"What?" The sword was unparalleled.

The rock magic family, as a high-class group, the strong is also a lot, and the elders in its family are generally served as strong people.

Fourth, the four elders, that is, the four of the four respects, and must know that the whole rock magic is also ten.

"Not only that, even the big brother of Hong Shen is also obeyed by the other party." Qing Yu is in a hurry: "The black pyth is unknown from where a strong, the big brother is smashed with his family, suddenly shot, straight I will seriously hurt the big brother of the flood god, if the big brother's defense means is extremely good, maybe he has to bury it. "

"Hong Shen is also seriously injured?" The sword was unblorated.

The rock magic family, there is a total of ten Daozun, now there is four, and even the flood god is also seriously injured. This is a low-level force of the rock of the magic. It is also no wonder black pyth. The power of a family, dare to kill the rock of the Magician family.

"There is no big man, Hong Shen big brother tells it, let you leave immediately." Qingyu said: "You will be an outsider, my rock is a collision with black , should not let you have to come here, so, hurry "

"Don't worry first."

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are looking at the eight in the long-distance killing, "The Black Head is fighting for so many years this time, it is hard to have this good opportunity. Can't let go of this, no accident, the strong of the black pyth is inevitably out today. "

"The rock of the magic is dangerous!"

"The sword is unparalleled, what do you want to do?" The voice of the King sounded.

"Hong Shen has gratoon, and these years, I also got a lot of benefits in this rock of magic. I have been so great, I naturally want to think about it." The sword was unparalleled. "

"Do you want to shoot?" .

"What do you say?" The sword was unparalleled, and the blood peak sword appeared in his hand.

"Unparalleled people, are you?" Qing Yan looked at the sword.

"Green, you are standing here, watching it is." The sword is unparalleled, but the body has been floating in front.

The sword is not like a ghost, easy to brush void, soon come to the battlefield in front.

At this moment, the two ethnic groups have been crazy to kill together.

The black phand family is headed by the eight Daozun. He has followed the strong number of strong numbers behind him, and has directly broken into the land of the rock.

Many ethnic groups of rocks also rushed to resist, but the highest level of war is too far.

Although the remaining of the rock of the Melody, they also shot, and they can be repeatedly defeated by the eight roads of the black phand.

No one can block the eight roads of the black boy.

"Haha, kill, kill them!"

"From today, this territor is in the country."

"The Magic Family, the fight for so many years, today is your life day!"

An angered or laughed echoed in the world.

The strong man of the black pyth is led by the eight Daozun. In the rock magic family, the rock is rushing, but the rock is almost no resistance.

At this time, the sword is a wedch-like figure, and there is a top battlefield in the middle of the country, and there is also the eight roads of the black phantin.


The eight roads have seen the swords and unparalleled, but they do not have it.

"Where is the antity, give this."

One of the bald men was a sleeve, and immediately rolled up ä, a burst of energy formed a sharp sword, and the sword did not have a double skull.

The sword is unparalleled, but the corner of the mouth has evoke a special radians, but the eyes look at the swords in their hands.

"My sword, I have just created, I have never shown in front of people. Today, I use this eight roads, try it's power ..." The sword is unmatted, I don't see what he is. Action, just just a sword.

It's so handless, it looks at the children with the child.

At the moment of the blood peak sword, a horrible sword is the time to explode.

A scorless sword is directly drawn.

Fast, too fast!

This is definitely more than any swords that have been displayed before the sword.

In the eight Daozun in front of the sword, there is no in the eyes of the sword unparalleled, but it is possible to spend out the moment.

This eight roads have been revealed in an instant.

While seeing this Sword Ying, a homotic power is also covered, and the eight Daozun is in a short pause in this moment. It is like a fool completely stunned.


The slight sound sounded, everything has been saved, and the sad sword has disappeared.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword has slowly recovered the sword.

He looked at the eight roads in front of it. He was a smile in the mouth. "This sword, I really thank the Lord to give me the inspiration."

The Hundreds of Vachair Temple 18th Lord of the Lord of the Lord.

At that time, when the Eastern Tang Huangcheng, the sword was unparalleled with the suffering, the strongest knife of the Lord, the sword was still remembered.

That knife, is beautiful, fast and amazing.

Most importantly, the knife also contains awareness attack.

Knife method and conscious attack, perfect combination!

That knife made the sword were shocking, but in these years, he was in a sword that was suitable for the Aurora Sword. I wanted to join a sense of consciousness in my own swordsman, and the swordsmanship and consciousness attack perfect collection Complex.

After all, conscious attacks, he is quite good at it.

After several years of drilling, he finally combined with the speed of the Aurora Sword, and awareness of the attack, and founded this sword.

This sword, not only the speed is amazing, but also the consciousness of the swordsmanship, but also a sharp increase in sword surgery, and finally played out, the sense of consciousness in the sword is even more than the sword is unparalleled.

And the mortality secret, is the sword is unparalleled, and it is also quite a scattered. The conscious attack sweeps out, and it is more likely to be aware that the awareness of attack is in the sword, but it is true quiet, There is no signs, which has created this incomparable, rapid amazing sword.

"The name of this sword is called a shadow." The sword is unimaced.

With his voice falling, it has been like a fool suspended in front of him, but it is unable to fall down.

Eighth movements, fell at the same time!

This scene, so that the whole world is completely calm down.


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