Within a grand temple, the many strong people of the Black 1 are gathered together, and the expression is quite excited.

"I have prepared it for so long, I finally waited until today."

The dance of the black pythmia, a black snake is also circulating a black snake, but the eyes are cold, like a poisonous snake, "Today, you will act, this time, you must give the rock magic" Reproduction, let them lose! "

"Yes." The strong people in the surrounding black pyth, nodded.

The black pyries and rock magic are in this battle for so many years. The hatred of both sides has already reached the point where they don't die.

As long as there is an opportunity, the two ethnic groups will not hesitate to completely step on each other.

This time, for the black phand, it is definitely a chance of chance.

"Ocean adults, the flood gods will come out, you can get troubled. You will go to deal with him." The cold man sits at a black robe next to himself. The words have a humility.

When I heard the cold man, the old people looked down slightly, showing a thin, but the cheeks were covered with black teraphy faces.

If the sword is unparalleled here, it will be recognized at a glance. This black robe is the first in the castle of Jinyu, and kills him with Dragon Wings with the Dragon Wings.

This emmy has a swallowing blood, likes to swallow a variety of beast and blood, it is staring on Long Wing City, but later because of the relationship between the sword, this black robe has to stop, then this black robum is all the way. I just came to this territory, and I accepted the invitation of the Black Honeyman, come to help to deal with the Magic Family.

"The Magic Father has always been famous for the stronger of the flesh, and the flood god wakes up some blood, and it has also reached the three turn to respect the level. Even the old man has no absolute grasp of it, but it is seriously injured. It can be done. "The old man of the old robe.

"I only need to be seriously injured in the flood god, so that he can't play absolute war in a short time. If this plan is successful, the overall strength of the rock magic is very resistant, the strength of the Hong Shen also can't play, I can completely assemble The strong, completely covers the rock magic! "The cold man silently.

"So, this territory will only have the high ethnic group of black python in the future." Yu Yan smiled.

"Haha, I have to have Lauditis adults, you can take your hands." The cold man laughed.

Soon, the strong man of the black pyth is gone.


The rock is in the canyon.

Hey ~~~ The sword of the sky is filled, and in the sword where the sword is unparalleled, it is slowly collected.

"Drilling for so many years, I am tricking, I finally be completely perfect." The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are in the talent, when you are very extraordinary, even if you have a strange sword, you will make you gave it out." The voice of the King said in his heart. "Although you open up, just ordinary Level of the road, the sword you create, even if the power of opening up the sky-level sword, you may not be able to get out. "

"This is also a lot of this nine sword marks left by Xuriesi. In addition, I have more thanks to the last bit of life." The sword laughed.

After opening up a second Jienju Jiguang, headow, he spent eight years of studying swordsmanship. Nowadays, this sword is finally achieved, and it has also achieved a non-parallelism.

"My this is in the whole body, and the other is always studying the sense of feelings of the strongest swords, and I feel very comprehension. I feel that I have opened the third Sword, and I am very close. The sword is unparalleled.

In just a few decades, two swords were opened, and even immediately opened up a third Jian Road. If you say it, you will definitely scare a lot of people. After all, the sword is deeply arrogant, and he said to open up Open up?

The sword is unparalleled.

His own sword talent will be odd, plus a lot of treasures, the most important thing is that he has the strongest sword!

The strongest sword heart, from the strongest sword soul, this is an unaffected role in the sword.

Compared with other swordsmanship, the innocent advantage of swords is too big!

Even the king said that the sword is unparalleled, and it has to open up a strongest sword, and then become a respect.

Can be used throughout the green world, and there are several swordsmanship, dare to target the strongest swords?

But this is only the least at least the starting standard in the sword with the strongest swordsman.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is suddenly ... Boom!

A terrible roar is fierce, and this roar has a horrible aftertaste, passing to the entire rock.

"Haha !!!"

"From today, turn back to the mainland, will not have a rock family again!"

A magnificent laughter, like an angry, passing, in the whole rock, the whole rock, rolling.

Time, the whole rock of Mel is alarmed.


The strong people of a large number of rocks are instantly riped, and these strong people have an angry color.

"this is……"

The sword is unparalleled to the void above the canyon, looking at the voids in the distance, he can see his own sight, there are several ways to live slowly, those who are angry, a total of eight, all are the real price The power of the Tunnery level.

Most importantly, these eight roads have a murderous rain, which is obviously not from the Magic Family.

"What is going on?" The sword was unparalleled.

"There is no big couple, there is no big man." A urgent voice sounded, and saw the jealousy rushing in the direction of the sword.

"Youth, what happened? How can someone directly kill the rock?" The sword is unparalleled.

The rock of the magic is also a high ethnic group. There are ten strong people, and there are ten, and there is a three-turn to sit in the town. In this territory, in addition to the black pyth, no one dares to provoke .

Even if the strength is slightly strong, the two ethnic groups are crazy, but if there is no exact treasure, the black phenomenon does not dare to bring people to the old nest of the rock of the rock.

"I have an accident, and it is big."

Qingyu is low, and the eyes are brought with a silk scarlet. "We were aruded by the black phand family, they bought a secondary group, joint accounting us, the four elders of our work today, all fall!" "

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