Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1001, Mr. Jinyu

"Different?" The sword is unparalleled first, but it is big.

The dragon wings, although it is just a three turnover of the threshold, the strength may be a lot of difference than the sword.

The strong sword is a strong force because of the power of the ancient god, because there is a bloody to the existence, but if it is just the accomplishment on the sword, he is far more than the dragon wings.

Since the Long Wings, since it is a three-turn, it should have opened up three swords, and the sword is unparalleled, and the sword will have benefited a lot.

"You I have started with the power of the eternal bits." Longyi City is laughing, but it is taking the tone of the late generation.

In the view of Longyi City, the row of Dragon Hearts in the sword is not quenched. In the sword, there is no double closed and repaired refining star, he also closed, and using Narlendan to inspire the blood of the blood, will The secret is cultivated, and the strength has skyrocketed.

I got such a big benefit, but the sword was just just to refer to a golden clothes, Long Wings naturally felt the loss, so when he saw the sword where the sword, he wanted to give the sword unparalleled points. Also gives the sword without double compensation,

Soon, Longyi City is the same as the sword.

Both deliberately control the power, only maintain the strength of the ordinary eternal, but it is your own sword.

Long Wings, did not use his swords, but just a moment, he found that the swordsmanship of the sword unparalleled in the premise of the swords, and he couldn't afford it, and even faintly occupied the wind.

In desperation, Long Wing City owner has to use his own swords. It is used to use the sword. The sword is unparalleled.

This battle is also very fast.

"Open up a sword, and did not open the sword, the gap, and it is really big." The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, how do you feel?" Long Wing City owner is a sword. "I opened three swords, just just one of them, but also the weakest one-level Jianjie, I am using it Two heaven and earth level swords, you are afraid to be faster. "

"Indeed." The sword is unparalleled.

The Tiandi level is better than the ordinary level, it is necessary to have too much.

"For three years, I have nothing to do. If you encounter any problems on the sword road, you can ask me, I will give you an answer." Long Wing City laughed.

Because of cultivating the secret, he has skyrocketed, and the mood is naturally excellent.

"That's more thanks to the world." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Okay, you still have more ways to refine, open up your own way, become a respect, is a king." Long Wing City Lord said, Xuan Xi, to leave directly.

Seeing Long Wings, the sword is unparalleled, but the king who can be parasitic in his body is a little quirky: "This dragon wings, is the loss of your Long Xin Dan, you want to give you some Guide you, he doesn't know, the strength, you have to be strong than him. "

"Amount ..." The sword is unparalleled, "Long Wing City owner opened three swords, in the sword, still eligible for me."

"Hey, just two days, one ordinary swordway, what is it?" The king did not think it was.

The sword is unparalleled, but there is no effort to talk to the king, but continue to drive into the sword.

The next time, the sword is unparalleled in this city, and it is spent in the judgment of the swords every day.

He used the strongest sword experience in the door, and there were 19 swords in the reel, and some time is a self-drilling sword. If you encounter some questions on some swords, he will ask that Dragon Wings.

The Dragon Wings may really feel that the sword is unparalleled, and the inquiry of the sword is unparalleled.

One shock, three years have passed.

In these three years, the sword is unparalleled in the sword, and the swords, swords, and swords have also have a lot of experience, and they will have their own swords, and they are getting closer.

In the fall of a hospital, Long Wings came to the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, I got the news, the Golden Grouper's deacon has returned to his residence, let's go find him now." Long Wings main opening.

This three years, the sword is not doubles in this city, and often asked the problem of some of the swords of Longyi City. The two relations have naturally close a lot.

Now, this dragon wing city owner does not have a small friend, the sword is unparalleled, but directly called his name.

"In this case, then we will leave now." The sword is unparalleled early.

"Green, you stay in this city, waiting for me to come back with Long Wings."

The sword is unparalleled, and then settled with Long Wings, and got directly from the grouper.

The place where the gold coat deacon lived, and the Dragon Wings is quite a distance. The sword is unparalleled with Longyi City, which has spent half a month before it is coming.

"Look, the castle in front is the place where the Golden license is lived." Long Wing Castle said.

The sword is unparallled in front of the body black and surrounded by a giant castle of a layer of mist.

"Is there a gold coat on the inside?" The sword is unparalleled with hands, and there is a excitement in my heart.

"Let's go." Long Wings said a sentence that even if the sword is unparalleled in front of the castle.

Just appeared, from the castle, there was a stream of flow.

"Long Wings, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The coming is a gray robbery. This gray robbery looks to the Long Wings, a humble color.

"Ye Laozun, please also pass the owner to your owner, say that I have a little brother and come to see him." Long Wings laughed.

"Take a moment, I will not report it now." This gray robbery immediately sent it immediately, just a moment.

"Long Wings, my owner has it."

The elderly of this gray robe immediately led the sword unparalleled with Long Wings.

Not long after, the three people came to a grand temple in the castle. In this temple, there is a rich emperor, and in the uppermost of the main hall, there is a beautiful man wearing a loose gold robe, standing there. Looking at the arrival of the sword and the arrival of the dragon wings.

"Long Wing, I have seen Mr. Jin Yuxi." Long Wings, the Lord, shouted.

The sword is not a slight arch.

This scene made the barefooted man met, the scorpion was a cold.

"Long Wings, the people you brought, the shelf is not small?"

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