Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 996: The Mist (Part 1)

The Death Star rose slowly, and a green curtain of light turned from faint to thick, slowly extending from the east, covering the entire sky. Zhao Mai stretched his perception to the limit, carefully experiencing the feeling of being immersed in the green light curtain.

"Strange, there is neither magical fluctuations nor elemental powers in it, neither the natural force, psychic powers, and divine powers. Instead, there is a little power to manipulate spatial changes. What the **** is this?" Zhao Mai then checked himself. , To make sure that this "weakening light" has no effect on herself, but it will weaken the released magic and psychic powers to a certain extent. As for intensifying emotions, making yourself more impulsive? Zhao Mai, as always, attaches great importance to protecting his spirit from external influences, and this green light can't help him.

Squinting his eyes to look towards the village of Elisio, all the people there are busy closing their doors, trying their best to avoid the green light. Judging from this action, the Death Star should have arrived earlier than usual. What is it planning? Zhao Mai can't be naive to think that it must have nothing to do with him.

As time passed, the Death Star had already appeared in the sky. Although its size is much smaller than that of the moon, it is even bigger because it is closer. Zhao Mai can clearly see every gully, every bunker on the metal planet, and can also see some humanoid machines busy on the surface of the Death Star. But seeing it is one thing, Zhao Mai couldn't pinpoint the actual location of the Death Star. Even the weakening light that affects half of the earth shines on him all the time, Zhao Mai searches backwards, and can't feel any entity. In this case, neither flying nor teleporting can really touch the physical existence of the Death Star.

"This trick is really amazing, it really developed the hidden ability to the extreme!" Zhao Mai opened his domain and wrapped the entire Vesuvius volcano. The green weakening ray was pushed out by the realm, and could only linger outside the realm without making any progress.

Elisio's village was also protected by Zhao Mai, but they kept shutting the doors and windows and did not even look outside. "Don't they really feel that the curse has disappeared indoors?" Zhao Mai was a little strange at first, but soon wondered why they did it. No one is not sure if he went outside to check whether it was due to the weakening of the light, or he was unconscious. So they may have set a very strict law, that is, when the light is shining, they cannot leave the shaded environment in any way.

No, Hephaestus limped out of the volcano and shouted to Zhao Mai with a shovel: "Take away your kingdom of God! I can't work in this environment." Your power is not Olympus, and it interferes with me too much!"

"Then what are you going to do with the light of the Death Star? I close the field and the light will come down. Wouldn't you reduce your power because of this?"

"There is no way to lower it. Fortunately, as long as there are believers, the divine power can be slowly restored. Moreover, I would rather take it down, or even need it, so that I can prescribe the right medicine." Hephaestus said: " Okay, I'm about to start working now. You can protect me outside. By the way, don't influence me inside the volcano. When I build the mirror, I will naturally go out."

Zhao Mai nodded. It seemed that Hephaestus was indeed affected by the green light, and his tone of impatience and pride was much greater than before. "One by one is like a gunpowder barrel, whether it is exposed to open flame or pressure, it may explode." Zhao Mai sighed. If the field can't play a role in defense, then it has to rely on other means. In addition to the z-worm, the combination of psychic powers and the natural force is the best way.

"First of all, we have to change the environment." Zhao Mai raised his hands and recited the spell silently. Mount Vesuvius shook, and the volcanic rocks broke loose and turned into fertile soil. Afterwards, with Zhao Mai's feet as the center, the vegetation took root and the flowers bloomed. The powerful force of nature continues to wash this piece of land with endless vitality.

There are many vineyards around the foot of Mount Vesuvius, which is why many people live here regardless of the risk of active volcanoes. Zhao Mai unfolded his own psychic powers and moved vegetation seeds from the bottom of the mountain and planted them on the slopes. The brown volcano was soon covered with green, and the colorful flowers bloomed regardless of the seasons, making it a paradise for plants.

Zhao Mai walked on this newly formed grass, and the green grass would always wrap around his ankle. This is not to delay his footsteps, but to report to him the surrounding situation. Without a realm, the environment of the natural force can also fill this space, and Zhao Mai cannot escape Zhao Mai's perception when there is a storm.

I have lived on the soil for a long time, and I haven't stood on the "completely natural" land for a long time. This kind of environment that should have been familiar gave Zhao Mai a strange feeling. Fortunately, Zhao Maidrui's skills are still there, and if he calms down and communicates wildly, he can readjust his state.

Zhao Mai thought of Paul, who would have been invisible before, and his mind turned to hide his breath in the surrounding natural force. This is not a camouflage that disturbs the senses, but a complete integration. He is not invisible, but the ability to detect life cannot see him.

It feels good to be immersed in the force of nature, but it was interrupted by a gunshot from a distance~www.ltnovel.com~ The gunfire came from the city of Naples, and I don't know what caused the gunfight. After a gunshot, only a few continuous gunshots were heard, and the battle became more intense. Zhao Mai frowned, feeling in his heart that something bad might happen. Then he saw a figure running fast, rushing out of the town and running straight towards the volcano.

The speed of that person is comparable to that of a cheetah, and his agile movements are like an antelope. Behind him, three police cars chased desperately, the police poked their heads out of the windows and kept shooting with guns, but they couldn't hit the high-speed runners. The current situation is obvious. If the superhuman leads the police to the mountain, whether it is to Zhao Mai or the village, it will inevitably lead to greater chaos.

It can be seen that the ability player is continuously being weakened by the Death Star, and his performance is becoming more and more like a long-distance runner exhausted. In just a few moments, his speed changed from a cheetah to a bicycle, and he could only maintain his lead by relying on his flexible direction changes and narrow streets. However, he seems to be thinking about going up to the volcano, and has no consciousness of hiding or leading trouble away.

"Help him or help the police?" Zhao Mai was still hesitating. Suddenly, starting from the middle of the mountain, a thick mist was summoned by someone unknown to him, and it rolled towards the foot of the mountain, quickly covering the road and town. With the help of this thick fog, the supernatural person can definitely avoid the police and run up the mountain. But the feeling of trouble coming to the door became stronger and stronger.

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