Sword Emperor

Chapter 1279

When sun Bing was filled with surprise, the sword seemed to have noticed something. The momentum burst out of the sword was more frightening. Then it turned into a streamer, and shot out to the outside puma. At the speed of speed, Rao was that sun Bing didn't respond.

In a moment, sun Bing seemed to be broken down by it. But the strange thing is that the diaphragm at the boundary of the cave is still very strong, without any damage, and the sword completely disappeared.

However, before sun Bing was relieved, he turned to see that a sword appeared unconsciously in front of him, and he was suspended in the air quietly. Although there was no unnecessary action, sun Bing almost saw it at a glance, which was definitely the sword that had been run out of his cave sky.

Under such a close distance, every pattern on the sword is so clear and visible. It is totally different from the light and light. Now, the sword, with its dark color and cold light flashing, can judge the extraordinary at a glance.

But the strange thing is that sun Bing feels that he has some familiarity from the hidden wounds of the sword, as if he had any connection with the sword.

All kinds of thoughts poured into his mind. Sun Bing was able to confirm that, in such a long time, except to put it in the cave, he even didn't touch the expired hilt. So where did this strange familiarity come from?

With such an idea, sun Bing carefully looked at the sword in front of him. There seemed to be a shadow in his mind, so that there was a shock in his eyes, and there was a strong and incredible.

Because through a long observation, sun Bing found that the sword seems to be similar to the wooden sword that sun Bing carved to the sword Zun before. Even if the whole sword has completely changed, there is no way to change that charm.

But as soon as this idea appeared, sun Bing was shocked by his crazy idea. After all, it was almost impossible. It was not only 100000 years, but even hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years of history.

Sun Bing would rather believe that he had entered a small world before, but he was absolutely not convinced that he had been over countless years and came to the ancient times.

The picture is still here for a while, and it is very strange. Time goes on slowly. The surface of this sword in front of it gradually emerges a layer of mysterious inscriptions, as if it represents the avenue in the heaven and earth.

With outstanding understanding and self-improvement, he has reached the level of sword Dao. Therefore, although sun Bing is a little fuzzy, he can also detect the benefits of some of them for himself. Strangely, some of the inscriptions have no way to analyze the meaning of these inscriptions.

Unconsciously, sun Bing is immersed in the understanding of Taoism. There is no doubt that the understanding of sword Dao is deeper. Similarly, it is easier to break through the holy in the future.

However, for that inexplicable aoyi, there is still no harvest at this time, as if sun Bing is not qualified to contact general, but the terror power contained in it is very strong, which lures sun Bing far away.

But this not only did not eliminate the suspicion of sun Bingxin, even more and more feel that the other side is their own carving, which has a kind of continuous connection.

The reason for sunbing to have such an idea is that after careful investigation, he found that the sword is indeed a wooden sword, but because the monks who use it are too strong, the body of the sword is strengthened by numerous inscriptions of heaven and earth, and the rhyme is imprinted in it.

It is such accumulation that it has changed. It can be said that even if the original quality of the sword is a wood sword, it finally overtakes the sword.

After thinking for a long time, sun Bing, who was confused in his heart, finally raised his own doubts: "are you a sword respected for sword

The words fell down, there was no change in front of him. Sun Bing felt relieved for a long time. Then he said with some self mockery: "I am suspicious. How can this strange thing happen in the world?"

However, in the moment sun Bing's words just fell, there was no moving wooden sword in front of him. He moved. The words were very spiritual. They waved in the air. The appearance was like nodding.

At this moment, sun Bing's face is full of amazement, and his heart is completely swept by surprise. But he still has a sense of the only remaining, and once again confirms: "are you really a sword respecting sword? And was it that I had carved? "

After these words, sun Bing looked at the front of him with his eyes dead and dead. However, he felt angry at his distrust. The sword immediately released a bright light and directly shot at Sun Bing.

So fast to incredible, even sun Bing, there is no way to carry out backhand, just when the reaction, this streamer directly into sun Bing's body, then there is a strange scene in his mind.

The picture shows that sun Bing carved wooden sword, even handed it in hand to the sword master. Everything is so real. There is no difference from the scene experienced by sun Bing.The next picture changed, because sun Bing had left and didn't know what would happen in the future, but now he has obtained such information.

Since Sun Bing left, jianzun has left the village. He has been fighting for the world in the whole Shenzhou, refining his own wooden sword. Slowly, the most common wooden sword has also undergone transformation.

On the way, I don't know how many difficulties and dangers have been experienced, and even many times, Jian Zun is also in danger of his life. He is almost going to fall completely. Finally, he is extremely lucky and successfully escapes.

Meanwhile, the cultivation level of jianzun also changed. From the beginning of weakness to the final climbing of the peak, not to mention the name given to him by sun Bing, he successfully climbed to the supreme realm and became the originator of sword cultivation of the whole Terran and reached the peak of kendo.

Many scenes made sun Bing's blood boil, and in this period of time, the whole human family has also undergone transformation. Inexplicably, the whole clan's villages seem to have obtained the method of cultivation. After dormant for a period of time, they finally stepped into the road of fighting with the ancient people.

And jianzun finally killed six monks of the same realm with his own strength, but he was unable to return to the sky and completely fell down.

But before it fell, it seemed that it had seen through something. A streamer appeared from the body, accompanied by the wooden sword disappeared in the starry sky. Countless years passed. By chance, he successfully fell into the hands of sun Bing.

After understanding that period of history, sun Bing also gained the knowledge left by the last sword master. At that time, it was clear that what sun Bing successfully entered into the ancient times was not the noumenon, but a separation formed by the rhyme of heaven and earth. Even if he fell down, it was just a mental injury. After a few days of cultivation, he could recover.

However, the impact is quite terrible. After knowing all the things, even at this moment, sun Bing's face has a completely indelible shock, because this news is too shocking.

At this moment, I finally want to know why the Terran can eat from the blood of the ten thousand people. In a short period of decades, they have the terrible energy to compete with the people of all nationalities. Among them, there is such a reason.

No one will believe such words, even if they are said. I believe that the rest of us have experienced such a test. Of course, for them, it should be just a "mirage".

After all, if it was not for this sword, sun Bing could not imagine that it was a naked reality.

After thinking about everything, sun Bing couldn't help but shift his eyes to the wooden sword. His eyes suddenly burst into a flash of light, and then murmured in his mouth:

"it's hard to imagine such a thoroughgoing means to send us to the ancient times. It has been a long time, so we must use the profound meaning of time."

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