Sword Emperor

Chapter 759

Although sun Bing wants to break the goal of kuaiyingtian academy, he is really at a loss for a while. It is actually quite difficult to control it.

After all, sun Bing didn't know where the other party was trading at the moment, because the secret was too big. After a full day's time in the place before leaving, sun Bing did not even meet anyone else.

Suddenly, two people's brows have been wrinkled up, keep staying in place for thinking, then what to do next, after all, if you let go of freedom like this, it is absolutely impossible.

If you don't know, it's OK. However, in the next ten years or even in the next ten years, the Taigu wanzu may invade. This is just to strengthen their strength. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for this transaction to succeed.

For a time, quite a bit helpless two people can only aimlessly start looking, only can everything go with the luck, if really anything can't be found, then it represents the final result of two people, that is, leaving.

"I don't know what happened to Hua Qi Yue and whether they would encounter any danger at this time. After all, we should be on the other side of the Tianshu academy, but we have not been cut off. Without paying attention, we may encounter some dangers." Worried, sun Bing can't help murmuring.

However, at this time, a strange flash flashed on Mu Hua's face, and then he directly said, "there seems to be some fighting activity over there, and it's quite huge. Do you need to go and see what happened?"

Hearing this, sun Bing's eyes suddenly burst out of the essence of light, after all, at this moment for the two people, the most important thing is information.

For such a long time, I don't know what's going on with the rest of us, so there's no doubt that this moment is a great opportunity. No matter what kind of fighting is going on, it will not be rejected to ask for some basic information.

Once you get the news that you are satisfied with, there is no doubt that you will know what you should do in the next time. It is very possible to even find the place where Zhu Yue and Zhu Yue are trading.

In an instant, sun Bing nodded, and then two people did not have any hesitation to gallop toward the area in the distance. After all, the speed of the two people was incomparably fast, and the rest of them could only see two streamers flashing, and they had disappeared without trace.

Although it is not far away from here, it is also tens of miles away. In normal times, such a long distance can't be detected by sun Bing and others. However, with the spirit gathering together, it is extremely simple to know this.

From afar, sun Bing's brow has been wrinkled, because he can see that the battle in the distance is not a kind of alien war, and the fluctuation emitted by it is more of a human breath, which must be a civil war.

In an instant, he couldn't help but secretly open his mouth: "it's time to kill each other. It's important to know that in a short time, the ancient people may invade completely."

However, in a flash, sun Bing seems to have predicted that there is no scruples between each other in this secret place. Then, it is very likely that Ying Tianshu academy is taking action. As for their goal, they should be the monks in the inheritance Academy.

At the thought of this possibility, sun Bing's eyes twinkle in the cold light can't help but more exuberant, the speed on his feet can't help but speed up, in a flash has been in front of him, after seeing the scene, his heart originally had some suppressed anger, now completely burst out.

Because sun Bing was very familiar with the people who were besieged this time. He could only see that a woman in the field was extremely beautiful. She was wearing a long Lavender skirt, which was as quiet and far away as the orchid in the valley.

The whole body exudes a strong fragrance of flowers, and there are petals fluttering in the wind. The whole beauty is dancing in such a background, but every time she waves, the petals contain a very strong power.

And the other man is strong and resolute. Even if he is surrounded by four people, he still has no fear in his face. The whole person has a very majestic movement in his breath, and his actions and actions are just like a God coming into the world.

There is no doubt that this is sun Bing's best friend, Hua Qiyue and Hong Kai. They didn't expect that they had never met before. It's such a state to meet again at the moment. It's really filled people's hearts with emotion.

However, the situation of the two men was not as good as expected. After all, each of them was besieged by at least three friars, and there were several people around to prevent the other from escaping. The battle was quite large.

Although Hong Kai and Hua Qiyue are powerful, they have already received obvious injuries when they are besieged by three powerful enemies in the same realm. What's more, there are still enemies around.

In particular, Hua Qiyue, although dancing is still quite beautiful, but the breath all over her body still has a certain obvious weakness. If there is no sun Bing to come, I don't think it will last too long.

As for Hong Kai, even if he got the matching skills, his strength leaped to the highest level, but now he still has a feeling of falling into the wind.That looks indestructible body, has appeared one after another obvious scar, can imagine how terrible the attack suffered.

Aware of sun Bing and Mu Hua's coming, everyone's eyes twinkled with vigilance. The monk who had been watching the wind immediately came to sun Bing, and his voice was hoarse immediately:

"you should not mind your own business. You must know that these two people's schemes were not in the front of us They're just right. "

Only Hua Qiyue saw sun Bing's figure and showed a bright smile on her face. This smile was really incomparable and extremely powerful. With her pale face, she was even more delicate. It seemed that what was in front of her at the moment was not a proud girl, but an ordinary beauty.

After hearing these words, sun Bing suppressed his anger. His eyes were even filled with a trace of teasing: "Yingtian academy, of course, I know it. If it is really the top academy in Tianzhou, it will be able to suppress the inheritance Academy in the future, which is daunting."

"Yes, you must also know that Yingtian academy is in contact with other academies, so it's better not to insert them at the moment..." But the words have not finished, has been interrupted by sun Bing.

At the moment, the painting style has changed for a while: "I don't want to participate in your affairs, but at the beginning, I have been faced with your pursuit, so I can't be arrested."

At that time, many of the monks below had already felt a little bad, especially after they realized the meaning of the words, they were very vigilant. They didn't expect that they would meet one or two people casually, and all of them were enemies of their own.

"Well, if it costs anything, just go ahead."

At the moment, Muhua has already felt a little impatient. After all, since he knew the real face of Yingtian academy, his anger was more intense than sun Bing, so he wanted to go forward and kill the other party.

At the same time, the whole person had already slapped his hands in front of him. There were bursts of sound in the air, and a circle of ripples rippled out. Finally, it rose against the wind and turned into a huge palm print. It fell from the sky and attacked downward.

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