Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1007 That group?

On the other battlefield.

"Hey, Long Wings, don't struggle, you can't escape, become a older food, the blood of the wing, although it is not too pure, but the taste should be good." The old , ,, ,..,...


Long Wings, the main body has spread, it seems to be unusual wolf, hear the words of the elderly, and the gas bite.

"This guy's blood is very quirky, I have been suppressed, let me have a stunned, a strength, and the top more can only play a 70%, otherwise, with the secrets I have made, you can follow He is in front of him, and it will never be a wolf. "Longyi City is dark.

From his first eye, he saw this gray robbing old, and then played, he had been incomparable, and the strength could not completely play.

This is the reason why the swallowing Tiantian is also the reason why the Safang Tiantu in the World of Chaotic World.

Of course, the Swallowns can only make the average blood vest, which is extremely high, such as the sword unparalleled ancient gods, but also the blood of the royal family, there is no feeling.

"How to do how to do?"

"His speed is fast, I can't escape, I can't escape, and I was completely crushed!"

"Don't I do it, today is really dead here?"

The Dragon Wings is unwilling.

Just then, not far away, a young figure galloped, soon appeared on the battlefield.

"The sword is unparalleled." Longyi City owner saw people, but the brow is a wrinkle.

In his opinion, the elderly stared at him, there is no big series with swords, and the sword is unparalleled should listen to him. If you have to escape, you can now come to this battlefield.

"Long Wings, you are fine?" The sword watched the dragon wings.

"The sword is unparalleled, why don't you go?" Long Wing City mainly sonned.

"Why do you want to go?" The sword is a faint smile, but the eyes are in the elderly old people.

The elderly of the gray robe saw the appearance of the sword, but the face was sudden.

"Kid, you are still alive?" The old robe is full, and I asked: "Jin Yu?"

Task, he is working with Jin Yu, he deals with Longyi City, and Jin Yu is to deal with this eternal.

If he says this side of the battlefield, maybe what changes, then the Jinyi is dealing with an eternal body in the district. It should be that the hand will come to the talented, but now, this eternal is actually lived.

He lived, is it?

"Golden? Oh, you are not a fool, is it unclear?" The sword is unparalleled.

The gray robbers are witnessed, but they have already understood.

"You kill him?" The elderly whispered.

"Yes." The sword is unbolded directly.

It can be seen that the sword is unparalleled, whether it is the elderly, or the Long Wings next to it, is an incredible.

A eternal, killing the seventh-order reincarnation of the Temple of the Temple?

How can this be?

"The sword is unparalleled, you ..." Long Wing City is full of horror.

"Don't ask so much, let's join hands first, send this old man to say." The sword has a boring of Longyi City.

"Good." Long Wing City is also headed.

"Kid, although the old man did not know what method you used to kill the gold, but the old man can be different from Jin Yu, since you have to block me, then go to death together." The elderly elderly drunk, but immediately Directly shot.

The way the gray robe is very simple, that is, let's take a shot.

It seems simple, can be taken under this shot, the vacant is immediately filled with a space of the space that is filled with hundreds of miles. This space black hole contains terrible strand, and the swings are not double sweaters.

Seeing this scene, the sword is not in the mouth of the mouth, and the spin is stepped off.

"The ancient god, the broken world!"

The power of the ancient gods, condensed in the sword unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled to completely, in order to a dark gold, as his index finger pointed out.

Booming ~~~ Tianshi trembled, an ancient golden giant finger extends, and the time is hit by the huge space black hole.


A loud sound, the sky is shaken.

The horrible aftertaste is crazy and sweeping around, crushed the void, and put the trees on the ground and crushed into a powder.

The shape of the sword is a tremble, and it will be three steps after connecting.

These three steps, each step has taken a thousand miles away.

"The old guy, the strength is good." The sword has no double eyes flashing.

He has just made his best to show the ancient god, but the result is still pressed by the gray robbers, the strength of the gray, the old people are indeed more than him.

"These years, I also have some progress, especially the star river secrets to the thirtieth floor, the power amplitude is several times, now I, the strength is completely played, should be close to the peak, and this old guy, But it can easily suppress me, definitely the truncation of the goods. "The sword is unparalleled.

Tao Zun three turns, each turn also has some levels of zones.

Just take the three turn to respect, the three turn forwards have three small levels of primary, higher and peaks.

Like the golden, see the three turn thresholds, it can only be, it is a very weak in the first time.

Dragon Wings, because Long Xin Dan refines the relationship of the secret surgery, the current battle is three-way.

And the sword is unparalleled, and when he is still in the Tang Dynasty, the war is also three-way, and it is in the absolute blind, but it is in the absolute blind, but his strength has improved, especially because of the secret of Star River Relationship, the war has improved a lot, and now it has reached the most limit of the three-way high, and it can be said that it is close to the three-way peak.

The gray robbers can easily suppress the sword. There is inevitable, the goods are really real-in-peak, this level, although than Xiao Emperor, Yun Di is close to the Tianzun level, but the difference is not too much, strength Naturally, it is also very good.

While the sword is unparalleled, the strength of the elderly, the bottom of the gray robe is set off in the sky.

"This kid, obviously just a eternal, strong, actually to be so? Focus on my face, just being suppressed?"

"Also, he just used the power, the power of blood ... Is it that ethnic group?"

"Yes, it is definitely the group of the ethnic group, and so rich blood, he is in the status of the family, is definitely not the same."

"There is a group intervened, this is trouble."


PS: Today is 5 more! !

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