
The unbornful sword, with a sharp, directly destroyed the heavy defense of Deni, and finally bombarded the body of Di Yan.

The horrible power is completely broke out. This imperial is even if it is too late to make a miserable scream, and it is directly killed by the stretchable power.

The whole world, finally completely saved, only the burst of space was slowly healed.

"do you died?"

Many strong people in the rock, including the flood god, standing there, a shock of a face.

Just fierce battle, they can be seen from the end to the end.

Directly with the dreamlessness of the dream, the final strength broke through. Nowadays, it is more like a thunder's means, and all the many strong people in the black phantin are all killed. There is also the descendant and sword. Strength, completely shocking them.

Even now, they have not reacted.

After the truly reaction came over, the rock of the magic is now an earth-shattering cheer.


"The palace of the black pyth, the ink is dead ??"

"There is also the strong people of the black phand, but also all being killed, is killed by a unparalleled person?"

A shocking jubilant.

The sword is unparalleled, but his eyes are cold, overlooking the body of the place, but the bottom is secretly murd, "I just opened the Chunxi Keh Road, although the strength rose, but did not create Suitable for Chiangyang Jun Road, the kind of power is extremely terrible, otherwise I have to kill this descendant, never. "

The sword is unparalleled. After opening up the third Jianji Chiangyang Keng, his strength has reached a new level, and it should have been close to Tianzun. Even if he is with Xiao Em, Yun Emperor is not more than a lot. It is even possible to be more powerful, but there is no suitable sword, his Chiangyang Keng has not been able to completely play out.

"The sword is unparalleled." The sound sounded, and the dreams were honored.

"You have a little more admire you, not only the talents are high, but even the giler is extraordinary." Nuffally said: "Niyan said that his father is a herten, you still dare to kill him. Hey ... "

"Bawen ancestors?" The sword didn't have a double heart, but it asked: "No dreams, who is the old ancestor?"

"You really don't know?" There is no dream of the sword, but he just thought that the sword is unparalleled, but he didn't expect that swords did not really knew that heavenly ancestors.

"I don't think about it, I am actually from the void continent. I just arrived in the mainland. I didn't know how to renewed the mainland." The sword is unparalleled. "

"It turns out that, I said that if the old ancestors are so big, if you are born in the reincarnation of the mainland, I can't know." There is no dream, the eyebrows, the somewhere of the sword There is no double look.

"The sword is unparalleled, the heaven is not good!"

"If I haven't guess, the old ancestors should be a Tianzun?" The sword said unparalleled.

Nili's inflammation is already a three-way peak, but he also moved out of the Tianshi before the death, and the heavenly ancestor must be much stronger than him, naturally the strength of Tianzun.

"Yes, the old ancestors are a Tianzun, and in the sky, it is very unpleasant." There is no dream, "the sword is unparalleled, I don't know if you have seen the blood of this emmy ? "

"His blood, I know, it is a roast a Tiantian." The sword has no double.

"It is a swallowing tree." Nuff-up nodded, "You also know that in our reincarnation, there are many unique blood, although these blood are mostly thin, but the level is extremely high."

"Swallowing a nuta, even if it is in the vast ancient chaotic world, it is also very rare, the raceful blood, and in the reincarnation of the mainland, there are two strong people with the swallowing blood, these two people One is an intrigang you just killed, and the other is his father's heaven. "

"This Tianshi has been famous many years ago, and the strength is very good. It is one other one in Tianzun, and he acts crazy, can't be a day, it is not smooth, many years ago, because of crazy killing, cast His Herch is famous, in the fire industry, generally only mentioned that hellodes of the ancestors, no heart. "

"Even if I reincarnate ... Although there are many strong people, I have many strong people, and I have never put anyone else in my eyes, and there are several peak ethnic groups in the mainland. It is not a need to provoke this for this old ancestor. "

"You can say this, this domineering ancestors are an old monster that is crazy, cruel, and no one dares to provoke."

"And you now, but kill the only son of this old monster, you said that this old monster will revenge you crazy?"

If you hear a dream, the sword is quite wrong.

When I killed the Emperor before, he heard that the Tianshi's ancestor should be a Tianzun, but he didn't expect that this Tianshi actually had a niche, and the strength is extremely strong.

It's not a good thing to be stared at such a strong Tianzun.

"Take him, he wants to retaliate me, although it is." The sword laughed.

"You are really courageous." There is no dream and smile.

"Otherwise? Anyway, I have killed it, even if I want to regret it now, I can't come." The sword is unparalleled, but he never regrets any of the decisions that you do.

Since I decided to kill the ancient imperi, I dared to take this price.

How is the heaven?

I don't know how many times of the Douki, I'm still afraid of an old ancestor?

"There is no dream road, I can open up with you today, I can open up the third Jian Dao, if you have no urgent matter, it is better to stay, I invite you to drink a cup? Just, I also have some things, Want to ask you. "The sword said unparalleled.

"Of course, you can." No dreams did not refuse.

When the sword is unparalleled with no dreams, they go inside the rock magic, and the rock magic is naturally a very enthusiastic reception.

In the temple, the sword is unparalleled with the dreams, and there is a criterion before the two people, and there are beautiful wine before the criteria.

The sword is unparalleled with the dreams, while talking, while talking, as for the strong people of the rock, there is no coming.

"The sword is unparalleled. In fact, I really want to ask, do you really just a eternal?"

There is no dream, the prince is not a double.

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