Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1006 kills the golden

"What?" Jin Yu is awkward.

He was originally too lazy to see the sword and no pair. All the eyes were put on more than ten chaotic crystals. He suddenly scattered the knife that he shot.

If this knife has already killed the sword, or hits the sword unparalleled long sword, then dissipated, then he will never accidentally accident.

But now in his sense of consciousness, his knife does not contact the sword with a parallel sword with the sword, just when it is about to be close to the long sword, the sword contains this knife Give the earthquake.

"Just just implicit, there is no really outbreak of power, so I am shocked my knife, how much is this sword, have you flash a shock?" The next moment is immediately waving immediately. , A bloody knife was hung out and blocked him.


A dramatic criticism sounded, and the sound was also spread with eight sides of all sides.

After this crunch sound, the golden body shape was a shock, and there was a sprout in the body, and the shape of the wolf and wolf fought back.

The foot is full of hundreds of miles, and it will be stopped.

"How is it possible?" Jin Yu shocked the sword unparalleled.

The seventh-order reincarnation of his temple is back to the temple, and it is handed with an eternal border.

Have a forever front?

"Well?" The sword is also a little surprised to look at the golden outside hundreds of miles. "The seventh-level reincarnation of the Temple of the Temple, most of them are respectful by the two-turn end road, only very few partially equipped with three turnover functions Force, this golden, seems to be the latter. "

"Then I barely reached the three turnover thresholds, with your strength, kill him, it is not difficult." Said King said.

The sword is unparalleled to see a direction in the distance.

There, the old man with a swallowing blood, has been caught up with Longyi City, and the two sides have already fought fierce. The Yu Bo of the fierce battle has also passed to this void, which looks unusually fierce.

"Long Wings, the trouble is not small, I have to solve this golden, then help him." The sword didn't have a double eyeliner, and the figure was instantly riped.

"A eternal, is it so strong?" The Jinyu has not been thoroughly reacted at the moment, but the sword is unparalleled.

At the same time, Ang!

A sharp harsh sound explosion, swaying in the world, I saw a lilac light sword, I didn't know when he had appeared in front of him.

"What is this? So fast!" Jin Yu was shocked, and he quickly fell back. On the way, it was just a busy sword.

Before that knife, he was only displayed in the Huanghuang, not his limit of power, but now he has prepared, it is the strongest knife, this knife is cut out, and there is a flash in the void. The , looks an abnormal eye.


The impact sounds, the golden body is still retreating in the earth, and there is even a hint of blood in the mouth, and it seems to be more wolf.

"It was completely crushed?" Jin Yu was shocked.

He didn't know, now the sword is unparalleled, the second heavy sword array of the nine-day sword array, and the strength of the sword is unparalleled, and the bloody will have a full force, and the power is very incomparable to the top of the three-turn. .

This golden also barely reached the three turn to respect the threshold, and the sword was unparalleled hard, of course only was crushed.


The lavender light sword once again wore the void to appear in front of the golden.

"It's so?" Jin Yu was shocked.

The nine days of swords, the best is the speed.

The second heavy sword array, known as the first line of thousands of miles, and the distance is instantaneous, naturally is not the wave.

The heart of Jin Yu has been completely panicked. He waved his knife and desperately wanted to resist the lavender light sword.

Once you have been against it, he has been detained by the shock, and the injury in the body is constantly intensifying. It is still a speed of attacking power.

Life and death crisis.

A life and death crisis that has never had before, filled with the heart of Jin Yu.

Jin Yu never thought that at this moment, he brought himself such a rich life and death crisis. It was just a eternal!

"This sword, too fast, too messy, I can't stop! I can't stop!" Jin Yizhang is incomparable, the mouth is crazy, "Sword is unparalleled, stop, fast!"

"Don't have your chaotic crystal, this seat also promised to help you seek the eight-order reincarnation, let him find the fallen of the people of the relatives."

"You have a hand!"

"Stop, stop!"

The sword is unparalleled, but it is too lazy to pay attention to him, and the nine-day sword array is controlled. Once again, it hit it.

That Jin Yu is naturally more and more miserable.

"no no!"

"The sword is unparalleled, this seat is the golden clothes of the Temple, the seventh-order reincarnation, you can't kill me!"

"The sword is unparalleled, you killed me, how long you can't use it, you will die!"

"Wait, you are waiting for me!"

"Haha ~~~"

One roaring sounded, and the sound was getting more and more madness.

The sword is unpadless, and once again exhausting the trick, the golden is not only thoroughly crushed, but even the ability to escape, only a moment, the golden clothes of the Temple, the seven-level reincarnation, Directly killed by the sword.

After killing this gold, the sword has nothing to take away the Qiankun left by Jin Yu, but the eyes are very indifferent.

"Keicker, before I am very polite, I have been asking for you, and even you have been looking at me, I will still want to extort me a pen, I just see you as a reincarnation temple Golden clothes deacon I have been endured on a copy. "

"Can you be cascaded, do you want to kill people?"

"I really bullied?"

The sword is not double-sided.

Before the castle, Jin Yu saw that he was just a eternal, and he didn't wait for him. He always looked at him with a high-top posture. This is also over, and then two lions opened, then the next time, It is a big head that is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled.

But now he has left, this golden because of the chaotic crystals on him, it will kill again.

This time, the bullying of the second connection is on the head, the sword is unparalleled?

Take him what is the status of the temple in the Temple, how is the seven-level reincarnation? Don't say a seven-order, even if it is the eight-order reincarnation, since the bullying is coming, the sword is unparalleled and it is not mistaken!

After killing Jin Yu, there is no stay in the sword, but it is straightforward.

There, there is another fierce battle, and that fierce battle, Long Wing City is always pressed, and now the situation is very unhappy.


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