Sword Emperor

Chapter 758

After confirming that he has finally come to a safe environment, sun Bing and Mu Hua two people, this slowly stopped their own pace, landed on the ground.

Obviously, Mu Hua's face is full of a trace of surprise, did not expect unconsciously, himself has been strong to this degree, and after the previous battle, also thoroughly integrated the various forces together, there will no longer be any uncontrollable situation.

At the moment, sun Bing slowly dropped the sword box behind him. Although it is said that carrying the sword box is the most powerful time, it is also to confirm his identity. At the moment, it can not be exposed, and still need to be hidden.

On the other side, after the excitement, Mu Hua couldn't help turning his eyes to sun Bing and asked, "so where are we going next? So many dangers have been encountered before, so naturally it is impossible to return by the same route. "

After hearing this, sun Bing's eyes are long. Originally, the most important goal of this time is to destroy the plan among the ancient peoples. Then there is another very important thing that can be mentioned at this moment.

Immediately, sun Bing's mouth showed a smile, and then directly said: "this time, we don't need to worry, just look for a few mice."

"Oh, mouse, who is this?" For a moment, Mu Hua's face was full of doubts. After all, he didn't know about this matter at all. Could he say that he was the favored son of a rat group?

Seeing Mu Hua's reaction, sun Bing thought that the other party didn't know what was going on. He nodded slightly and immediately said some information he had learned before, and left everything to the other party for judgment.

"What?" After listening to all sun Bing's words, Mu Hua's eyes were wide and full of shock, and murmured: "I didn't expect that Yingtian academy should be like this. Shouldn't it be possible?"

However, soon, Mu Hua couldn't help thinking back to the scenes once happened, murmuring: "it seems that Yingtian academy has really given us a large amount of resources to our academy. What's more, what we pray for is that we should stop you one or two. In addition, over the past 100000 years, the other party is really rich."

The next words don't need to be explained. After all, all the people who can get here are all from the tens of billions of people in every continent. With their exquisite mind, they will soon be able to figure out why.

However, it is precisely because of this reason that people's hearts are filled with a deep sense of inconceivability. I did not expect that my academy thought it was just some small moves at random, but the final impact was so great.

Immediately, Mu Hua gnashed his teeth and said, "it's ok if you didn't find it before. Now that it's clear now, you can't slander me in Yingtian Academy."


In a hidden valley, it looks very plain, but there are obvious mysterious inscriptions above the valley, guarding everything in the valley all the time.

In the valley with dense array, there are many friars coming and going. Everyone is tall and straight. Just like this, there is a trace of extraordinary, and the body is full of terrible strength.

"Elder martial brother, Duan Dongliu and Zha Wencheng have not come back for such a long time. It must have been an accident. It is very likely that we have completely exposed ourselves."

All of a sudden, a burst of soft words suddenly said the mouth, can only see that this person is opposite is a majestic young man, the whole person seems to be shrouded in divine light, people can not see the true face of each other.

Even in the face of such a huge news, it seems that they did not let the other party shake, but it was quite insipid. A light burst of mouth opened: "Oh? I already know. "

Zhu Yue, the elder martial brother of Yingtian academy, is also the strongest one in their Academy. Even if he is only a monk who has emerged from the peak of the world, his strength can be compared with that of the later period of dongtianjing. He can be called a rare genius in a thousand years.

After a little thought, he could hear Zhu Yue continue to speak: "in this case, we should quickly find out the matter, and certainly can't disclose it, otherwise it will make people have some headache. Moreover, we should continue to inform the other party that it is time to start the transaction. If we continue to delay, it will not be good for both sides."

"I see, elder martial brother." In an instant, the man immediately nodded, and the whole person had left.

The only thing left was Zhu Yue, whose hazy face suddenly gave birth to a divine light. Then he could hear a sigh coming from his ear: "who actually destroyed my plan? If I knew it, it would certainly make you a thousand cuts."


At this moment, among the overlapping mountains, one Archean alien race is rampant in the mountains, and each of them exudes an incomparably majestic breath. If you look closely, you can find that all the Archean tribes here are the most primitive animal forms.

Because they are extremely confident in their own body, which is generated by the Tao rhyme of heaven and earth, and even disdain to be transformed into human form, because only in this way can they burst out their full strength, and their physical strength is countless times stronger than that of people's bodies.There is a beast, shaped like a turtle, dragon horn, sharp teeth, full of ferocity, close after you can detect a savage like breath coming face-to-face, making people heartbroken.

If sun Bing was here, he could clearly find that this was very similar to the skeleton of a saint he had seized before. It was obvious that he was a tyrant in the legend. The purpose of coming to this secret place this time can be imagined.

As for a strange animal beside him, it is extremely ferocious, shaped like a sheep, eyes under the armpit, like a tiger like sharp teeth flashing cold light, claws for human hands, head as big as a fight, the most frightening is that it has a mouth all over the head, devouring the world all the time, which can be called eating nothing.

This beast is Tianjiao of the Taotie clan, named Taoshi. Even among the Taotie clan, it can be regarded as the top ten terror Tianjiao. Its blood concentration has reached 80%, and its strength is incomparably strong. Even the monks of Dongtian realm can completely devour it under the talent and magic power.

As for the rest of the alien people, they are extremely strange, but the same thing is that their breath is extremely strong. They are looking for it in the mountains at the moment, but they seem to find nothing at all.

All of a sudden, a double winged alien suddenly came to them, and immediately said, "the news has come from Shiyao. They really have found a place, and they have broken through many big formations. There is a huge overlord inside, but..."

Before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Naha. The surrounding atmosphere was full of thick, and a deep voice was heard: "this is the ancestors of my ethnic group. They even want to monopolize the benefits without informing me. It's really too much."

Hearing this, the face of the alien with two wings changed. It seemed that with a trace of hesitation, he finally said firmly:

"only when they arrived, all the items in that array had been taken away by the two Terrans. Only by the breath of repulsion could we tell that it was the dominating clan, or even thousands of them. At the moment, only a few of them were left There are more than 200 people. "

As soon as the words were over, a strong wind had burst out directly and was raging towards the surrounding area. Suddenly, the gravity seemed to have increased several times. In this case, the alien with two wings on his back even had a feeling that he could not hold on to.

"If the Terrans dare to contaminate the things of my overlord, they should be punished. I would like to know who actually dares to have such a great courage." After a long time, I could hear the heavy voice again.

If it's not bad to use the old generation, it's not bad to eat too much

"It is said that they were two men. One of them was good at using long swords, and the other was skillful in swordsmanship. As for the other, the weapon was a clock, and no one could match it. It was because of these two men that they caused such great damage." Immediately, the two winged beast continued to speak.

However, at the end of the day, he could not help but continue to remind: "in addition, Yingtian academy has begun to urge, it seems that there is something urgent. If there is no transaction, the other party is likely to cancel completely, so you see?"

"We already know that since the blood essence of Naha is gone, we can only rely on this batch of blood pills. We just don't know how many pills reach the holy level. I hope it can be useful. After three days, we can start trading. You can go ahead and inform."

Immediately, the gourmet continued to speak, but his heart was full of emotion. This time, he wanted to use Naha's blood essence to refine his blood, so as to improve his position in the ethnic group. But now it seems that this extravagant hope is completely over.

In a flash, the heart is full of strong evil spirit. If sun Bing stands in front of him at the moment, he must be killed completely.

And in order to get accurate information, it can not help but continue to speak: "order down, as long as anyone can know the breath of this person, and find it, then you can get a Tianpin elixir."

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