Sword Emperor

Chapter 705

However, for such obvious excuses, sun Bing did not care at all. If he really left today, it would be no less than to return without success. Even the final result is not as good as his intention. There may be black and white reversed.

So sun Bing did not give in, and even the whole person took two steps in front of him. The momentum of his whole body rose to the highest point: "is it really something? So, why don't you let me go into the cave and have a look at it. No matter if I can find the attendant or not, one day I will take the medicine and give it to you as compensation. "

As he spoke, sun Bing also took out a Tianpin elixir from Najie, and then looked at the other side with sharp eyes. The strong fragrance of medicine slowly raged out, and everyone could feel the comfort from the heart.

There are even shouts: "my God, this is a elixir of ten thousand years. If you can take it, even the whole person will get a transformation, so as to increase their own foundation and details. Although it is only a miraculous medicine, it is not far away from the holy medicine."

The surrounding shouts did not let Wenyang care, even the other party's eyes at the moment only sun Bing not far away, filled with anger, did not expect that sun Bing should be so difficult, forcing it to such a degree.

However, Wenyang himself is in a dilemma at the moment. If sun Bing is not allowed to go in, he will undoubtedly be labeled as guilty. However, if he is allowed to enter, not only the servant will be exposed completely, but also the dignity accumulated for such a long time will disappear.

Therefore, he couldn't help but shout: "younger martial brother, this is too aggressive. As a senior brother, since I have said that none of them has been there for so long, surely no one will be there. Don't be so fussy."

"What you hear is false, but what you see is believing. Since elder martial brother refuses to let me know, then don't blame me for being merciless." Sun bing a cold word, even while saying, the other side of the whole person also slowly toward the front.

Sun Bing had no way to crack the array in the cave before, because he didn't have enough understanding, but now he can find that it contains not only ordinary array, but also a kind of space fluctuation, so he is helpless.

But now it's not the same. Sun Bing also understands the meaning of space. Even if it's just a little bit of space, even if it can't crack such an array, it's not a problem to enter it.

At the moment, the atmosphere was condensed to the extreme. A pair of eyes looked at the situation here. More and more people heard what happened here. They were full of interest in what happened here, and all of them immediately ran over.

After all, although it is not a long time to enter the inheritance academy, the struggle between Tianjiao from outside and the lucky children here has become more and more intense in such a long time. Today, sun Bing's action is like a guide to expose it thoroughly.

It happened that at this moment, a figure came slowly from the distance. Seeing that there were so many people gathered here, I didn't know what was going on. I couldn't help shouting:

"what are you doing here? This is my young master's residence. If you continue to gather here, you need to blame my young master for being merciless. He is just a group of humble aborigines. ".

The voice of this was deliberately called out, even if the surrounding environment is noisy, but still can hear clearly, immediately everyone can not help but slowly turn around and look at this.

You can find that this young follower's face is full of rebellious: "now you know that you are afraid. My young master has lived in the inheritance academy since childhood. You people must not offend my young master at will."

But now the surrounding is silent. Along the way, whether it is the followers in the inheritance academy or Tianjiao, they deliberately give up a road, and even it is quite spacious. Only when we look at this follower's eyes, it is full of weird.

But for this point, the little entourage didn't expect what would happen inside. Instead, he thought that some people around him were afraid. He walked quickly towards the inside and saw Wen Yang.

Even in the heart is quite excited: "young master, I have managed the outside affairs, do not know micro class here gathered so many people?"

But I don't know that Wen Yang is eager to beat him to death with a slap. For such a long time, it's very convenient to use it. How could he be so stupid today? It can be said that he is mentally retarded to the extreme.

But in full view of the public, but also can't hand, so Wen Yang's face has even shown a crimson purple, can only see that figure slowly toward it.

After seeing this man, Chen Yu, who was always behind Sun Bing, began to speak slowly: "for such a long time, he was the one who attacked me. I can be sure that I even remember the movements of the other side."

After such words were said, the scene was in an uproar, especially sun Bing was looking directly at each other at the moment: "elder martial brother, what's the matter with you? Is this person in the process of being retouched

Although there is a trace of inquiry in the words, the tone is quite cold. Everyone can detect the anger contained in it. As for the rest of the people, it is also quite helpful to add fuel to the flames.Wenyang was obviously aware of the situation at the moment, but he could only suppress his anger by force. Then he said softly: "it's really unclear before I go down. I don't know what my younger martial brother wants to do now. I'll make an apology for this."

"Oh? I didn't expect that my elder martial brother didn't know about it. " At the moment, sun Bing's face even with a trace of surprise, and then immediately joked: "so long more can't leave this person's life, at the moment has been cunning, if you continue to keep it, it will certainly harm others."

Just then, sun Bing even has a kind of appearance that he wants to draw his sword to attack the other side. Although the servant's talent is amazing, and he has reached the level of decadence at the moment, how can he compare with sun Bing who has experienced boundless bloody war.

Under such oppression, the mind has even shaken at this moment, and immediately came to Wen Yang's back, and exclaimed, "young master, help me."

Although he disdained this servant's performance, Wen Yang also had to save the other party. The whole man stepped out of the room and whispered, "it's just that beating a dog depends on the master. At this time, I already know that I have to pay more attention to discipline. Today it's an apology, and my younger martial brother can't get too much entangled."

However, at the moment, how can sun Bing listen to each other's words? His face has shown a thick sneer. If there is no other party's knowledge, how can a servant use such means? If it's fooled in the past, then this matter is completely over.

The confrontation between the two sides is becoming more and more intense, and even the people around can obviously perceive the pressure contained in the air. Many servants have no way to bear such power. Only the real Tianjiao is still interested in checking the confrontation at the moment.

However, in the end, sun Bing still didn't do anything. After all, he was very impressed by the taboo. If he started here, he would even be expelled from the inheritance Academy. At that time, the consequences were unimaginable. Sun Bing was quite calm about these things.

But he still sneered: "since elder martial brother doesn't want to make amends and apologies, it's better for us to go to the martial arts arena. If we lose, then all the consequences will be borne by me. Otherwise, I will handle this person."

After all, for such a long time, the other side has been provocative, especially after he started to attack the people next to him, sun Bing has been totally intolerable, so at this moment, I want to put forward this opinion, because for his own strength, sun Bing is incomparably confident.

What's more, yesterday has already understood the meaning of space, with such a card, the strength of their own will certainly be incomparable, this time is a lesson to the other side.

Hearing sun Bing's provocation, Wenyang could not help but snort: "since the younger martial brother is cordially invited, then the elder martial brother doesn't mind giving you some advice, so that you can know what is the order of growing up and growing up. It should be noted that this world is very big, but don't sit back and watch the sky."

Wen Yang also has enough confidence in his own strength. After all, he grew up in the inheritance academy since he was a child. All the skills he practiced were the best. Every realm was thoroughly understood and almost reached an extreme level. There was no one in the same realm who could compete with him.

Even if sun Bing is the first person to climb the ladder in 100000 years, so what? It's just the aborigines of the outside world. Besides, if they are allowed to pass through, they can definitely pass easily, so there is no need to have any fear in mind.

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