Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1024, don't want to escape!

"I don't have the most powerful tricks of the price, I can't kill you, but help you break through, now you have greatly increased, I can't kill you again." There is no dream road to say, while it will I have returned my long gun, and I haven't played again.

The sword is unparalleled is a smile.

He opened its third sword, and it was a heaven and earth level. The overall strength is instantly skyrocketing. As for killing him, it is a luxury.

"The sword is unparalleled."

There is no dream, the prince is not double, and a wave will throw an ancestor.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is still an enabled.

After picking up, the sword is unparalleled immediately to a message.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have a careful investigation before I reincarnate. More than 20 years ago, it was the golden, who took the initiative to deal with you. You didn't kill it, not to provoke me back to the temple." No dreams did not directly The opening sidewalk, but use jade-in-one, obviously don't want others to know that he is talking to the sword.

"I don't think about it, I received the command, just shot you seriously, or give you some lessons, I have retained the back of the temple, after all, you killed a golden clothes, I also reincarn the temple. Never see anything else. "

"However, I didn't turn back to the temple, but I didn't have to kill you. Your talent is very high, the potential is extraordinary. Maybe I can enter the green palace in the future, become a great force in the Qinglu Palace, if it is not necessary, I turn back The Temple will not kill your genius in advance. "

"I said that I have to deal with you, and I am curious to your Eternal strength. I deliberately want to irritate you, let you go all my best to fight with me, more guilty, please forgive me."

No dreams of dreams are quite sincere.

The order he received, this is to let him give the sword unparalleled lesson, not really to kill the sword.

Before the Temple of Temple, he learned that the sword was unparalleled to defense. If you really have to kill the sword, you will not send him, but it will send a genuine real Tianzun strong person to shoot.

Of course, this has no dreams, with his strength, even if you whole power to show the strongest shot, you can't really give the sword unparalleled, but helped the swords unparalleled to open up the third sword.

Now there is no double strength rise, I am afraid that it is not in him. At this time, there is no dream road, I naturally didn't want to continue to kill, but I took the initiative to have no double claims to the sword.

When I heard a dream, the sword was quite awkward.

He has been thinking that the Temple of the Round Temple is going to die, but now it is not that.

Reincarnation Temple, just want to give him a lesson, save some faces?

"Green Palace?" The sword has no double look.

He has been heard of the Qinglu Palace. At the beginning, the Tang Huang City, the Emperor Tang Huang City, was surrounded by the three national countries. When the Tang Huang returned, he almost killed the three national privileges, but later the Tang Dynasty It seems to be because of the three national privileges of the three national countries, the people of the Qinglu Palace, this is only in his hand.

Although I have heard it for the second time, but what the green fire palace is, the sword is unparalleled but does not know.

Although curious, the sword is unbold and there is no more.

"There is no dream, since the reincarnation of the temple is not to kill me, the black pyth is ..." The sword is unparalleled.

"The black pythmies and rounds back to the temple do not have any mega, the battle between you, the reincarnation of the Temple will never intervene, so you are all right." There is no dream.

"Then thank you." The sword is unparalleled, but the smile is like a blade.

The sword is unparalleled with no dreams, has always been communicated in the news, and everyone is not knowing what he is saying.

But they will just war, it is very clear.

"How can it be?"

"There is no dream, and even a shot of the Tiangu threshold, it is not really killing him."

"Not only can't kill, but this sword has no double breakthrough?"

"How could this be?"

Emperor, Mo Lin, there are also many strong people in black pyth, and their heads have a bit.

The shake of the Emperor was shaking.

Previously, the war has been strong. Now it is once again broken through the third Jian Road. The force has skyrocketed, and it has already reached a new height, which is more stronger than him.

"Mo Lin, let's go!" Yu Yan low sink.

Mo Lin heard this, the shape is immersed, although it is extremely unllowed, can only know that there is no sword, then he can only take a few strong people in the black pyth.

But they just want to turn ...

"I want to come, I want to go, I want to be very beautiful?"

The cold voice spits out from the sword, and it will ring in this day.

Emperor, Mell Lin also has a large number of black phaces, and the body shape of many strong people is not a meal. I am a touch of the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, the old man, etc. have already retired, what do you want? Do you still want to keep us completely?" Emperor is cold, staring at the sword.

"I really have this idea." The sword was unparalleled.

"Hey, ridiculous." Yu Yan is laughing, "The old man admits that after you break through, the strength should be stronger than the old man, but the old man is the most good at speed, even if it is, it is, but it is still It can easily escape, I want to kill the old man, I will rely on you? "

Di Yan is disdainful.

Whether it is him, there is also a side of Mo Lin, although there is a self-knowledge, it is not a sword unparalleled opponent, but they are all good at speed, but also confident to escape, the sword is unparalleled. Why can't you.

"Di Yan, you are right, if it is normal, I really can't leave you, but now ... You still take a closer look at your surroundings." The sword is unparalleled, it is in his voice. At that moment, he has given his own killing.

His killing of the Life is early to lay the prisoner's dragonflag, and this process has been very concealed, and no one has discovered.

In the present, the law has already been arranged.

As the sword has no double one, his killing this is immediately droved.

Time, the voids from the weeks, ~~~ The transparent junction is suddenly litter, and the entire void is covered in an instant.

The sword is unparalleled, Di Yan, Mo Lin also has a large number of black , and is also covered by this junction.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, but the eyes are cold until the extreme.

"Today, don't want to escape one!"


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