Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3445: Sun Moon Double Sword

With Ji Tianxing's words, Chao Qingyu was stunned.

Moreover, Ji Tianxing's smile on his face was extraordinarily teasing and meaningful.

Chao Qingyu couldn't help feeling cold on her back, and asked worriedly: "My son, you won't be... have any grudges with the Jiang clan?"

Ji Tianxing glanced at him, then asked, "If there are grievances, I will take you to the Jiang Clan? Isn't that self-inflicted?"

"Uh..." Chao Qingyu was stunned, puzzled: "Then what did you just mean?"

"It's not interesting, don't think too much." Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said: "You go to retreat and practice."

Seeing that he refused to answer, Chao Qingyu was helpless and had no choice but to give up.

He said goodbye to Ji Tianxing, returned to the sapphire divine ship, and went to retreat to practice.

Ji Tianxing placed the Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers and the Sapphire Godship on the stone table in the secret room.

However, he also returned to the twisted time and space of the tower and continued to refine the artifact.


When he returned to the blood flame sacred tree, Yanke had already entered the cultivation state.

Ji Tianxing flew back to the front of the Nine Heavens Divine Cauldron, connected his mind to the Divine Cauldron, and checked the conditions inside the cauldron.

Although he left Twisted Time and Space and went to Fire Dragon Mountain, a lot of time was lost.

Fortunately, the formation of the **** cauldron was operating normally, and the two divine swords in the cauldron were still intact and not damaged.

However, the cracks on the surface of the two divine swords expanded a bit, and the shaking became more intense.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing took out the more than 70 king-level refining materials from the space ring and arranged them in mid-air.

"I didn't expect that just a trip to Huolong Mountain would be able to get so many king-level materials. Kou Kuan, Qiqi Novels|w~w~

This is much more efficient than exploring mysteries and adventurous treasure hunting!

With these refining materials, it is enough for me to refine a king-level artifact for each of Keke, Wushuang and Bailong.

In the future, when I go to Shenyin Cavern, I will have to get some top-notch materials in case I need it. "

Ji Tianxing murmured to himself, the scene of a magical cave in his mind, and he thought of those rare treasures, and he looked forward to it.

Soon, he picked out three materials from more than seventy refining materials and added them to the divine cauldron.

These three mixing materials are all kinds of rare metals with very tough texture and super plasticity.

Ji Tianxing's purpose is to enhance the toughness and strength of the two divine swords, so that they can withstand more laws and restrictions.


After adding the three materials, the cracks in the two Excalibur were repaired.

Next, Ji Tianxing spent another ten days to integrate all three materials into the Excalibur.

The material and strength of the divine sword are guaranteed, and he can safely engrave the rules and restrictions.

Time passed quickly.

Unconsciously, three months passed.

Ji Tianxing inscribed more than fifty rules and more than five hundred prohibitions on the two divine swords.

Finally, the rules on the Excalibur reached three hundred, and the number of bans reached three thousand!

Undoubtedly, two king-level mid-level divine swords were made!

When Ji Tianxing stopped and opened the Nine Heavens Divine Cauldron, two dazzling sword lights rushed into the sky.

"Huh! Huh!"

Two divine swords rose into the air, dragging a long tail flame, like two divine dragons hovering in the sky.

Hundreds of millions of sword lights shone like stars, and the majestic and mighty sacred sword energy scattered like a downpour.

This piece of time and space was all affected by Jian Qi, and began to agitate and waver.

Ji Tianxing looked up at the two circling and flying divine swords, showing a gratifying smile.

"With these two divine swords, Yaoyao's combat effectiveness will surely increase several times.

Moreover, the Excalibur is gold and silver, and its attributes and laws fit her very well.

For the time being, call these two divine swords the sun and moon double swords. "


The two swords flying in the sky, one golden as the scorching sun, and the other silver as the bright moon.

Even the aura from the two divine swords is fierce and violent, and the other is cold and restrained.

After a while, when the breath of the two divine swords stabilized, Ji Tianxing waved away. The fastest updated novels https://

Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to refine a king-level sharp gun for Ji Ke.

But he calculated the time, two and a half days should have passed outside.

Therefore, he temporarily left the twisted time and space and returned to the secret room of the God's Will.

Opening the secret room, he walked towards the hall of the shrine.

There are many divine formations in the hall, among which is the formation of controlling the flight of the divine palace.

In the past few days, the God King of God’s Will has sat cross-legged in the hall, concentrating on driving the temple.

As soon as Ji Tianxing walked into the hall, the God of Heaven's Will was awakened immediately, and he quickly asked, "Master Tianxing, why haven't you recuperated?

From here to Shenyingdongtian, there are more than twenty domains to pass, at least half a year, you can practice in retreat. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and asked: "Where did you fly now? Have you left the Sanglan Empire?"

The King of God's Will thought for a moment, and replied: "We have reached the southernmost part of the Sanglan Empire. If we fly further south for half an hour, we will arrive at the border.

After crossing the border of the Sanglan Empire, one would enter the Huosang Empire. "

Ji Tianxing narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "The Fire Sang Empire is located in the middle of the Fire Sang Domain, and it is the core empire of the Fire Sang Domain, right?"

"Of course~www.ltnovel.com~ The God King of God's Will nodded without hesitation.

Ji Tianxing asked again: "God's will, how much do you know about the Huosang Domain and the Huosang Empire?

How many strong gods are there in the entire domain? How many high-ranking gods does the Huosang Empire have? "

The God King of Heaven’s Will replied without hesitation: "Although I have not been in the Huosang Domain not long ago, I stayed there for more than a month in total.

But I have investigated the situation beforehand, and I still know Huo Sang Yu, otherwise I would not recruit disciples here.

Among the ten nearby domains, the Fire Mulberry Domain is the most powerful.

There are four **** kings in this domain. In addition to the **** craftsman Tianye, the Huosang domain master also has two deputy.

The name of the fire mulberry domain master is Bai Feng, and his two deputies are a pair of Taoists named Qin Ye and Wu Xue.

By the way, that Bai Feng has a background.

He is an upper **** king who has been famous for 20,000 years, and his strength has reached the seventh stage.

Moreover, he seems to have the blood of the sacred beast, fire and phoenix, and possess the mysterious pupil of Nirvana, which can predict good and bad luck and calculate the secret of heaven.

Most importantly, I heard that there seems to be a shadow of Shenfeng Dongtian behind him, but I don't know if it is true or not.

Anyway, I didn't want to deal with him, so I didn't continue to explore..."

When he heard this, Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, his eyes a little serious.

He thought to himself: "Jing Feihong was killed, the Lord of the Golden Dragon Territory was exiled to the void, and the Astral Envoy was seriously injured and escaped.

The astrological envoy must hate me deeply and will not let it go.

Even if he is seriously injured, he can't come and kill me.

But in his capacity, he should find other envoys to help and notify various domains to intercept and kill me.

Bai Feng's strength is so strong, there is a relationship with Shenfeng Dongtian behind him.

If I were a star **** envoy, I am afraid I would also ask him for help, right? "

After a pause, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he whispered to himself: "Niemie Divine Pupil? Can he predict good and bad luck and calculate the secret?!"

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