Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1023, Red Rover

The sword is unparalleled.

He has been studying the most powerful swords of swords from the Dao Yuanzi, and the strongest swords, which belong to the first thing to go to the Yang.

Based on this strongest sword, he gradually opened his sword, and there was a general outline, and he could open it out in the last step.

This last step has been plaguing him, but the sword is not doubles, and he is with this unremnive road to fight, from there is a strong shot that has just been displayed, there is a trace. Touching, even some inspiration.

"I have to continue to fight with him, forced him to show the gun again, the more you show, I think, the more I feel." The sword is unparalleled and the hands are in power, but it is low, "!"

"Give it to me, the boy's gun method is good, although it is a little hurt, but just this hurt, I will return to you for a while." Zhen Wang Zheng said.

King, the body is the most powerful, the most powerful, is the ability to recover.

It is because there is a fight against the sky, plus the terrorist recovery ability of Kings, and the sword is unparalleled, there is no peace, no one can kill him.


The sword has a strong war, and after a roar, his body is actively changing the dreamless rush.


There is no dream, the respect of the scorpion is cold, and the body is also awkward, and it is also the first time.

Two people, killing again, and this time, the two are more crazy.

The speed of the dream is faster, and the power is also barely improved, and the sword is unparalleled, and it is still exhausted, and it has blocked the mighty dreams.

"Special dragon kill!"

There is no dream to respect the opportunity, to a shot of the first year, once again bombard the sword unparalleled body, put the sword without double.

After just a moment, the sword is unparalleled to rush again.

"Come again!" The sword has no bidding with a hot, completely regardless of his injuries.


"Special dragon kill!"

There is no dream, even once, even once, it is constantly bombarded in the sword. If you are a common person, I don't know how many times, but the sword is unparalleled, but it seems that it is like a time. Booms out, injured once, but immediately killed again.

If it is just two times, it is better for a long time, but there is a dangerous trick of the dream. If you don't have a ten-time bombardment in the sword, the sword is unparalleled. It is still very powerful.

"What happened? His injury did not weavier?" No dreams were shocked.

People who watch the war are also incredible.

They don't know, the sword has the existence of Kings in the sword, the injury being affected, it is easy to fix, this horrible repair ability, the injury has never been able to increase, not deteriorate, so his battle It has been maintained at the peak.

"No way, I can only use that trick!"

The eyes of the dream have become cold, and he took out a jade bottle, and the mouth of the mouth directly took the jade bottle in the body.

As this drip has been absorbed, this has no dream of the breath immediately skyrocket, and his eyes also become scarlet.

He held the sword with the sword, the scarlet eyes were sacred and solidified in the sword, and the long shot was moved.

"Golden Diamond!"

A whisper, there is no dream, the wrist is twisted, and it is tatched with the big gun towards the front.

The void is immediately shredded, a huge black hole filled with a thousand miles, this black hole has formed a golden vortex, in the depth of the whirlpool, a long gun, like a bite to Jin Dragon, Chaoying sword There is no hyper attack.

Tiandi discolored.

Everyone took advantage of this Jinlong with an unprecedented shock.

"This, this is ..." Nei Yan also stunned, "Tian Yu's Wei!"

Yes, there is no dream of the dripping of the blood, and then to show his truly strongest trick. This guns have barely enter the threshold of Tianzun.

A shot of the earth destroyed.

A shot of all people present in the scene.

It can be seen from the huge vortex, and when he kills him, the sword is unparalleled.

"This, this shot ..."

The sword is unparalleled throughout the line, and the whole mind is only in front of you.

This is a shot of the destroyed land of Just educated.

At the same time, I have been plaguing him. The only wonderful Xuan Olympics that the third Jiejie lacks is actually thinking now.

"Is this, is this?"


The sword is unparalleled, the whole body and mind are excited.

When the gun really attacked him, he also sword directly.

A sword is awkward, this sword also took a fierce, but more is a sharp sharpness.

His strength, with the sword, also completely broke out.


A great sound, made a tremor throughout the world.


The sword is unparalleled, and after the flow of light is shining. When he returns to stand up, his throat is sweet, and a blood is sprayed out, and the face is also a bit pale, but his eyes have a strong surprise. Color.

As for the no dream, still standing in the void, the face is a little white, obviously to the shot is just that a gun is not easy, he lifts the head staring at the sword, and there is a shocking Flash.

"You, break through?"

There is no dream road.

After listening to this, the sword was unbrilled with the blood of the mouth, but it was grinked. "Thank you, just that shot, I can't open it up so soon, I will open up my own third sword."

Indeed, if you don't have a battle with this no dream, if you have not seen the gun law of the dream, the sword is unparalleled, the third sword will never open it soon.

Just because of a fierce battle, he had a lot of touch, and we have been in trouble, naturally, naturally, will open up the third sword.

The sword is unparalleled to look at the blood peak sword in his hand, "I murmped up the mouth," I have this third Jian Dao, according to the strongest sword, this kind of sword, to the sun, pay attention to It is the rapid power, good at the hard work, as for the name, and is called the Chung Tao Tao! "

After returning to a sword, after the Aurora Sword, the Sword Wushuang, the third Jianji Tao, the red sword, finally opened.

And Chiang Kong Road, after all, is a reference with the strongest swords, so even if they have just opened up, it is also a heaven and earth level!

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