Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1008 is you jealous!

I think that the ethnic group, even if this gray robe, I will have some bad.

That is one of the strongest ethnic groups in the mainland.

"Kid, you are not older opponents, rolling, old man to spare you." The cold eyes swept the sword without a pair.

"Running, saying that you can easily kill me like this, if there is a matter of truth, although it's a horse." The sword is unparalleled, but there is no fear.

"Since you find it yourself, I can't blame the old man." The elderly of the gray robbed fire.

Although he is full of joys, today, as long as he is doing, it is difficult to find who is doing it.


I have a cold, and the elder of the gray robe is on the side of the black tattoo. The black tip begins to break out, this quiet black is mysterious, and the time covered his whole body, the old people behind the sound It is also a sharp skyrocket to the Wings.

Time, this gray robbery is to make a huge thing, and it is different from the black bat.

"Well?" The sword where this scene is not bornless is not covered.

"Oh, I can make a secret to simulate the body, it is good." Said the king said.

After the gray robbery is a huge black bat, the eyes also become scarlet, staring at the sword and unparalleled, the huge body shocks.


A slice, fierce, echoing this day.

Shu Sheng accompanied a strong sound attack, even with a conscious attack, directly in the sword.

"It's a strange feeling." The sword has no double-finish, and the head is also a little dizzy.

The black bats of the Biting the chest by this black bat.

This black bat struggled to bite ... The terrible force instantly broke out.

"The sword is unparalleled!" Long Wing City is very shocked.


The low voice sounded, and the black batter's eyes fierce, the pupil is more surprised and turned, but the next moment is even with extra, then there have been half a body to fall into his mouth. The sword is unparalleled, and naturally he spit out.

It is not only a sword that spit out from his mouth, and there is half a scarlet.

This is a teeth, and it is the

"This gray robe is going to bite the sword, and the result is broken." Dragon Wings is a bit.

That has already refunded the black bat, once again, it is the appearance of the elderly, but at this moment, he looks at the sword, but the eyes are full.

"I, I ..." The elderly people feel the final pain, and the heart is full of shock.

He is already all right, to show his strongest, and the most horrible trick, with the sword and sharp level of his own body, even a genuine three turnover, he also grasped it. Crush.

As a result, he bit this bit, no hurt the sword is unparalleled, but it has broken his teeth?

"It's impossible, even if it is the power of the ethnic group, even if he has broken through the level of the road, it is absolutely impossible to have intact in my trick, it is more impossible to collapse my teeth, unless ..." The elderly of the gray robbery look, but it is a bit of the bloody robes wearing the sword unparalleled.

He and the sword were unparalleled, and he had just hitting how much he was attacking. Despite this, the bloody robes wearing the sword were unparalleled.

"The blood robes we wear on him are treasures, and they are still very kind." The elderly people understand.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the face is laughing, "the old guy, it seems that your teeth, didn't my body hard?"

"The sword is unparalleled." Longyi City came over, "I have already sent me a friend, I can't use it for a while, he can get here."

"Oh?" The sword has no double brow, continue to see the elderly, "old guy, heard it? You still don't want to continue to bite me a few mouthfuls, if you have guts, even though it is biting Yes, I have to see, you still have a few teeth to break. "

The elder of the gray robe is gloomy, but the bottom is a virtual.

Killing, he didn't dare to bite the sword.

"This kid defensive ability is terrible, I want to kill him is impossible, and his strength is quite gangs, there is he gang, I can't kill the dragon wings," the old people thought, and finally only Can give up.

"Unfortunately, the blood of the wing of the dragon, the old man seems to be enjoyed today."

"Kid, you are awkward!"

The elderly of the gray robe, Amother a lot, you kill him, don't think about it. "

"Even if it is the group, you can't protect you!"

"You are waiting!"

When the gray robe is a cold, after the finish, he snorted, and then waving the sleeve and got directly to the nearby void.

The sword is unparalleled with Long Wings, standing there, looking at the elderly, and did not want to chase.

On strength, the elderly you have to be strong than the two people, the latter must leave, they have no ability to block.

"I finally left." Longyi City is relaxed.

Until the elderly of the gray robe left, the shackles of his heart were gradually added.

"The sword is unparalleled, thank you, if you don't have you, I will be buried here today." Long Wing City owner is in mind.

"The city owner is polite, before the three years in Longyi City, you can always point to my swords." The sword is unparalleled.

Long Wing City is a bitter, but it is a bitter smile. "In those three years, I am too big, your strength, I have to be strong than I have, I still want to point you, it is really ..."

Dragon Wings The main heart is also awkward.

I have been in Longyi City for three years, he feels that there is no double loss to the sword, so I want to give the sword unparalleled some swords.

At that time, he used a senior to point to the sword. He has always thought that the sword is unparalleled is only a eternal situation. If you give yourself a blessing, it should be more than enough.

But until he knows today, he pointed out three years, in fact, it is much stronger than him.


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