Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1011 Hong Shen

Just in an instant, the black flornies just killed, and the emperor fled directly.

The sword is unparalleled, and they are scared, they are sighed, and they don't dare to stay.

"Unparalleled." Qingyu came to the sword in front of the sword, and the people of the other rocks were grateful and awa.

"Thank you, everyone will save." Qingyao.

He is very clear, just if the sword is unparalleled, he is in the hands of the nephew people, I am going to die in the hands of the black boy.

"Just black pyth, what is going on?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Is such that."

Qing Yan explained: "There are nearly 100 ethnic groups in this territory, in these tributes, in these ethnic groups, the strongest is my rock magic family, and there is a black pyth, our two ethnic groups, They are all ethnic groups. Since they are all ethnic groups, for their respective interests, naturally, there will be battle and killing. The battle of our two ethnic groups has launted for many years. "

"Is this?" The sword is unbeded, but the bottom is quite surprised. "The rock of the magic is actually a higher ethnic group?"

Before he had been thinking that the Rock Menban should be just a weak group or a medium ethnic group, but he did not expect to be a high ethnic group.

The higher ethnic groups, even if there is not much in the entire round, there is not much, a higher ethnic group, and the overall strength is quite strong.

"Green, take me to see the flood god." The sword is unparalleled. "

"it is good."

The Qing Dynasty is guided by the front, and there is not long, and the sword is unparalleled to the land of the rock magic.

The rock magic family is accompanied by mountains, and there is countless buildings in it, and the Rock Magic family lives, there are millions of people.

Military people, in the high ethnic group, in fact, it is still a rare, the whole strength, the rock of the rock, is indeed in the high ethnic group, but in the reincarnation of many high-ethnic groups, it is the weakest kind, the whole group Inside, there are not many tens of strong tours, just reach the requirements of higher ethnic groups.

And the strongest of the group is Hong Shen. He has reached the three turn to respect the level. Of course, it is just a threshold of the three-turn to Zun, but he wakes up some rock of Magic, with super flesh Even if you face the three-way high-level road, you can barely fight against one or two.

Under the leadership of Qingyi, the sword is unparalleled to enter the land of the rock, and soon, in a palace, I saw the flood god.

Hong Shen, a bald man wearing a blue-dragon armor, height of more than five meters, which looks a very thick bald man, he stands in the front of the hall, just like a big mountain.

"He, is it a flood god?" The sword was unparalleled to look at this flood god.

At the beginning of the ancient world, this flood god can make him very shocking, a piece of broken finger left with a single single, and the sword is unparalleled.

But now, I really see the flood god himself, but I have not been able to feel the sword.

"Hong Shen big brother, Qing Yu is back!"

The younger excitement is very excited, in front of the flood, the head is low, the sound is in the hall.

"It's just a good time, get up." Hong Shen simply waved, and the green is standing up.

"Hong Shen big brother, I will introduce you, this is a sword, there is no pair, I can or return this time, I have rescued him, and I have just come back, our people and black pyrotes have encountered, The crisis is close, and the unparalleled adults will be shot in time, and the black pyth is retreat. "Qingyu said.

"Oh?" Hong Shen did not look at the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled. I have seen the predecessors of Hong Shen." The sword is unparalleled is a micro-micro-micro ride.

"The sword is unparalleled?" Hong Shenwei doubtful.

"The predecessors have remembered that many years ago, your cross-cut refers to the ancient world, the truncation finger, and still have your own consciousness. Later, someone learned the secrets under the end of the end. Surgery, you also gave him a extradition of god? "The sword was unparalleled.

When I heard this, Hong Shen's eyes immediately glanced, and the strange bird didn't look at it. "Are you a small guy in the age?"

"It is below." The sword is unparalleled.

"How is it possible?" Hong Shen is full of horror looking at the sword unparalleled. "At the beginning, my consciousness. You are not destroying the secret. When you introduce the god, you are still weak, and the distance is now, no two Millennium, such a short time, you have come to this step? "

Hong Shen heart is also full of horror.

At the beginning, he just gave the sword unparalleled aim, although he also said that there is no one in one day, there is no double, there is a chance to come to his world, you can come to him, but I can't think that the sword is really effective. One step.

But now ... sword is really coming, and it is less than two thousand years before and after?

"You have saved the green, and I just hit the strong people of the black phand for my ethnic group. I didn't know how to thank you." Hong Shen smiled.

"The seniors are polite, and when they were in the ancient world, if there is no such thing as a predecessor, I can have not necessarily it today." The sword has no double.

He said that the facts, the Hong Shen gave him a creation, let him break through, and also gave him a secret.

That is not destroyed, it has been used for a long time.

It can be said that the sword is unparalleled in such a short period of time, and the flood god also provides a lot of help.

"Haha, I just see you in the eyes, the creation of the hand, I didn't expect you to have today." Hong Shen haha ​​laughed, attitude is extremely mild.

at this time……

"Well?" The face of Hong Shen changed.

"Hong Shen big brother, what happened?" Qingyu looked over Hong Shen.

"Is the help information, I have to go see it immediately." Hong Shen Zheng waved.

"Is it a black parent?" Qingyu is sinking.

"It is them, you are not there, this black boy has a lot of changes, the strength has improved a lot, and now my rock is really passive." Hong Shen sighed, then watched the sword There is no double eye.

"There is no double brother, I still have something, don't tell you more, you stay in the family, I will let you go to the family, right, right, you are a sword practice, our family Just a place to have a role in swordsmanship, and let him take you to see. "

After that, the Hongshen directly left.

"Unparalleled people, let me go." Qingyu smiled.

"Okay." The sword is unparalleled, but there is a curious.

Just said that you said in your mouth, what would be a place for the sword practitioners?


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