Sword Emperor

Chapter 1278

This huge battle soon ended, because the Terran's strength increased abruptly, which completely exceeded the imagination of the triangles. Not long ago, the dozens of alien clans that were originally left fell into the siege of the Terrans.

In the whole process, although the Terran was damaged, but with the help of sun Bing, no one fell.

After seeing the cruel battlefield, none of the remaining Terrans felt uncomfortable. Their short-term amazement turned into intense excitement. Once again, their faces showed strong self-confidence and their spirits changed.

Because through today's battle, it has been proved that Terrans are not weaker than any other alien race, and may even become more powerful, because the corpses on the ground are enough to verify this truth.

It can be said that from this moment on, the Terran has been gradually transformed. After having the skills, they have the capital to compete with all the nationalities.

After being excited, everyone can't help but look at Sun Bing. After all, sun Bing is the source of all these changes. Without sun Bing, they still live like ants in the woods, and they can't even control their own lives.

However, when the line of sight is directed at Sun Bing, everyone's eyes are filled with deep consternation, because in their eyes, sun Bing is now all over the body with a faint glow, and with the passage of time, the whole person has become more transparent and seems to be disappearing step by step.

In a flash, the excitement on the faces of those villagers disappeared, and they were even full of worries. Even if they didn't know what was going on, they still had some inexplicable problems in their hearts, so they immediately ran to sun Bing to help him.

But at this moment, sun Bing can feel that he can only be powerless to be entangled by an inexplicable force, and there is no way to break free, and this energy seems to send him to somewhere else.

Even if the villagers' speed has been quite fast, but Sun Bing's distance from them is still a constant number, and is still accelerating to disappear.

Among the crowd, sun Bing can see the worries flashing on everyone's face, the village heads headed by him, and the anxiety in Jian Zun's eyes. All these performances can not help but make sun Bing filled with warmth.

Immediately, he waved his hand: "you don't need to worry about me. Since you can help yourself, it's time for me to leave. I hope you can practice hard and don't let my people continue to become blood..."

But the last words have not been said, the original sun Bing in a flash has completely disappeared, leaving only that empty void, and not far away face with anxiety, consternation and confusion of the Terran.

After a long time, these talents finally come back to their senses, and then their eyes are full of firmness. Sun Bing has given them the capital to fight against wanzu. Their hearts, which originally only wanted to protect themselves, have also changed accordingly. They are eager to change the status of the whole human race.

While those people were discussing the future planning, jianzun in the village was indifferent, with a strong firmness in his eyes. He tightly held the wooden sword that sun Bing had given him, and set foot on the journey out of the village without hesitation.

As for sun Bing at the moment, he can only feel the inexplicable powerful force emerging around his body, which is very ethereal and also hazy. It seems that the profound meaning of space is more profound than that of space, but it seems to contain the profound meaning of space.

In a word, even with sun Bing at the moment, there is no way to understand the meaning of the mystery. Time seems to have disappeared. I don't know how long it took sun Bing to control his own body again.

If you don't open your eyes, you can feel the majestic aura of heaven and earth around you, and Daoyun can also be realized. With the slow opening of your eyes, everything in front of you goes into your eyes.

Then you can see that this is a Gobi, there is no life for hundreds of miles, and just at this moment, a stream of inexplicable information poured into my mind. When I found the information inside, sun Bing's brows were tightly knit together.

Because the message was sent by Shenzhou Ding. According to the other party, the previous one was only the first test. Nearly 90% of thousands of people passed this test.

But even if it was explained by Shenzhou Ding, sun Bing's doubts still did not decrease, and even his eyebrows were even more wrinkled together. Then he murmured: "is this really just a simple test?"

It should be noted that sun Bing is a swordsman and the killer of all evils. He has a strong resistance to the magic array. With his array attainments at the moment, and as a swordsman, he even condenses the soul of the sword. Even the supreme array, it is impossible for him to completely immerse himself in it.

We should know that the previous sun Bing did not find any flaws, even the most difficult to imitate the heaven and earth rhyme, are directly presented in front of sun Bing, which is slightly different from the current heaven and earth, but it is incomparably true.

Inexplicably, sun Bing even suspected that it was a real world. What's more, what's the energy that wrapped sun Bing's departure when he finally left? Such a mysterious fluctuation, he did not want to understand, even to investigate, this is also a huge mystery.Just when sun Bing was confused in his mind, he could suddenly be aware of it. However, in the cave sky, he suddenly passed out a majestic sword meaning. Such a fierce momentum was countless times stronger than sun Bing, and the hair on his whole body was completely erect.

The reason why he still has no change at the moment is that he has not made any malicious action at all.

"What is it that can explode such a terrible sword? And it's still in my cave! "

In an instant, infinite doubts appeared in sun Bing's mind. After confirming that the other party did not have any unnecessary actions, his eyes immediately closed tightly and went towards the cave.

At this moment, we can see that the originally solid cave is crumbling. If sun Bing had not cast the cornerstone of the cave, coupled with the transformation of the five elements, a perfect balance would have been formed, and even it would have collapsed.

As for the cave, general Zhang's ai'e is even worse. Facing such a huge pressure, those natural materials and earth treasures have even worshipped and shivered on the ground. Even the three supreme holy medicines, such as ice-white jade lotus, are just barely supporting at the moment.

The nirvana flame in the sky has turned into a Phoenix, but it is strong in resistance. In a word, the whole cave is resisting such a tremendous pressure.

Even if there is no malice at all, we must clear it completely. Otherwise, if there is any accident, it will bring about the fall of life. Sun Bing immediately found out in the cave without any hesitation.

This cave is the thing of sun Bing. Everything in it is clearly presented in my mind. In an instant, we can find out where the tyranny was born, and then our sight immediately sweeps towards that place.

The place where the sword broke out is a very remote corner in the cave. Even the whole cave has a clear gap. This is the place where sun Bing stores his sundries, which is similar to the role of accepting the precepts.

But now, that one after another storage of pills jade screen, at this moment completely broken open, pills spread in the air, slowly began to melt, there are some other debris, also into clouds, completely dissipated.

After all, the culprit in the deep was revealed. At the first moment when he saw that thing, sun Bing was stunned because it was not something else, but a sword.

The extraordinary memory makes sun Bing think back in a flash. It was a long time ago that he got it from the song and Yuan Dynasties. At that time, it was just a broken sword. Finally, it was completely supplemented by Wei Changdong.

However, even if the complete restoration is completed, the sword still does not show any difference. Sun Bing once asked the sage what this was in Xingluo City, but he did not get a satisfactory answer. He only knew that the sword had a long history.

Even after such a long time, sun Bing has forgotten it, but never thought of it, but at this moment, the other side came to a sudden explosion.

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