Sword Emperor

Chapter 706

After getting the news confirmed by both sides, the scene was quite a sensation. We should know that during such a long time, both sides have restrained themselves in every way, but today it broke out completely.

Even as the group headed for Huiwu platform, more and more people began to call on friends and friends. Even though they were in the process of closing down at the moment, they still ran away without any stay because this competition was of great significance.

First of all, this is the first time that the martial arts competition is officially held in the inheritance academy, which attracts people's attention at will. What's more, there is hatred in it, so more people will stand aside.

Secondly, this is also a struggle between the two classes. One is the outsider, and the other is such a lucky group. The contradiction between the two sides has been aroused before, and there is still a war.

At this moment, there has been a dispute among the crowd. Some people think that sun Bing can win, while others think that Wenyang will win. In the end, they all have their own way. So the smell of gunpowder in the air is getting stronger and stronger.

The speed of the people was very fast. Soon they arrived at Huiwu platform in the inheritance Academy. In a moment, everyone's face flashed with surprise, because huiwutai was a rare battlefield in the sky. Fighting on it, the Taoist inscriptions showed up, which was of great benefit to the understanding of both sides.

However, in a flash, everyone could not help nodding slowly. After all, the inheritance academy is the oldest academy among the human race, which has a very long history. So even if the sky battlefield is very precious, it is nothing to it.

Standing on the battlefield, sun Bing felt the familiar Daoyun again. However, with the increase of cultivation, he could perceive that the morality in the air became more and more strong, and the benefits gained after a battle became more and more.

But just when sun Bing wanted to make a move, the opposite Wen Yang slowly waved his hand: "younger martial brother, it's too boring to fight like this. What's more, you've been aggressive before. Why don't we change our method?"

"Oh." Sun Bing's eyes flashed a trace of color, and then opened his mouth and said, "what's your opinion, elder martial brother? Or I will send you a miraculous medicine to replenish your body. "

"In fact, we don't have a big bet. If I win, you just need to give me the skills extracted from the Sutra pavilion a while ago. If I lose, then this servant will be given to you. You can kill or cut at that time."

Wenyang slowly opened his mouth with a smile on his face, as if to say it was a very relaxed thing.

"It turns out that the ultimate goal is here. Is this what we have been trying to achieve?" Sun Bing murmured in his mouth. At this moment, after all, he understood a trace of this. Why did the other party provoke himself frequently? The reason was that he was a master of martial arts.

Chen Yu's face is pale at the moment. After all, he is the only one who knows how important the skill is. For such a long time, sun Bing has been studying it hard, and immediately wants to ask sun Bing not to agree.

"Elder martial brother, it's a good plan. I'm quite at a loss when I want to exchange a secret script with a mere servant." Sun Bing said softly, his eyes full of teasing. As for the rest of the people, there was a trace of disdain on their faces at the moment.

After all, as long as one person can see the difference, even they all want to change the skill with a servant. In the end, they basically win blood and gain, and lose without losing.

Wenyang himself seemed to have noticed the flaw and nodded slowly: "of course, I also know the gap, but I also have a sword technique with cold attribute. Although it has not reached the level of magical power, it is also the top in the Tianpin. What do you think?"

At this point, in the eyes of others, the difference may be quite huge, but for sun Bing, it is basically equivalent. It happens that he is quite lack of sword skills recently, so he can't help nodding slowly, which can be regarded as agreeing to this decision.

Seeing that sun Bing agreed to his own conditions, Wen Yang's heart was full of excitement, and a smile of conspiracy was shining in the deep corner of his eyes. He immediately extracted the skill from Najie and threw it into the air.

"This is a battleground in the sky. Naturally, we can clearly understand our rules. In the end, who is the winner, all the spoils will be handed over to the other party." Seeing the doubt on Sun Bing's face, Wenyang even has the mood to explain.

Sun Bing nodded slowly, and immediately took out the old scroll from Najie. After seeing the scroll, Wen Yang's eyes flashed a trace of heat that was hard to hide, especially when he saw the crack. He secretly said in his heart:

"it's really violent to hand this precious secret book to you, an aboriginal Nature, naked waste, wait for me first, and it will soon belong to me. "

At this point, the battle began slowly, and mysterious inscriptions appeared in the sky battlefield. The air was full of energy symbols. Even if the two sides did not make a move, the momentum at the moment had been able to show a silk image.Behind Sun Bing is a sword that has not yet been drawn out of its sheath. It seems that it can kill all the attacks. Every move contains great power. The ripples in the air twinkle and make people feel shocked.

As for Wenyang, a warm current sprang up, and finally formed a rickety tomorrow behind him. It was full of heat and vastness, and he did not lose the wind in the face of sun Bing. Even that kind of brilliant and scorching sun was more powerful than sun Bing.

Everyone was very interested in this battle. They even held their breath and began to pay attention to it. They began to discuss:

"jianjue is the first Tianjiao who has passed the road to heaven in 100000 years. I think it will surely be able to surpass the other party. I have long been unhappy with them. They always have a superior attitude no matter when That is to say, we have been living in the inheritance academy all the time. It is not certain who will win and who will lose. "

"On the contrary, I think that Wenyang can be better than others. After all, the cultivation resources accepted by each other since childhood are completely different. And jianjue is just an ordinary one, which has determined the huge gap between them. "


After all, Wen Yang first started to make a move. First, he patted sun Bing with his palm. Even if it was just a shot, everyone could detect the degree of terror.

In a flash, a huge and incomparable palm print has been formed. Sun Bing looks like a mole ant under this huge palm.

The palm of the hand is full of the scorching sun Bing. All of us believe that in this move, if we don't resist it, there will be no possibility of survival even in the middle of Dongtian realm. At this moment, all the talents really understand how lucky it is to be able to live in the inheritance Academy.

Even though sun Bing at the moment is still a little surprised, because he also knows that this attack contains a great deal, and even there is no difference with him before. It is quite difficult to know that the other side is just a monk who has fallen into the world.

But this is just a comparison with the previous sun Bing. After understanding the profound meaning of space, his own strength has been increased countless times. At the moment, sun Bing can even easily crush each other, without any fear at all.

After all, the giant hand has come to sun Bing's head, and the surrounding air is full of heat at the moment, and then you can find Wenyang's cruel smile: "you die for me, everything is mine.

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