"Do you really just a eternal?"

I heard a dreamless question, the sword is unparalleled, "the realm, I really is only eternal, but my blood is, but I have already reached the level of Kiki Road, I really want to say, now I am actually Dao Zun. "

The sword is unparalleled.

The retroactory of Eternal Night, is treated by people as a road in the vital chaotic world.

The power of his ancient god, also reached the Samsung level, and it is also comparable to the road.

So now, he is indeed a road.

"Is this? I said that if there is no other factor, you can't be strong in such an eternal city." No dreams respect.

The sword is unparalleled. After drinking a glass of wine, I am willing to ask: "There is no dream road, your strength is so strong, should it be a eight-step reincarnation?"

"Yes." No dreams nodded.

The sword is nothing, the bottom is not a seat, and it is solemn: "There is no dream road, I don't think about it, I will stay in this day, there is a stronger."

"Do you have anything?" There is no dream of honoring, and there is no accident, "Talk about it, if you can help, I will try my best."

There is no dream, and the dating is also broad.

Like the sword is unparalleled, it is a strong power, he is more fun to interact, if it can be helped, in general, he will not resolve.

"This is the case, two thousand years ago, one of my arrivals was selected as a reincarnation. I have two thousand years old, I don't know if I have died, I have been here to come from the void continent, it is In order to find his drop. "The sword is unparalleled.

"I went to find the golden clothes, the golden serve, paying a small price, let Jin Yizhen have been explored once, but did not find my favorite person, so I can only find a higher than Jin Yu. The eight-order reincarnation. "

"You want me to use permissions, go to your information about the person of the pro?" No dreams of honoring swords have seen.

"Yes." The sword is unparallled, "as long as you are willing to help, what price is needed, you can say."

There is no dream but frown.

"Is it difficult to have?" The sword asked.

"Sorry, this is busy, I am afraid that I can't help." There is no dreams shook his head.

"Why?" The sword has no double heart.

"It's not that I don't want to help you." There is no dream, you have a smile: "With your potential, as long as you don't fall, you will become the top character of the fire industry will be able to tear your relationship with you. You owe me, but you can't help this, I can't help. "

"The sword is unparalleled, you may not know, the power of the Temple of the Temple is actually divided into two categories. The first class is the responsibility of Jinshen, including those who choose the renewal. Alternatively, the law enforcement that is responsible for the Temple of the Temple of Temples and eliminates all disabilities! "

"These two types of strong, in different positions, you can also be called two major factions, these two factions have always been interference, like me, as a heavenly law enforcement, responsibility is to fight, Go back to the temple to go to kill, but those renewed information, I can't control, I can't help you find yours. "

"I don't want to check, I can't find it at all."

"Is this this?" The sword is unparalleled.

He has always been, as long as you find the eight-step reincarnation of the Temple of the Temple, you can find the message of all eight-step round, but it is not the case.

There are two major factions in the Temple of Returning. Those law enforcers are only responsible for the killing of the outside. As for the information of those reincarnations, they can't find it.

"The sword is unparalleled, the person you are going to find, should be the old man of the Temple of the Temple, the old house is old, is the eight-step reincarnation, and the selection of many reincarnations, the number of reincarnations below eight-order is One clear. "There is no dream.

"The old man is old?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The temple of the Temple of the Temple is old, I rarely deal, the only one is a little, there is one, I can introduce one or two." There is no dream.

The sword is nothing-eyed.

Although this has no dreams, he can't find his father's fall, but it is very good to give him an old man, it is very good.

"The old town is old, named Ding Mo, I will pass on him, and you take this inquiry, go to the sky, but the old man is quite weird, watching it on my face He should meet you, but when I see, I don't know. "There is no dream.

"Thank you." The sword is unparalleled, grateful.

"You don't have to be polite." There is no dream, but it is free to wave.

"Yes, there is no dream, I remember you mentioned the green fire palace before, what is the green palace?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Green Palace ..." No dreams respect your body and mind, but it is showing the color of the year, muttered in the mouth, "The Green Palace, I just listened, but there is no qualification, so I am The vol school, I know is not much. "

"I only know, the green palace is the aggregation point of the highest level of the green fire industry."

"It is necessary to have a very high threshold for the Qinghu Palace today. Under normal circumstances, only the strength reaches the level of Tianzun, will be invited by the Qinglu Palace, in addition, there are also the power of the fire industry, such as some great powerful It is generally eligible to enter the green palace. "

"It can be said that the entire green fire industry station is in the top of the top, and there are some top forces, and more than 90% is a green palace. It is like a reincarnation of the mainland, the peak ethnic group, And the void continent, the four nationals, are affiliated to the green palace. "

The sword is unparalleled, but I can't help but shock.

Temple in the Temple, the void Temple, the overlord of the two continents, is just a member of the Qinglu Palace?

What is terrible in the green palace?

"Yes, that domineering?" The sword has no double-sided colors suddenly, "According to what you said, the strongest of the hotfire circle almost all in the Qinglu Palace, the strength of the heavens What should I enter the green palace? "

"Of course, you can." There is no dream, "the strength, he is indeed eligible to enter the green palace, but it is a pity that this is unpopular, and it has always been in the past. It is said that he broke through the day. The green fire palace once invited him, but he was directly refused. "

"Reject?" The sword was unparalleled.

So many top pointers, including the two Temples, add the green palace, the green palace must have some special sense, can the heavenly ancestors will refuse?

"About the green palace, I will know these, swords are unparalleled, if you want to know more, wait for you to break through the sky, the people of the Green Palace will naturally invite you, etc. I really entered the green palace, Naturally, I will understand. "

There is no dream.

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