, and then it has become a routine during training. When they saw Zhao Mai's actions, the Amazons would never think of an attack from injury for injury, because it was unnecessary. They only need to follow the training method and use a more efficient method to gain an advantage.

"Among the three of power, skill, and speed~www.ltnovel.com~ power is used to destroy skill." Zhao Mai said: "You have to be careful, I will continue to attack."

"Don't let him take the initiative, you can attack!"

Upon hearing the words of the Amazonian, Vesna immediately woke up, rolled forward on the ground and rushed up. Her double swords made dazzling movements, forming countless beautiful and dangerous sword light petals, just like the flowers blooming in front of her.

Zhao Mai didn't panic, and slashed again. At that moment, Vesna found that she would either continue to attack, try her luck to see if she could hit Zhao Mai first, and then reduce the extent of the slashing wounds as much as possible; either the block was beaten again; or there was nothing to avoid. A sword of technical content. She made a decision among the sparks and flints, and moved away again.

"It's ugly like this, I know." Zhao Mai smiled embarrassedly: "I have been pondering your martial arts for a long time, and found that you can't catch up at all for a while, so I just used strength and speed to combine these two Push it to the extreme and put the technique aside. I think about it, this is the safest way."

Vesna's lips trembled, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

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