Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 984: Out of the field

The thunder rumbling in the clear sky, the soft white cloud like cotton candy was torn apart by the airflow, turned into tattered cotton wool, and finally turned into tears. When the thunderbolt suddenly appeared in the sky, as if it was about to split the sky, that was when the battle between Zhao Mai and Diana entered a fever pitch.

In order to avoid accidentally destroying the guardian silver bracelet and unleashing power, Zhao Mai's attack methods are limited. However, Zhao Mai can still suppress Diana without using the divine power, without using the domain, and putting away the eight-eye sword. He is like a humanoid dragon, every punch is powerful. Diana found that her speed and agility were not dominant. Even with martial skills, it was not enough to completely avoid the punch. Only by relying on the guardian silver bracelet that could absorb the impact could it resist. But even so, she was beaten back again and again, in a state of embarrassment.

However, she did not suffer any obvious injuries. The natural force around her is extremely abundant, and her body is recovering at an extremely fast speed. Demeter blessed her for her solid resilience and endless endurance like the earth, and all wounds can be quickly recovered, but she really exerts the full power of this characteristic under the environment of extraordinary concentration of natural force created by Zhao Mai. Diana's cycle of combat, damage, recovery, and re-fighting has been greatly improved, but even she herself did not notice this.

"Our Olympus Protoss, like the Odin in Northern Europe, is a fighting Protoss. Our gods are getting stronger and stronger. Only fighting can prove the value of our gods." Athena squinted. Looking at the battle in the sky, he said to Hippolyte: "Just like the twelve trials of the Hercules, just like the life and death catastrophes of the demigods, they all want to show the divinity of Olympus in battle and resistance. Diana is the last and most proud work of Zeus, and her power in this area is particularly powerful. As long as her divinity bursts out, she can swallow up that part of her humanity at any time, leaving only a trace, a little bit at most. It is precisely the meaning of the guardian silver bracelet: to suppress the divinity and keep her as a person as much as possible."

"According to the prophecy, Diana will successfully become the **** of war on earth. But according to the prophecy, the day Zeus will die, the entire Protoss will be destroyed." Athena said firmly with her eyes: "So he reported on Mike's situation in Demeter. Later, I put forward a suggestion to catch this freak that is not in the prophecy and give the entire Protoss a chance to break free from the prophecy! Even if there is only one percent or one ten thousandth hope, it is much better than dying in the prophecy."

As soon as the voice fell, a rainbow-colored shock wave burst out and instantly enveloped half of the sky. Afterwards, Zhao Mai, sweating profusely, flew down holding Diana who was in a coma, and landed in front of Hippolyte: "She is okay, but her body has recovered to the limit, temporarily unable to improve, so she passed out. I believe it will be fine in a minute or two."

Diana didn't seem to be unconscious, but asleep, quietly curled up in Zhao Mai's arms. Holding Diana like this in front of Diana's mother, Zhao Mai felt a bit rude, so he stomped lightly to create a comfortable soft couch, ready to put her on.

"Hold it, I don't think this soft couch has any sense of security." Hippolyte smiled slightly and said: "Mike, you took the lead out of the field, so you lost the third game. Do you have any objections?"

"Ah? I forgot about it just now, a mistake, a mistake." Zhao Mai smiled, with no loss of expression at all. "Since I lose, then I will leave the range of Paradise Island and wait outside."

"You can leave until she wakes up, otherwise I can't explain." Hippolyte looked at Zhao Mai, smiled and nodded, then asked with concern: "What do you think of Diana's current state?"

"She's okay... Oh, I know what you are asking. Her physical fitness has improved three to four times compared to before, and she should have tapped her potential to the limit for the time being. In the previous battles, I have dealt with her. Not less than 30 fatal attacks, but I spread the strength, let her body bear it, and give her time to recover and heal. If she compares her physical fitness, I think Diana should have surpassed Kuito S or Ares. At least she is much better than you, Athena."

"I wasn't a fighter originally." Athena said. There is just one thing she didn't say: As the only **** born from the head of Zeus, Athena was born with the longest and strongest immersion in divine power, and her physical fitness was no less than wisdom. If what Zhao Mai said was true, then Diana could at least physically withstand the God of War power without hindrance, and even said that the God of War power could no longer improve her physical fitness. Therefore, as long as her spirit remains normal, her human nature can better resist the temptation of divine nature.

Diana's eyelashes trembled, then slowly opened her eyes. Zhao Mai lowered his head and said, "Wake up? How do you feel?"

"Is it morning again?" Diana said in a daze, suddenly thinking that the scene was a little wrong, she looked to the side and found her mother's face, and she was lying down in Zhao Mai's arms. She struggled twice, standing swayingly on the ground, her prostration legs trembled, and her body tilted directly onto the soft couch that Zhao Mai had transformed-nothing wasted.

"I just caught you and flew down, but I forgot to throw you on the ground first, which caused me to step out of bounds, and I lost." Zhao Mai said to Diana: "You can eat more to recover your strength. I am outside of Paradise Island. Waiting for you. Tyrion, where are you? I know you are okay, come out now."

The area denier armor makes Tyrion's defensive ability as good as Diana, especially when facing gamma rays, it can provide complete protection. With a drink in his hand, the dwarf leisurely appeared in front of the crowd, bowed to Hippolyte and said: "Your Majesty, this contest decides whether Mike Dragon King can go to the island. It has nothing to do with me?"

"Yes, you can stay. After all, you are the identity of the messenger." Hippolyte nodded and gave Tyrion the green light.

Zhao Mai nodded and said to Diana: "Tyrion is very clever, he knows what I want to ask, and it is even better to keep him here than me."

Diana still hasn't recovered from her dazed state, but she nodded mechanically. She felt electric current flowing through her muscles, twitching from time to time, but overall she was comfortable. The only problem was that she was hungry in her belly, and a rhythmic "coococo" came out of her belly, making her bow her head embarrassedly.

Zhao Mai stretched out his hand and pulled behind him, and pulled out a large bag of Legionnella mushrooms from the portable space, the size of a sandbag. "Although the taste is not good, it is nutritious~www.ltnovel.com~ I am waiting for you outside."

"You should follow what I said. You won all three games." Tyrion stopped Zhao Mai, and then said, "If you do this, everyone will be passive."

Zhao Mai scratched his head. In the second game, he indeed left Tyrion's words behind. "Sorry. I didn't expect things to develop and change."

"It's just because it's a little unpredictable, so... Forget it, I think of a way to stay here and give you a remedy. Is there anything you really want to ask, or leave it to me?"

Zhao Mai glanced at Diana, and then said to Tyrion: "You are responsible, I believe you can get things done." Then, he nodded slightly to Hippolyte, and then flew away quickly. Leaving the range of Paradise Island.

Hippolyte first broke a piece of legionnaire bread and tasted it, and gave an evaluation of "just the marching ration" before handing it to his daughter. She walked up to Tyrion, squatted down and said to him, "Emissary, now we can discuss the issue of marriage. Diana and Mike, Paradise Island and Dragon King. What do you think?"

"I totally agree." Tyrion seemed to be prepared and immediately replied.

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