Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1010 is not peaceful

"Weird?" The sword is unparalleled.

"You open this sword, it is very refused, it seems to be a few different swords, although this also makes you open a self-sword, but this sword is a bit hidden." Say.

"No class?" The sword is unparalleled, but he can understand.

He is now open, and even himself, he doesn't know what a sword is called.

This sword is that several swords in his integrated reel are made together, with the respective artistic conception of several kinds of swords, it is naturally constant.

"Now it is not class, but if I can combine the artistic conception of the swords, this sword will continue to improve, and in the future, I can continue to join the new Keh Road. It is constantly in this sword. Strengthen. "The sword is unparalleled.

"Integrate thousands of swords, open up new swords, this idea is good, but this Jiendao can grow to the strongest level in the future, but I don't know."

"I am now just starting, and later, I will come again." The sword was unparalleled.

Finally opened up a sword with his own, the sword is unhealthy, so that the future growth of this sword is the future.

"Open up a sword, although it is just the most ordinary swords, I can rely on the power to this Jian, my strength has to improve a grade than before, now I really have three turns. "

The sword is unparalleled, and then looks at one direction next to it, "Qingyu."

"grown ups."

The height of more than three meters, the blue scorpion of scarlet armor appeared in front of the sword.

This fifteen years, Qingyu has been following the swords. Although the sword is unparalleled, I have been going to stop, I have delayed a lot of time, but I have no complaints, but I have been respectful to the sword.

After all, the sword is unparalleled from the corner of the fight.

"Before the front should be the territory of the rock magic family?" The sword was unparalleled.

"After this plain is." Qingyu said.

"That's good, I don't have much delay, let go, go to the rock of the magic." The sword has no double.

"Good." Qingyu is happy.

The sword is unparalleled with Qingli, even if it starts, brushing this plain, appearing in the territory of the Rock Magic.

"You can go back to the group!"

The closer to the rock magic, the more excited, even the sword is unparalleled, you can feel the ecstasy.

But his two have just come to the territory ...

boom! boom!

The sharp roar sounded, and the sword was unparalleled. He has seen a fierce battle in the end of the line.

The two sides of the battle, a total of dozens of people are clearly divided into two camps.

One of the martial arts, the volume is very large, even if the smallest height is more than two meters, this one 'giant' attacking means is extremely violent, and the general flesh is extremely strong, but it can take a absolute disadvantage.

And the other party camp, more than 20 people, all are eternal, all of which reached the top of the eternal bodies, although the power follows the defense, more than those giants, but they speed It is much faster, and the body is also flexible.

Two big camps were crazy, and they were obvious that those giants were in an absolute lower air.

"Kill them!"

"The Magic Melody, all to die!"

"One don't let go!"

I have passed from the battlefield, followed by echoing throughout the world.

When the sword is unparalleled, there is another camp, another camp, and more than ten shadows rushed into the battlefield. This has already occupied the rock of the rock, and the time is more completely collapsed.

"not good!"

Qingyu saw this scene, suddenly wanted, and his eyes immediately became scarlet, "the dead black phantin family."

"Unparalleled, this is the people of my rock, they are not wonderful, I have to hurry." Qingyu said, his body has been rapidly brushing.

The sword is unlocking, looking at this.

The breath on the green, he took a long time. He took a long time in the downtown, and he killed so many games in the fighting field. He fierce, completely covered everyone on the battlefield, when seeing Qingyu At the time, the ethnic group of the Magic Family exposed the color of the big joy.

"You are ... Qingyi?"

"It is a green brother, it is a green brother!"

"Green, fast, think about blocking them."

And the other party camp, the strong man of the black boy saw the arrival of Qing, but it was a clear.

"Qingyu? I have heard that it is said that it is called in the Rock Melody. It can be hidden later, it seems to be out of the swing, I didn't expect to come back today, but I came back? Also a forever. "

"Hey, this green is coming back to die!"

"Don't have nonsense, kill it, it is!"

The black phand is immediately turned off the green.

The war of Qingyu is the top of the eternal, indeed unparalleled, if it is on a battlefield, I am afraid that no one is his opponent.

The number of eternal bits of the black phand is too much, and the three eternal tops are willing to separate the top of the three eternal premises. It is easy to put the greens, and the overall battlefield is still a piece.

"It seems that this rock is not too peaceful." The sword was unimaced, but the figure was a moving, directly appeared in the center of the battlefield.

When he appeared, many of the two camps did notice.

"A coming?"

"This person doesn't seem to be a rock of virtue?"

"Take him is, one is killed."

The strong man of the black pyth is killed, and someone directly in the first time, there is no double kills.

The sword has no double eyeline, looks into the surroundings, the next moment, but the obstacles.


A flawster, contains a strong force of the ancient god, and the moment is blowing throughout the battlefield.

On the battlefield, the two major camps that were originally crazy fierce battle immediately stopped the battle.

Among them, everyone of the rock of the Magic is surprised. Under this anger, they have a thrilling.

The people of the black phand family, but brushing, holding their own ears, and also have a screaming scream, blood flowing from their ears, even in the eyes, although no one is dead, but the black phand is present These people, but they were shocked by this anger.

"Go, go!"

The black pyth is headed by a eternal border, and even the other people have a moment, and the other people don't want to stay. They walked in the way. On the way, a frightened eyes also looked at the sword.

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