Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1025, big killing

"Today, don't want to escape one!"

Contains a pound of murderous words Self-swearing in the sword, there is no double mouth, the voice is falling, the sword is unparalleled, the shape is like a ghost.


"This is ... Normalization?"

"Not good, we were aruded by this sword"! "

When I saw the rise of the juncture, the strong people of the black phards became a big change, and Deni and Mo Lin were angry.

They are not stupid, see this comics, they know that they are calculated.

Strusted, a beautiful sword light lit up, this sword light is from the strong people in the black boy.

"Be careful!" Emperor was issued a burst.

He reminded that it has been very timely, and the many strong people of the black pythmote will immediately perceive the emergence of sword light, and they want to retreat.

Can they have their shapes ...

"My speed?"

"how come?"

The many strong people of the black pythrot have been discovered, and their figure has been greatly limited at this moment. This is like a heavy smuggle to oppress them in them, the speed is suddenly reduced, and there is no way to get out of the sword. Range.

I only see a strong horizontal awareness attack.

~~ Siligate, these black pyries have all stunned there, just like a stupid, watching the beautiful swordsmanship, there is no response.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!

The cold Jianfeng blouses from these black pyries.

When the sword was only opened up two swords, he rely on this vibrant and a sword, and he murdered eight roads. Now he is much stronger than before, and it is necessary to kill the strong people of these black flornies. More relaxed.

Only this moment, the black flornies, except for the two people in Mo Lin and Emperor, have been all killed.

"Mix !!!"

Tulin saw this scene and did not feel.

These strong people can be the pillars of his black pyth, the black phand is almost here, but the result is a sword unparalleled instant.

"Not only they want to die, you must die."

The sword is unparalleled, and after killing the black phenomenon, they immediately killed the two people in Mo Lin and Di Yan.

"Worse." Emperor is very ugly.

They also perceived their own body shape, and the speed is not open, and now it is in the middle of the knots, this commences need chaotic crystal to support the prisoner Dragon Flag, in this comic, They can't escape.

"If you want to stop him, the juncture is extraordinary, and it is not easy to show it. He must not support it." Deni is low.

Mo Lin nodded, and then joined his hand with Di Yan, and the sword was blocked.


The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword is soaring, and the sword is separated.

This sword, combined with the power of three swords, fierce.

Emperor is immediately shot, directly to the tricks, the sword is unparalleled.

As for the inkille, it is also waving a giant ax, and the same wait is out.

Take the enemy!



A loud noise, the Emperor sent a sprint, and the figure was in an instant, so that Mellin was directly sprayed with a big blood.


The sword is unparalleled again. This sword is very fast, is a shadow, this sword, this sword, directly to the Mo Lin in the burst.

too fast!

Not only fast, but also contain a conscious attack.

The Mell Lin was seriously injured, and it was still in a burst, and the body shape couldn't stabilize. The sword was unparalleled.

"Do not!!!"

Mo Lin made a scream, but the beautiful sword was not paused, and he passed directly from his neck.


A huge head is flying out.

Black phard, a family, Chang Milin, was killed on the spot.


"Is it so strong?"

The Emperor's face changed, he thought that he was with MILIN. Although the enemy did not sword unparalleled, it could be unparalleled, and the rebound of the sword was unparalleled, but it was not easy to urgently.

They only need to drag to the reciprocating circles, their body shape is no longer influential, they can easily escape.

Who once thought that their two teamed up, just a photo, Mo Lin was killed on the spot.

The strength of the sword is unparalleled, far beyond his imagination.

"Mo Lin is dead, the old man is also dangerous." Emperor was cold, he had seen the sword unparalleled scorpion to lock him.

A murder, and it is directly covered.

He is able to feel the sword unparalleled to him.

If he is eloquent elsewhere, he is not afraid of the sword, but now in this comment ... His speed can't be played, fleeing and can't escape, the sword is unparalleled, it can be killed here.

"No dream road, fast, help me!"

Dream of Deni Dreams in the nearby void, his voice is very urgent, "Save me a life, this person loves me, I will not forget."

"Quickly shot."

Finally, Di Yan is almost roaring.

When I heard this, the dream road was still in the hands of the hands, but the eyes were very indifferent.

"I said early, I only shot the sword and unparalleled, since I killed him, then I will stop, as for this black pyth, there is a grievance between Deni and swords, but not with me. Any relationship. "There is no dream voice spread.

"Bastard!" Yu Yan curse a sentence.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled once again came to the inside of Defend.


The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword with amazing speed, strong horizontal, and the enemy attacks.

This emmy, couldn't resist it, just three swords, he was seriously injured.

The sword is unparalleled. It is still crazy to kill him.

"The sword is unparalleled, if you live, I am willing to give you sin!" Yu Yan hurried.

"Now I know the sin?" The sword is unparalleled, but the murder is not reduced.

Compared to the black pyth, the sword is unparalleled, it is this descend.

After all, this emperor began to find him more than once, but only before the sword didn't have a double, there was no way, can't kill him.

But now, since killing, swords are unparalleled will never be in love.

"No, no!" Yu Yan is crazy, "the sword is unparalleled, my father is the old ancestor, it is the hell of the ancestors!"

"Bawen ancestors?" The sword was unparalleled, but it was still laughing, "What is the heaven and the ancestors, he has heard it."

"You ..." Yu Yan was a hikest, and he didn't wait for him to open again. The sword was unparalleled once again killed him.

This time, he did not have any chance.


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