Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1150: Outburst

When Ji Tianxing entered Wuyue City, Xiao Han was already waiting for him in the City Lord's Mansion.

After meeting in the hospitality hall of the City Lord's Mansion, the two exchanged greetings before sitting down to chat.

Ten days ago, Xiao Han received a reply from the Xiao Clan and sent a secret letter to Ji Tianxing.

He settled the military affairs of the East China Sea, and hurried back to Wuyue City, waiting for the arrival of Ji Tianxing.

The two agreed on a date and decided to leave early tomorrow morning for the Xiao Clan.

With doubts in his mind, Ji Tianxing asked Xiao Han, "Master God, tomorrow we are going to the Xiao Clan.

Could you please let the Lord tell me where is the Xiao Clan? "

Xiao Han showed a meaningful smile, and the sound transmission said: "Anyway, you will know tomorrow, so it doesn't hurt to tell you.

The Xiao Clan is actually hidden in the most dangerous forbidden land on the mainland, right in the depths of the southern wilderness.

Few people dare to break into the Southern Wilderness Daze, where it is too dangerous, and those who rush into it will lose their lives in all likelihood.

Moreover, the Xiao Clan is in a cave and the entrance is very hidden.

Those who are waiting for a while, even if they know where the Xiao Clan is, they cannot find the entrance, let alone get in. "

Ji Tianxing understood this, nodded and said: "Everyone thinks that the Southern Wilderness Daze is a place of God's punishment, which hides endless dangers and definitely no one lives.

Unexpectedly, the Xiao Clan lived in seclusion in the Southern Wilderness. No wonder it could live in seclusion for thousands of years without showing up in front of the world!

The Xiao Clan dared to live in seclusion in the Great Southern Wilderness, showing that the courage, determination and methods of the Xiao family ancestors are extraordinary! "

"Young Master Ji is absurd." Xiao Han said modestly, "There are still twenty days before the Holy Fire Festival. At our speed, when we hurried back to the Xiao Clan, the time was almost just right."

Ji Tianxing hurriedly asked: "Master God, can you explain what happened to the Holy Fire Festival? I want to know about this celebration so as not to cause any misunderstandings."

"Well, that's fine." Xiao Han thought about it for a moment, and then explained: "The Holy Fire Festival is a grand celebration of our Xiao clan every 20 years.

This festival lasts for three days. The torch will be lit everywhere in the clan and cannot be extinguished for three days and three nights.

During the Sacred Fire Festival, the younger generation of Xiao children must accept family assessments and tests.

Only the first two who passed the test were qualified to leave the Xiao Clan and enter the Profound Sky Continent.

The children of the Xiao clan who failed to win the top two can only wait for the next Holy Fire Festival twenty years later.

If at the second Holy Fire Festival, those Xiao Clan children still fail to win the top two, they must stay in the Xiao Clan forever and thrive until they die.

Every child of the Xiao clan has two opportunities to leave, but only the best and outstanding children can go to the outside world.

At the same time, the Holy Fire Festival is also a celebration of courtship among young men and women.

The boys and girls who show their love in public at the Holy Fire Festival and receive responses will receive the blessings of the whole clan..."

After listening to Xiao Han's explanation, Ji Tianxing couldn't help showing a smile, "It sounds very interesting. It can not only keep the Xiao Clan in peace and friendship, but also inspire young children.

It seems that this Holy Fire Festival is of great significance to the Xiao Clan. "

"Of course." Xiao Han nodded and said, "Except for the 100-year birthday of the ancestors of the Xiao family, the Holy Fire Festival is the most grand festival.

This time, we took the opportunity of the Holy Fire Festival to find an excuse that the elders could hardly refuse.

We will watch the assessment process with our own eyes and bring out the two most outstanding children of the Xiao Clan and arrange them to experience under our seat. "

Ji Tianxing couldn't help but brighten his eyes and smiled and said: "This excuse really makes it difficult for the Xiao Clan to refuse. After all, you are now the East Forest God General, one of the most noble figures on the mainland.

If the two young children of the Xiao clan can be helped and cultivated by you, that would be a great blessing and opportunity, I am afraid that the young children will dream of it. "

Xiao Han smiled and nodded: "That's right, this seat used this excuse to get the clan elders to let go and acquiesce in this seat to take you into the Xiao Clan.

However, the rules of the Xiao clan are there, and the clan elders are not good at blatantly breaking it.

This seat can take you into the Xiao Clan, but you have to be a little wronged to cover up this matter. "

Ji Tianxing was mentally prepared and asked, "My Lord, what should I do?"

Xiao Han took a deep look at him, and then tentatively asked: "You need to pretend to be a child of our Xiao Clan, and as your nephew, can you enter the Xiao Clan with this seat.

Of course, I didn't deliberately take advantage of you. This is just a stopgap measure. Everyone knows it well and just doesn't tell it. "

Ji Tianxing thought about it for a moment, and then agreed happily, "My Lord, you are polite, you are a senior who has lived for more than a hundred years, and you are a **** who guards the East China Sea.

I am your junior, and it is reasonable to call it uncle. There is nothing wronged. "

Seeing him so refreshed, the only trace of worry in Xiao Han's heart disappeared, and he quickly nodded with a smile: "Since Mr. Ji is so clear and righteous, I feel relieved.

Today, you can rest in the city lord’s mansion.

Tomorrow morning, we will leave for Daze in the Southern Wilderness. "

"Okay." Ji Tianxing nodded and agreed, and under the leadership of the housekeeper, went to the residence to rest.

One day passed quickly.

Early the next morning, as the sky dawned, Ji Tianxing followed Xiao Han and left the City Lord's Mansion.

The two flew to the sky together, and hurried to the south.


The distance from the land of Zhongzhou to the Southern Wilderness Daze in the south is too far away.

A year ago, Ji Tianxing had only the strength of the Eightfold Heavenly Origin Realm, and it took three months to rush from Zhongzhou to Southern Desolate City.

But now it's different. Both he and Xiao Han are strong in the Soul Refining Realm, and the speed of the journey is several times faster than before!

Xiao Han is driving a flying magic weapon, a soul-class black flying boat, like a streamer piercing the sky, as fast as lightning.

Ji Tianxing stepped on a blazing white soul sword, like a white light, flying side by side with Xiao Han.

In fact, he only used five success strengths, and he was as fast as Xiao Han.

If he fully drives the Divine Soul Magic Sword, the speed will be twice as fast as Xiao Han.

The two of them did not encounter any danger or trouble during their speed at ~www.ltnovel.com~.

About fourteen days later, the two crossed over half of the southern continent and successfully arrived in the southern desert city.

The long distances and speeds caused a lot of mana consumption for the two of them, and they were both a look of fatigue.

The two are going to enter the southern desert city, rest in the city for one night, and continue on their way tomorrow morning.

It was in the evening, and the sunset had not yet completely set.

However, when the two of them were a hundred miles away from the southern desert city, they saw the sky dark.

On the vast grassland outside the southern desert city, there were countless huge figures, galloping like a gust of wind, attacking the southern desert city.

Even in the sky around the Southern Desolate City, there are tens of thousands of birds and black shadows, covering the sky and flocking to the Southern Desolate City.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing was stunned for a moment to react.

"This is... beast tide!"

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