Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 997: Mist

There was a worrying breath in the mist, and there seemed to be danger everywhere in the shadows. If it had been before, the cautious Zhao Mai would immediately disperse the fog, trying to eliminate the danger in the bud. But this time he let the mist exist.

Crisis also contains opportunities, which is the original meaning of the interdependence of good and evil. Therefore, Zhao Mai only partially dissipated the fog to ensure that the vicinity of the hole in the Vulcan forging room was always clearly visible, and the other parts remained. Afterwards, he began to look for the source of the fog around him through natural force sensing.

"Ha, it turns out that the people in the village of Alessio are releasing the thick fog, which is really interesting. So, that high-speed runner is also their villager?" Zhao Mai saw through the "eyes" of the vine People who are performing abilities. It was a chubby boy with a bulging body, slowly being "disheartened". This thick fog was released from his body, and then appeared out of thin air in a certain range around him.

When the Death Star appears, the weakening of the light reaches the strongest, and all super powers that are far away from the body, such as magic, such as summoning thick fog, will be affected first. The little fat man was also suffering from side effects while successfully losing weight. His body twitched, his teeth clenched from time to time, and the corners of his eyes wrinkled, making him feel painful when he looked at it.

There was also an old man in the same room with him. He opened a corner of the curtain with a cane and looked out with his eyes closed. "Well, Scud is safe. Those policemen have lost their target. You can stop and rest."

"Grandpa Simon, I can't stop..." The little fat man gritted his teeth and said, "I can't control the fog, just like the constant power around me is pulling the fog away from my body. I...I can only There is no other way to remove the mist!"

"Then drain it all out, you can eat it back slowly. Alas, the Death Star appeared early and it exposed Scud. It seems that this time we may not be able to get the medicine we need."

The little fat man's state changed sharply, and the big beads of sweat suddenly arched out of his forehead. How could he care to talk to old man Simon? With a spurt of blood, the little fat man suddenly "shredded", his body and limbs became very slender, only the size of his head remained unchanged, making it huge and abrupt. Simon rushed over, helped him from the ground, and asked him about his condition.

"It's okay, I'm fine. Fortunately, I cut it off in time, otherwise I would be sucked dry."

"Who sucked you up? Could it be that Lord Dragon Roar? Was it because you released the thick fog that provoke him?" Simon frowned tightly. He would definitely be worried, after all, "The Lord" is an existence that the entire village cannot defeat.

"No, I think the surrounding air is sucking away my mist... No, it's light, it's the light of the dead star!" The little fat man wiped the blood from his lips and put his arm on Simon's shoulder: "Grandpa, I must tell others that there is something else in the mist, and I can feel something coming out!"

Not only the "little fat man", Zhao Mai also noticed something wrong. Except that the area above the Vulcan Cave remains clear, the dense fog has covered all the areas near the volcano, and it has become more dense than before. Ordinary people can't see the situation two meters away in the fog, and the sense of direction will become disordered.

To be precise, the space in the dense fog has become unstable. Zhao Mai has already smelled the observer's ability, that is, the feeling of manipulating space to hide himself and fight the enemy. It's just that the power in the thick fog is still too weak to pose a threat to Zhao Mai at all. It looks more like an unintentional move, but it is the result of weakening the interaction between the ray and the little fat man's abilities.

The light of the green death star left Zhao Mai with a feeling of space ability before. The thick fog of Xiaopang also appeared in a position far away from the body through a certain space force. If the two interact with each other and produce a new effect, it is reasonable. The above makes sense, but the probability is another matter. Zhao Mai increased his vigilance, watching the changes in the fog while being careful.

The chaotic space energy entangled with each other, tearing open tiny cracks. Their size was at the molecular level from the beginning, and almost nothing could be transmitted. It's just that these cracks will not disappear when they appear, and they will gradually expand and merge with each other.

Soon, the dust can be squeezed out from the gap, followed by the spores of some kind of fungus. At this time, the spatial disorder has become very serious, Zhao Mai's psychic powers have been cut into pieces, and the senses are also affected. Only the area formed by the force of nature connected by the vegetation on the soles of the feet can barely remain continuous.

Zhao Mai dragged the spores from a position closer to him, and wrapped them with z-worm source material for analysis. This is a kind of fungus that has never been seen before, and it has no other advantages besides better heat resistance, let alone threatening.

As the crack continued to expand, a strange creature not much bigger than a lice popped out. A translucent hard shell, eight slender flaky feet, and a mouth full of fine teeth like a sucker. It is lighter than air and uses its flaky feet to jump and slide in the air, chasing the heat-resistant fungus that came out before. When it jumped onto Zhao Mai, it opened its mouth and bit down on the skin.

How could the "sucker flea" be the opponent of the Z-worm cell, its fangs and sharp teeth can't even scratch. However, this little thing is quite fierce, persevering and continuously attacking Zhao Mai. It was like falling into a kind of fanaticism, even if Zhao Mai grabbed the fungus it loved and brought it to his mouth, it would turn a blind eye to it, and didn't mean to stop at all.

"Very fierce!" Zhao Mai directly swallowed it with the Zworm cells, and then began to imitate and study its bloodline ability. Anything that can rank the importance of "killing" before "eating" is a creature that needs special embankment, even if it is too small, it can't hurt humans at all.

This must have been an invasion by an alien species~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhao Mai wailed, and then he fished a large number of "sucker fleas" and swallowed them with z-worm source material.

As the skin squirmed, Zhao Mai gathered the digested "suction flea" residue in the palm of his hand. The worm's ability to absorb and utilize various substances is unmatched. After decomposing the "suction flea", electronic components were found inside!

"There are many, many types, not like growing out, but being eaten and stored in their own body. Could it be that there are smaller components in the fungal spores?" Zhao Mai couldn't understand: "These components are simply useless, and they have all functions. No, what does it do in the body after eating it?"

Spatial cracks continue to expand. When creatures that resemble spiders in size and appearance appeared, when Zhao Mai found more integrated components in its body, he probably understood it.

This is a biological factory from small to large, from scattered to concentrated, continuously gathering various parts along the food chain. Not only the volume of the components, but also their proportion in the organism. Zhao Mai quickly calculated, if the proportion reached one-half hundredth, what scale the creature would grow to, he looked up and saw the Death Star.

Also found the answer.

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