Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1149: Vicious punishment?

After reading Xiao Han's letter, Ji Tianxing put the letter away, showing relief in his eyes.

"Fortunately, the ancestor of the Xiao family is in the Xiao clan, and Xiao Han is willing to do this for me.

Before long, I will be able to see the ancestors of the Xiao family, confirming my speculation! "

When he was in Wuyue City, Xiao Han had told him that the Xiao Clan was very far away from Zhongzhou, hiding in a hidden forbidden area.

He also mentioned in the letter just now that the Xiao Clan will hold the Holy Fire Festival in one month.

Although Ji Tianxing does not yet understand what the Holy Fire Festival is.

But Xiao Han's tone is solemn, and this festival is obviously a very important celebration for the Xiao clan.

Ji Tianxing thought quietly in his heart: "It will take at least half a month to get to the Xiao Clan from Zhongzhou. Xiao Han will leave for the Xiao Clan in two days.

I also have to pack up and prepare, and then go to the Xiao Clan with him. "

After making up his mind, he got up and left Tianxing Palace and rushed to Yunyao Palace.

Before leaving, he had to say hello to Yun Yao, and said to himself.

Two quarters later, he entered Yunyao Palace and saw Yunyao in the study.

Yun Yao was reading attentively in the study, flipping through the books written by the priests in the Imperial Palace.

These books record many methods and practice experiences for condensing the soul and breaking through the soul-refining realm.

Ji Tianxing glanced at the name of the book, and then guessed that Yun Yao's mind must be preparing for the impact on the Soul Refining Realm.

Entering the study, he called out, "Yaoyao."

Yun Yao was awakened by him, quickly put down the ancient book in her hand, turned her head to look at him, nodded and said: "Tianxing, you are here, what can I do?"

Ji Tianxing nodded, walked up to her and sat down, and said, "Yaoyao, I will leave the imperial mansion tomorrow and go out to do an important thing."

Yun Yao nodded slightly, and asked with concern: "How long are you going to leave this time? Will it be dangerous? Or... I'll go with you?"

Ji Tianxing smiled and waved his hand, and said, "Don't worry, there is no danger. I just go to a place, meet someone, and prove one thing.

My departure this time will probably be delayed by two months.

I will leave you three jade slips, if you have any urgent matter, send me a call. "

After all, he took out three jade slips from the space ring and handed them to Yun Yao.

Yun Yao accepted the jade slip, put it in the space ring, and said, "Tian Xing, then you can do your business with peace of mind, go early and return early.

It just so happened that my realm of strength had also reached a bottleneck, and I was going to retreat for a few months to practice hard to hit the shackles of the Soul Refining Realm.

If it goes well, it is estimated that when you come back, I will be able to break through to the Soul Refining Realm. "

Ji Tianxing showed a relieved smile, nodded and said: "I believe you will break through smoothly."

The two sat in the study for a while and chatted a few thoughtful words before Ji Tianxing left.

He didn't have much salute to clean up, so he left the Emperor's Mansion directly, flew over Zhongzhou City, and rushed towards Wuyue City.

A few hours later, he was flying in the sky.

At this time, Qianyue's voice rang in his mind.

"Old Ji, where are we going?"

Ji Tianxing was taken aback, with a thought, opened the entrance of the sword world, and Qian Yue flew out.


An icy blue light flashed, Qianyue flew out of the sword world and appeared in the sky.

It consciously carried Ji Tianxing, galloping in the sky.

Ji Tianxing showed a smile and said: "I'm going to Wuyue City to find Donglin God General to do something.

Qianyue, you don't stay in the sword world to practice hard, what are you doing? "

Qianyue shook his head, and said in a dull tone: "It's been almost a year, and Xiao Heilong and I have been practicing in the world of swords in retreat and we are almost boring to death.

King Jinshan and Ida are busy all day long to open up the territory, cultivate mineral veins, and practice forging weapons in different ways.

Little Black Dragon didn't know what it was stimulated. He knew how to practice in retreat all day long and didn't play with me anymore.

I was bored in it, so I had to come out to get my breath. "

Ji Tianxing patted its head and said with a chuckle: "The greatest wish of the Turin tribe is to have a peaceful place with rich mineral resources, so that they can recuperate.

The world in the sword is their ideal hometown, of course they have to be busy cultivating mineral veins and forging weapons.

As for the little black dragon, it should have been stimulated while in the East China Sea.

The **** dragon named Longyuan taught the little black dragon a lot of cultivation experience and secrets, which was of great help to it.

The little black dragon is outraged, and has been cultivating diligently for the past year, surely he wants to practice the secret method as soon as possible to reach the soul refining state. "

Having said this, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, saying: "The Earth Spirits have been working hard, recuperating, and growing.

The little black dragon is also cultivating diligently, and now he has reached the fifth level of the Heavenly Origin Realm, and his strength has increased very rapidly.

Only you, who are as lazy as before, don't need to work hard in cultivation... You, you should learn more from the little black dragon. "

Qianyue curled her lips in dissatisfaction, "Cut, I don't want to be like the little black dragon, so dumb, too boring.

Moreover, I am a noble king of spirit beasts, with outstanding talent and aptitude against the sky, even if I do not practice, I am better than them!

The little black dragon is only in the fifth level of the Heavenly Origin Realm, and I have reached the sixth level of the Heavenly Origin Realm. Why don't you praise me in Laoji? "

Anyway, Ji Tianxing was on the way, bored, so he talked to Qianyue, and said earnestly: "Qianyue, your talents are higher than the little black dragon, this is true.

But you can't waste your great talents like this, waste your time and waste time like this!

You have such an outstanding talent, if you are as diligent as the little black dragon, wouldn't you be able to reach the soul refining realm soon?

So... I'll set a goal for the two of you ~ www.ltnovel.com~ Whoever reaches the Soul Refining Realm first will be able to follow me forever.

Those who have not reached the Soul Refining Realm are allowed to stay in the sword world for cultivation, and are not allowed to come out! "

Qianyue suddenly showed a grievance and angry expression, and snorted coldly: "Huh! Old Ji, you know that I am a free and unrestrained little sky fox who loves freedom, and treat me with such a vicious punishment, you... You have no conscience, you know you are partial to the little black dragon!"

Ji Tianxing rolled his eyes, "Don't pretend to be pitiful to me, I'm for your good, and you are not allowed to bargain."

After that, with his palm, a white light lit up, opening the entrance to the world in the sword.

Qianyue had no resistance and was directly taken into the world of swords.

Qianyue, who was full of helplessness and depression, had to return to Antu City to harass the little black dragon who was practicing in retreat.

Unconsciously, nearly five days passed.

Ji Tianxing drove for nearly a million miles and finally arrived at Wuyue City surrounded by mountains.

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