Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 985: Can't make things worse

"What are you two talking about?!" Diana jumped up from the soft couch, suddenly lost her feet, and fell down again. Chen ↘ Yuan √ Wen? Xue ↖ Net But she still struggled: "Marriage? Are you going to manipulate my marriage, and Mike?"

Tyrion nodded: "I have asked the queen about the laws and customs of Paradise Island before, and found that the system used here is a mixture of ancient Greece and Olympus. Marriage can be determined by yourself, but it can also be Assigned by parents or gods."

"Is that what Mike meant?" Diana clenched her fists, Tyrion took a half step back in conditioned reflex, then cleared his throat, shook his head and said: "He never meant this, but as his plenipotentiary, I You can discuss this matter."

"I personally agree, and... I believe that Zeus agrees." Hippolyte said: "Diana, this matter is very necessary, not just for you alone, but for the whole Austria. The interests of the Linpis Protoss. You have to establish a close relationship with Mike in some form to be safe. I can’t say more in detail, I can only say that since Demeter met Mike, this Things are working. You want to help and save mankind. Amazon and Olympus are the same. And after many tests, marriage is the best choice."

Athena also nodded: "I am the eyes and brain sent by the father **** Zeus to decide whether to make you the **** of war and save the world according to the original plan, or use his special features to fight for Olympus. Both methods are okay for greater benefits. Of course, greater benefits will also take more risks. Diana, I am the goddess who plays as a nuisance to test Mike. Do you understand that?"

"So you are lying to me! What a joke!" Diana shook her hand violently, shattered it directly, and then stood up from the debris. "I won't marry him. He has other women and an unborn child. How could I marry him!"

"I didn't marry you to him, it was just an engagement, and it was the kind that can be cancelled." Hippolyte said.

"Wait, this is a bit unreasonable!" Tyrion immediately objected: "You are a very disrespectful behavior to us. Although you are a protoss, my lord is not an extraordinary person. If you don't discuss feelings, This marriage is that Olympus will use our strength, not the other way around. Of course, this must also be reflected in the form."

Tyrion was stared at by Athena, Diana, and Hippolyte at the same time. The auras of the three powerful women are extremely powerful, but the little dwarf stays still. Tyrion's stubbornness and persistence did not waver at this moment. He believed that what was in front of him was only a "diplomatic" situation, and these three people would definitely be internalized by themselves to relieve his pressure.

"Zeus means to marry directly, just like the goddess of youth Heber married Hercules." Athena really fired on Diana and Hippolyte first: "Since Diana is still an Olympian The bearer and user of the divine power of Sri Lanka must follow the arrangement of Zeus. This is irreversible."

"I'm just a demigod, not..."

"The same goes for the demigods. There is no difference." Athena said: "There is nothing negotiable about this. Zeus' will must be implemented. This is not a request for you, but it is not a simple order, but yours. Responsibility. The two candidates of God of War, you and Kratos, or you, or Kratos, must do this."

"Kratos? And Mike?" Diana was stunned. "Can the two of them get married? I really want to see how you do this."

"Of course there are many ways to do this..." Athena said while also finding it more difficult to handle, so she hurriedly changed her words: "For the sake of the overall situation, Zeus can also take back his supernatural power and make your mother a new one. Candidate for the God of War, and then discuss the marriage with Zhao Mai. You are just a princess from the Amazon of Paradise Island, and your status is still slightly lower. Multiple fiances or multiple stepdad..."

Before she could finish her words, Hippolyte's neck was already caught. "You have to learn to change this character and stinky mouth. I know I can't pinch you, but it's not so easy for you to escape from the grasp of Amazons!"

"Wisdom can hurt people, but the ultimate victory is wisdom. I just told the truth." Athena did not move her mouth, her voice flowed. "This matter will definitely be carried out. Either Diana, or another person, will save mankind on your behalf and interact with Mike on your behalf. If you think this matter is not good for you, then you can think about it from another perspective. One click: Either as it is now, everyone will do things well, or everyone will suffer losses, and even the entire human race will be buried. You choose."

Hippolyte also said: "Diana, you and Mike have feelings. How should you communicate? My opinion is that you are too anxious to get married. You can get engaged first. Isn't that all right?"

"You...I don't agree. Only Mike and I can decide on this matter." Diana still stubbornly shook her head.

Athena did not answer Diana's words, but directly said to Hippolyte: "In order to reduce the delay in the process, and to do this as soon as possible, the engagement is also possible. But there is a condition, the cancellation of the engagement must have Olin The approval of Zeus, the king of Pius, can make this contract more sacred and effective."

"Aren't you listening to me? I don't agree with you interfering with me and Mike."

"On the contrary, sister, our approach is completely reasonable, legal and reasonable. It must be reasonable in terms of interests, and you two have sufficient emotional foundation, so it is reasonable. Then it is legal..." Athena said: "You He is an Amazonian, a demigod of Olympia, and Mike has always been a Chinese. Here, the parents and elders can be the masters of the betrothal, and the marriage is even more for the ministers to set the policy and the monarch to implement. Moreover, Tyrion has been authorized by Mike. 。You calm down and think carefully, if it weren’t for our intervention~www.ltnovel.com~ how would you two progress? Are you going to dump him again when you can get engaged? Is this your plan? Close Mouth, grow up!"

The black long straight is obviously shorter than the long legs, but the majesty of the goddess of victory is quite powerful, and the Diana ceremony does not know how to refute it. She could only stare at Tyrion and said, "Aren't you afraid that this will cause him a lot of trouble?"

"I don't think so, beautiful lady." Tyrion said: "His Majesty Dragon King decided to come to the earth and try to save the people here, try to save the people in his hometown, and put himself in danger. As his subordinate, the only one The wish is to help him achieve this goal, and no matter how bad he is, I will reduce his danger. The support of the Olympus Protoss, alliance or better marriage, I think it is the best choice. As for when you will go to bed and have children, say To be honest, I don’t care, I just know that he can’t be alone against the enemy.”

Alone? Tyrion didn't think so in his heart. Zhao Mai will never be alone in this life, and there will always be a terrible Z Worm army behind him. However, Tyrion also knew what to say to get the matter through. Sure enough, after being blushed by the thought of "going to bed and having children", and then being stunned by the thought of "I drag Zhao Mai from Venus, he also needs safety and allies", Diana finally didn't know what to say Up.

So the matter was settled.

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