Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3446: Will definitely sell my face

Originally, the **** of heaven and Ji Tianxing had a normal conversation.

Speaking of God King Baifeng and Shenfeng Dongtian, Ji Tianxing fell into deep thought with serious eyes.

The God King of Heaven's Will noticed his strange expression, and asked with concern: "Sir Tianxing, what's the matter with you? Is there any problem?"

Ji Tianxing recovered and waved his hand: "It's nothing, don't worry.

However, after entering the Huosang Empire, you should be as careful as possible. "

"No problem." The God King of Heaven nodded and agreed, but he asked uneasy: "Young Master Tianxing, have you offended the God King Baifeng? Or do you have any grudges with the God Feng Dongtian?"

Ji Tianxing thought in his heart: "If the star **** envoy really sends information to the **** king Baifeng, he will definitely help.

After all, he is the Lord of the Fire Sang Territory, a subordinate of the God Emperor Asura, of course he must follow his orders.

As for Shenfeng Dongtian...

Hehe, in order to hone my swordsmanship, I broke through the crisis.

Also in order to find materials from the cave sky and blessed land, refining all kinds of magic weapons, stepped on the 72 cave sky and 36 blessed land one by one.

That old fire phoenix must have gritted his teeth with hatred, right? "

Although he thought so in his heart, Ji Tianxing pretended to be nonchalant and explained to God King Tianyi: "What kind of grudges can I have with Shenfeng Dongtian? It is God King Baifeng, perhaps offended.

After all, I stepped on the God Crafter Tianye in Huolong Mountain, let him sweep his face, his prestige disappeared, and I won more than 30 king-level materials.

The **** craftsman Tianye is almost mad, he must have a close relationship with the **** king Baifeng.

For the sake of Huosangyu's face, the God King Baifeng might have shot at me. "

The God King of God's Will thought for a moment, and nodded: "That's it! Your worries are not unreasonable.

With the temperament that Tianye's **** craftsman Jai Xian must repay, most of them will seek help from the **** king Baifeng.

However, with your strength and means, what is the mere divine craftsman of Tianye?

Even if the God King Baifeng goes out, you don't care about it! "

Although, the God King of Heaven could not see through the realm and details of Ji Tianxing.

But he is convinced that this is because Ji Tianxing's realm of strength is too high.

Moreover, the whole Jiang clan was in awe of Ji Tianxing.

It is conceivable that Ji Tianxing is definitely the upper **** king!

And it is the best among the upper **** kings, the **** king of the eighth or ninth level!

With such a powerful strength, isn't he walking sideways in the Haotian Continent?

But the God King of Heaven's Will was active, and he quickly said with a smile: "Sir Tianxing, don't worry!

Don't say that the White Phoenix God King is not your opponent. With me present, the White Phoenix God King will definitely not embarrass you.

After all, we Jiang Clan and Shenfeng Dongtian are similar clans, and there is so much friendship.

The King Baifeng will definitely sell my face!

At that time, you don't have to worry about anything, I will handle it! "

The God King of God's Will is quite confident to pack the votes, also in order to show in front of Ji Tianxing, so as to close the relationship.

Ji Tianxing understood his thoughts, just smiled and didn't say much.

"Okay, then you can concentrate on controlling the godship, I will go to the secret room to adjust my breath for a while."

After speaking, Ji Tianxing patted the shoulder of God King Tianyi, turned and left.


Time went back to two and a half days ago.

Ji Tianxing defeated the God Crafter Tianye at the top of Huolong Mountain and obtained more than 30 king-level materials. The fastest updated novels https://

The **** craftsman Tianye swallowed his anger, and left Huolong Mountain in embarrassment with heinous hatred and extreme humiliation.

Not long after he left Huolong Mountain, he took out the jade slip and asked the **** king Baifeng for help.

On weekdays, he had a good friendship with the God King Bai Feng, and he helped Bai Feng refine many king-level artifacts.

Moreover, the royal families and strong men of the major empires often asked him.

Tianye God Craftsman believes that God King Baifeng will definitely help him get revenge!

In the jade slip of the transmission, he clearly explained what happened.

After sending the subpoena, he hurried to the Huosang Empire.

A quarter of an hour later.

The northern border of the Huosang Empire, Manchuan Pass adjacent to the Sanglan Empire.

There are several mountains here, all stretching millions of miles.

The mountains are steep and Qifeng cliffs can be seen everywhere.

And Manchuan Pass is the most majestic and steep checkpoint on the border.

Within this Xiongguan, a large army of 200,000 Fire Sang Empire is stationed all year round, commanded by more than 40 high-ranking gods.

A few days ago, Emperor Huosang personally took the Yulin Army and hundreds of gods and powers to Manchuanguan to sit down.

Yesterday, the noble and unparalleled domain lord Baifeng God King, also brought Qin Ye and Wu Xue to Manchuan Pass.

The 200,000 troops guarding Manchuan Pass were dumbfounded, and while excited, they also felt anxious and depressed.

For them, it is very exciting for His Majesty the Emperor to visit Manchuan Pass in person.

As for the domain master, that has never been seen before.

They are all lucky to see one side with their own eyes, enough for a lifetime.

But the defenders are not stupid.

Over the past two days, there has been a high-ranking high-ranking **** who has rushed to Manchuanguan from all directions to gather.

The atmosphere of Manchuan Pass is very solemn and full of murderous auras coming from wind and rain.

The 200,000 defenders all had a foreboding that something earth-shattering was about to happen.

Otherwise, there will not be so many strong and big people gathered here.

at the same time.

In the coach's palace of Manchuan Pass, the **** king Baifeng, who was meditating and adjusting his breath, received a call from the **** craftsman Tianye.

He finished his luck ~www.ltnovel.com~ holding the message jade slip in his hand, reading the information inside with his spiritual sense.

Originally he looked indifferent and majestic.

When he finished reading the information in the jade slip, his frowned brows suddenly stretched out, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Ha ha ha ha... It's really surprising, it's an unexpected joy!"

Hadye and Wuxue have been guarding both sides of the God King Baifeng.

Seeing him suddenly smile, Qin Ye couldn't help asking: "Domain Lord, what makes you so happy?"

The God King Baifeng weighed the jade slip in his hand, and said with a smile: "Originally, according to our estimation, those alien kings should arrive at Manchuan Pass today.

But they have not come, we are waiting here, still guessing if something went wrong.

Guess what?

Those alien kings went to Huolong Mountain!

Didn’t the two of you say that there was a young master craftsman in Huolongshan who taught the disciples of Tianye master craftsman? "

Had Ye and Wu Xue's eyes lit up, and they suddenly showed surprise.

"My lord, do you mean that those foreign **** kings also went to Fire Dragon Mountain to challenge the young **** craftsman?"

God King Bai Feng nodded, and said with a smile: "Well, they not only challenged the young master craftsman, but also slapped Tianye master craftsman in the face.

In front of his disciples and grandchildren, Tianye God Craftsman lost his face without saying anything, and lost more than 30 king-level materials!

No, as soon as Tianye God Craftsman escaped from Huolong Mountain, he sent a message to the king for help, and asked him to avenge him! "

Qin Ye immediately brightened his eyes and said in surprise: "That is to say, those alien kings went to Huolong Mountain, which wasted time. Qiqi novels were published on the whole network.

It will take them two and a half days at the earliest to reach Manchuan Pass.

We still have plenty of time to prepare and we can gather more people! "

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