Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1000 Rock

I heard the four words of the sword without secret surgery, the giant man figure immediately, and smashed it, "Adults, you know that you are not destroyed?"

"Sure enough?" The sword has slowed more than a smile.

If you don't destroy the secret, he certainly knows that not only know, he also repaired.

By now, he has already reached the top of the immortal.

"Since you cultivate the secret surgery, you should know the flood god?" The sword didn't have a double.

The flood god is that it will teach the secret to the sword.

At the beginning of the ancient world, the sword was unparalleled, and the flood god leaving a piece of broken finger. In the break, he got the secret surgery, and the awareness of the Hong Shen was even more than him. Efing, this kind of grace, the sword is unparalleled to remember.

"Hong Shen big brother?" The giant man is even more stunned.

"Big Brother?" The sword is not a big corner, "I look like the Hong Shen relationship is quite close?"

"Of course close."

The giant man is holding hands, low Shen said: "I am from the Magic Family, Hong Shen, big brother is the top pillar of the rock, and the temperate, the big public is selfless, and these people are more taking care of our people. At the rock magic, because the talented talent is good, the Hong Shen brother, personally teach me in person. "

"Unfortunately, I am too big, I don't listen to Hong Shen's big brother to advise, alone and go out, and the result is a strong enemy, seriously injured, and later sold to this corner."

"Is this?" The sword has no double brow, but the bottom is dark, "the rock magic! I don't know if it is a weak group, or the secondary ethnic group? It should not be a high ethnic group."

"The sword is unparalleled." The voice of the King suddenly sounded. "If I have not mistisred the wrong, this rock of the demon should have a slightly blood of the Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic."

"Rock Magic Giant?" The sword didn't have a little bit, but the bottom is dark: "Hong Shen has a glance to me, and before, he said that there is a chance to come to his world, you can go to him, now you know him The ethnic group, have a chance, but you have to go. "

"What is your name?" The sword is unparalleled to continue to look at the giant man in front of him.

"Go back to the big people, I am a young man." The giant man won.

"Next time, you follow me, wait for a while, wait for my things here, I want you to take me to see Hong Shen." The sword said.

"Adults, do you have a good relationship with Hong Shen's big brother?" Qing Yan asked.

"Is it." The sword is a laughter.

Talk to Longyi City, three years later, Long Wing City will take him to see the golden clothes of the Temple of Temple, and encountered this green, I know the rock of the flood, the sword is unparalleled. At the invitation of the Long Wing City, the sword has no double with green, and lived in the city mainfare.

The city owner, a secret room.

"It is necessary to see the Golden Grouper for three years, I can only wait, but in this three years, I just let me improve those secrets of my cultivation." The sword was unbearable.

At the beginning of his flesh, he immediately returned to the Eastern Tang Dynasty, but did not spend time with energy to cultivate some secret.

You must know that his flesh is a repair, the strength is rising, especially the power of the ancient god, directly reaching the Samsung ancient gods, the triple ancient mystery, he can improve.

Like Na Rairi, it is the secret of the sword.

Thirty-four-storey star river secrets, swords unparalleled direct breakthroughs reached eternal, but when the Ethnic ancient gods, they took a breath to the twenty-fourth layer, and the power was 72 times.

And now with the power of the ancient god reaches Samsung level, this star river secret can naturally practice to a higher level.

In the secret room, the sword is unparalleled, and the blink of an eye has passed a month.

"The Star River Secrets, the thirty floor, became!" The sword didn't open his eyes, and he leaked a slash.

The power of the Samsung's ancient gods, let him cultivate the star river secret to the thirtieth floor, the power amplitude directly reaches ninety times!

This makes his power have skyrocketed, and overall strength has greatly improved.

"I have just entered the three-star ancient gods, and I have a great improvement room. When I reach the top of the three-star ancient gods, I can understand the thirty-second level, the thirty-second floor of the stars. "The sword is unparalleled.

"The secret of the star river, but the most ordinary one in the mystery of the ancient mystery, the threshold of the cultivation is not high." The voice of the King suddenly sounded in the sword.

"The most common secret?" The sword is unparalleled.

Task, his current strength can be so strong, this star river secret can help him very busy.

In the fire community, other warfare, cultivation of power amplitude, generally only ten times, and he now the power amplitude has reached 90 times, which is a huge advantage.

"Hey, you are because in this green fire world, if it is in the chaotic world, the power amplitude reached one hundred times, mostly, very common, star river secret, compare with those secrets, no Any advantage. "King said.

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled, and he couldn't help but feel emotion. The fire community with the vast ancient chaotic world.

"The sword is unparalleled, you should now put the main energy in the opening of the road, open up your own way, with the power of the way, when your strength can skyrocket, open up the road, your The strength is also stronger. "Said the king.

"I know." The sword is unparalleled.

From this day, he spend the time in the reference of the swordway.

He has the most powerful experience of the most powerful swords from the Daozi, and the footsteps of the footsteps recorded in the scrolls can watch, plus their own swords and talents are extraordinary. Practice, the swords are amazing as soon as possible.

The city owner, one garden.

The sword has no double alone in the garden, and he is random of some swords. His long sword waves casually. Every sword is very simple, but it can actually be very unusual.

I just got from the garden, and I saw this scene scene in my eyes.

"The Jie Road is good, and it seems that it is very close." Long Wings The main mouth of the Long Wings took a smile, but the body is directly brushing, and there is a unparalleled in the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, and the sword will not be too boring. Just, I am also a sword, it is better to come."

The cool laughter is issued from the main port of Longyi City and spreads in the garden.


PS: Today's four is more, it is engaged in tomorrow, excited!

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