Black cloud dissipates, revealing a black rober.

This person, the whole body is shrouded under the black robe, and a lean with a few points of indiging faces, there is a general cheek all over the black tips.

These black tips are very weird, so that the old man's face looks incomparably.

A unparalleled breath with a bit of evil breath, it has been distributed from the old people of this black robe.

"Hey, the people of the Wing Dragon, but also have reached the wing dragon of the three turn to respect the level." The old people of the black robe were cold, stared at the dragon wings, the tongue stretched out, slowly licking the lips.

"Wing Dragon Group?" The sword was unparalleled to see the dragon wings next to it.

"It's coming to me." Long Wing City is also slightly.

"The old man went back to the mainland for so many years, and also swallowed a lot of blood, the blood of the wing of the dragon, has not been tasted so far, today, no matter what, I have to taste the freshness." There is a cold smile in the old man in the old man. The next moment, its body is straightforward to black clouds, and the Dragon Wings are rolling up.

As for the sword, it is unparalleled by this black robe.


The main color of Longyi City is sinking. When I saw this black robe, he had already felt the pressure that the black robe has brought him, and the old man is definitely a three-turn level. The strong, and the strength is extremely strong.

At the same time, in the moment of seeing the old people in the black robe, his heart has also raised a feeling that he never had.

This kind of shock is a thoroughness of your own blood.

It seems that I have encountered a natural enemy.

"The sword is unparalleled, this person is rushing on me, don't worry, quickly escape!" Long Wing City is unparalleled, then the figure is turned into a bloody thunder, directly crossed the void, and fled go with.

"Long Wings, actually escaped directly?" The sword did not have a double-colored micro-change.

He saw that the black robe is also a three-turn to respect the power, but Long Wing City is also a three turn. Even if the old people are stronger, the difference is not too disparied, and Long Wings can completely fight. Bead.

"Hey, he escaped is right."

The voice of the King suddenly sounded. "If I didn't see the wrong, the old people should have a swallowing blood, the Swallowtami is not small in the chaotic world, that is the numerous alcoholic blood as food The overbearing ethnic group, ordinary impaired beasts, seeing the swallowing nun, there will be a natural fear, it seems to see the natural enemy. "

"Don't say that the old people's own strength is mainly stronger than Long Wings, even if the strength is similar, the horror and oppression of the blood, Long Wing City is will never be the opponent of the old people."

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The Swallowns in the vast chaotic world is also quite rare, and in this world, there will be a descendant of a swallowing anti-therapeutic blood, and the king praised.

At this time, the sword was unparalleled. The old man suddenly had a shackle. After his, he took a pair of huge black wings, and the black wings opened, and his speed was once again doubled. It is obvious that it is much faster than Long Yicheng.

"It is actually the swallowing blood of the bat. This is not a strong, but the speed is in danger at the speed." Said the Dragon Wings. "

The sword has no double eyes, and he also noticed that the dragon wings is critical, but it did not immediately take the rescue.

After all, the enemy is not only one.

"Since it is already here, then you are now." The sword is spread out towards the surroundings.

His voice has just dropped, next moment, a woman wearing a loose gold silk robe is slowly moving in front of the sword.

"Mr. Jin Yu, is there anything else?" The sword is unparalleled to look at the handsome man in front of him, but the face is very indifferent.

This handsome man, natural is the golden.

"Oh, there is nothing, this seat is just curious, you will have two chaotic crystals, if you don't guess, if you have no mistakes, your body is definitely more chaotic. Crystal. "Golden laughed.

"Yes, there are some." The sword is not a hyper point.

Jin Yizhen is happy, followed by continuing to laugh: "That is the chaotic crystal, single, value is worse than the last three turnover, so precious treasure, if you put it in your eternal The body is too unsafeful, it is better to make this seat for you. "

"You are right, so precious chaotic crystal, put it on me, it is indeed unsafe." The sword is unmarkable, but it is a waving, in front of him, there is more than ten pieces of full of more than ten times. Sluttest of energy.

Seeing these sparsons, the golden heart is a fierce.

Obviously, the swords are unparalleled, these spices are all mixed!

"This little child, there is so many mixed chaos!" Golden body shaped shaking.

"Mr. Jin Yu, the chaotic crystal is here, if you want, even though it is." The sword is unparalleled, but the corner of the mouth is a smile.

"That seat, you are welcome." Jin Yizhen smiled, looked at the big hand, rolled up a wind, and went directly to the more than ten chaotic crystals.

Quietly suspended in the more than ten mixed chaotic crystals, was swept away from the wind, and even flew in the direction of Jin Yu.

I saw this scene, Jin Yu couldn't help but survic.

Can be here ... !

A ghost-like figure suddenly appeared in front of the golden, it was the sword.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, the blood peak sword has appeared in his hand, with his hands in his hands, the power of this sword is also crazy.


It's cold, and the blood peak sword is directly swing.

This sword is easy to split the empty space, and the path is diagnosed.

Seeing this scene, Jin Yu is full of disdain, "the district is an eternal border, and dares to shoot in front of this seat."

Jin Yu did not put the sword without double in the eyes. I saw him at will, and a sleeve of sleeves were seen, driving a single energy, formed a transparent knife, and the sword of the sword greeted.

This knife is just a golden, but it is enough to easily kill the top of the eternal bodies.

Even if it is a turn, and even a turn top, facing the knife who is shot, it is difficult to retreat.

Killing the sword is unparalleled, then there is no suspense.

After the exhibition of this knife, Jin Yu did not read the sword.

For him, the sword is unparalleled, it is already a dead.

Once everything happened, it is completely stunned.


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